Reading: “Renaissance primary source readings” (available on Blackboard) Instruc


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Reading: “Renaissance primary source readings” (available on Blackboard)

Reading: “Renaissance primary source readings” (available on Blackboard)
Instructions: Please let the following questions guide you as you work through the assigned
reading and create your homework response paper. A response paper should consist of at least
one double-spaced page, and no more than about three. Please email your homework response
paper to me by 11:59 PM on 2/20.
1) Give yourself some context. Who are the three writers whose texts you’re reading here?
Why are they important? Why are these texts important?
2) Describe the library Cincius Romanus visits in the first text. What does he find there?
What attitude does he hold towards the ancient Roman books? How does he feel about
books in general?
3) Turn to the second text now. Why does Alberti think it was easier to get good at the arts
in antiquity than it was in his own time? Do you think ancient art is better than
Renaissance art? (Sure! You get to have an opinion on that!)
4) Read the part where Alberti talks about his book “On Painting” on page 17 of the pdf.
What fields of study does he think a painter needs to know? Would you agree? What
language did he write that book in? Have you ever heard of that language before? Why
is it significant that he wrote the book in that language instead of Latin (which is the
language this letter was written in)?
5) Text three is one of very few this semester that we have read by women! Whoo hoo!
One of the aims of this text was to provide evidence for the author’s argument that
women CAN be political leaders. Describe de Pisan’s argument, and the historical
evidence she uses to back up that argument. Why do you think she drew evidence from
that particular part of the world instead of Europe, where she was from? Do you think
this means anything deeper about the difference between the western and eastern
traditions? (Just a thought!)


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