Generally, there is a structure that you will follow when implementing a series

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Generally, there is a structure that you will follow when implementing a series

Generally, there is a structure that you will follow when implementing a series of filial therapy sessions with parents and their children. For this assignment, you will create a general guide for setting up and implementing filial therapy sessions. Use the following questions to formulate your guide. To maintain this as an easy-to-use resource, answer these questions using bullet points.
– Identify the goals of filial therapy for children.
– Identify the goals of filial therapy for parents.
– Describe the type of information you provide to a parent at the beginning of play sessions.
– Explain how you will set up a session. What toys are needed for this session?
– Provide a review of the early, middle, and closing phases of filial therapy.
– Explain how will you instruct a parent in structuring and limit-setting skills.
– Identify the topics that should be discussed with parents in post-play-session discussions.
– Indicate how you will integrate systemic family therapy models into your filial therapy practice.
– Explain how you will ensure your use of this model is culturally relevant to diverse groups or
adapted to be culturally sensitive.
Length: 3-4 pages
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

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