The Adult Fantasy Center on page 33 of Shapiro and Stefkovich (2016), will be us


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The Adult Fantasy Center on page 33 of Shapiro and Stefkovich (2016), will be us

The Adult Fantasy Center on page 33 of Shapiro and Stefkovich (2016), will be used in your team discussion.
In your designated group discussion rooms, discuss the case study, and through your dialogue answer the questions below. It is important that you reference the ethical paradigms you have learned (care, justice, profession, critique) as well as PSEL Standard 2.
Does Dr. Angela DiNardo have an ethical obligation not to visit the center?
Does Mr. Ted Tressler have an ethical obligation not to work at the center?
Who, if any, has the higher ethical obligation?
Is Dr. DiNardo a role model for students?
Is Mr. Tressler a role model for students?
Who is the greater role model? What is your reasoning?
Does the community have the right to challenge Dr. DiNardo or Mr. Tressler on their choices? Should the community be able to demand or dictate discipline of Dr. DiNardo or Mr. Tressler?
(This week covers the ethical paradigms in the context of the perennial dilemma of educators’ individual rights versus the standards/expectations of the community in which the school district is located. Where do educators’ individual rights begin and the community’s end? Or conversely, where do educators’ personal rights end and the community’s begin? Do community standards trump educators’ personal rights? If so, which rights and how many rights? All rights? How would you personally determine where to draw the line?
This week presents various intriguing case studies. There has been an ongoing debate about whether teachers have private lives or give up their rights to a private life upon employment as a teacher. Do you think teachers should retain a personal life protected from public scrutiny? Or should the teacher’s life and choices be entirely fair game for public scrutiny? Consider these as well as the following questions this week:
How would the ethic of care paradigm resolve this dilemma?
How would the ethic of justice paradigm resolve this dilemma?
How would the ethic of critique paradigm resolve this dilemma?
How would the ethic of profession paradigm resolve this dilemma?
Now that I have applied all four paradigms, how would I resolve this dilemma?
When should community standards trump individual rights?
When should individual rights trump community standards? I don’t have the books” Read Strike, Haller and Soltis (2005), Chapter 3, pp. 30-36.
Read Shapiro and Stefkovich (2016) pp. 33-35 and The Adult Fantasy Center case study, p. 36.
Read Shapiro and Stefkovich (2016) pp. 39-48.


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