Examine the ways the geography of ancient Egypt influenced religion.If the geography had been different, would the beliefs been different as well?


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Examine the ways the geography of ancient Egypt influenced religion.If the geography had been different, would the beliefs been different as well?

You may choose to do any of the three topics below.
Examine the ways the geography of ancient Egypt influenced religion. If the geography had been different, would the beliefs been different as well?
Examine the causes and impact of the Peloponnesian Wars. Were they ultimately good for the city-states or pave they way for their collapse?
Examine how Sargon I established the first empire. What were the deficiencies in this form of rule that caused the fall of the Akkadians?

Some sources you may want to consider are:
books on the subject
journal articles
magazine articles
reference works

You must use a minimum of five sources. Your sources must include:

Two books. Electronic or Google books are fine to use.
At least one journal or magazine article. A good place to get these is EBSCO or JSTOR.
No more than TWO internet sources, no including the above.

For any information that needs to be cited, you must use footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical notation. You must use one of these and be consistent throughout the paper. A paper without one of these three will receive an automatic zero. For information on how to credit sources I recommend you utilize the Success Center. You are required to use MLA format unless you receive prior approval.

The paper MUST:
be double-spaced
have margins no larger than one inch
be in a font size NO LARGER than 12
have at least 5 pages of text and be no longer than 8 pages
include a separate title page with, a title, your name, date of submission, and course number

Your grammar and spelling will be graded.

You must include a bibliography / work cited page. A paper without one will earn an automatic zero.
You will lose at letter grade, 10 points, for the following:
using less than 5 sources
using too many internet sources
using improper sources
if your paper is less than 5 FULL pages long
failing to credit your sources properly in the text
failing to credit your sources properly in your bibliography
if you do not number the pages on the pages of text
failing to include a proper title page.

Good luck. Start early. Early enough, so that if you have problems you will have time to fix them. If you are not sure about something, ASK!
Plagiarism is using another’s words as your own. Do not use sentences or phrases from any print source or the internet without properly crediting the source. The goal is to put the ideas completely in your own words to demonstrate your understanding of history. The tutors in the Success Center can help you develop the skills necessary to avoid plagiarism. The Indiana University Writing Tutorial service is online source for information on plagiarism that has useful information on acceptable (and unacceptable) paraphrasing http://indiana.edu/~wts/wts/plagiarism.html It is your responsibility to know what plagiarism is and to avoid it. “ I didn’t know this was plagiarism” is not an acceptable reason for doing it.
Copying directly from any written or electronic source will result in an F for the assignment, possibly the course, and other disciplinary action.


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