Frederick Jackson Turner wrote an important paper about the importance of the We

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Frederick Jackson Turner wrote an important paper about the importance of the We

Frederick Jackson Turner wrote an important paper about the importance of the West to the development of the nation. Though historians in recent years have questioned some of his conclusions, his paper was deeply influential, and it still is. You can find a shortened version of Turner’s paper here.
In this assignment, you will be creating a Snapchat story (including at least five snaps) portraying what Turner argued; basically, imagine you are Turner, using Snapchat to make your argument. Use images you find online to illustrate each of his points, along with appropriate captions. Then, use Screen Record to make a video of your story and works cited (I used Notes on my phone to create the works cited page, by copy-and-pasting the Internet links into a note).
Remember, this is an Internet assignment, and I expect you to use the Internet to do research. I also expect you to cite your sources when you use them; the works cited page is not optional. Ordinarily, it would not be a good idea to use or Wikipedia or the like, but they actually can be an acceptable source for images, so this time you may use them.

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