Pastoral or Designated Leadership Interview and Report In this assignment, you w

Pastoral or Designated Leadership Interview and Report
In this assignment, you w

Pastoral or Designated Leadership Interview and Report
In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to talk about spiritual authority with a church leade
Step 2: Once the interview has been conducted, discuss your findings in a written 3-4 page report (not counting the title page). Use the Interview Report Template. Include the following sections. (Each section should be a ½ page in length.)
1. Introduction: Introduce the person you interviewed. Share basic background information regarding their role as a leader in your local church body.
2. Body: Incorporate information from the interview responses.
a. Paragraph 1: Leadership Styles
i. Which type of the four following leadership styles do you feel that you primarily operate in (spiritual, visionary, intrapreneurial, or servant)? Why?
ii. Which leadership style do you feel is most effective in supporting spiritual authority in the setting of a church body?
b. Paragraph 2: Church Governance
i. What are some of the responsibilities of a Spirit-Led leader?
ii. How do these responsibilities correlate to church governance?
iii. What are some of the delegated authorities in your local church body?
c. Paragraph 3: Rebellion and Obedience
i. Have you ever had an experience where blatant rebellion affected your local congregation? If so, what were some of the repercussions of that situation?
ii. How can those who are followers avoid the pitfalls of rebellion against spiritual authority?
iii. What is the value of an obedient “follower” or saint to a man of God or church leadership?
d. Paragraph 4: Practical Application of Spiritual Authority
i. In his book, Spiritual Authority, Watchman Nee makes the statement: “The church suffers from many who do not know how to obey, but she is likewise damaged through some who have not learned how to be in authority.” What are your thoughts on this?
ii. What are some ways that I can be a blessing to my local assembly in support of the spiritual authority of this church body?
3. Conclusion: In a few sentences, summarize the main points of your paper.

INSTRUCTIONS Keller Précis A précis is a concise, accurate exposition of the aut

Keller Précis
A précis is a concise, accurate exposition of the aut

Keller Précis
A précis is a concise, accurate exposition of the author’s view(s) in a particular essay (such as a chapter, or a key portion of a text). For the purposes of this assignment you will synthesize and summarize the content of each chapter in “The Reason for God”, and then interact with the argument(s) made in ONE chapter of your choice on the subsequent page. This is to be your work, not the work of the collective powers of the internet. Read it, think about it, summarize it The first three pages are to be limited to exposition, and page four is to be limited to your interaction with, and assessment of, the author’s views in ONE chapter of your choice. In the first three pages, use the title of each chapter as a heading to introduce the chapter as a new section on the page. In the fourth/fith page, be careful not to merely give another summary of what the author is saying. Your interacWon with the content should include a brief statement of why you chose that particular topic/chapter with which to interact. Four total pages is sufficient, but five is permited.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you with argumentative writing. It will (1) help you concisely, yet accurately, represent an author’s views, and (2) help you assess them. Being both concise and precise are more challenging than it seems, and is an important skill. You do not need to use footnotes, but if you quote some material (this takes up a lot of space, so do only on a limited basis), give an in-text page reference in parentheses; e.g., (95). A simple heading is fine: just your name, then “Précis” followed by the author’s name and the book’s title. Use just 2 lines to do that. You will need the space.
Limit: 5 pages maximum. Turn this in via Canvas

Based on your reading, particularly Mission of God, pp. 20-69, and the first wee

Based on your reading, particularly Mission of God, pp. 20-69, and the first wee

Based on your reading, particularly Mission of God, pp. 20-69, and the first week PowerPoint presentation, discuss how the mission of God flows out of his relationship with us.In the light of your reading, discuss the transcendent and holy God revealed himself to humankind and invited us to engage in mission. What does the relational aspect of God mean to you and how does that motivate you to engage in mission.

each answer should be 250 words and in-text citation Did “complex marriage” play

each answer should be 250 words and in-text citation
Did “complex marriage” play

each answer should be 250 words and in-text citation
Did “complex marriage” play a role in the decline of the Oneida Community? Why or why not? Responses should be at least 250 words and include in-text citations such as (Noyes, 22) to support your points.
What is the biggest difference in the trajectories of the Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses? Why does that stand out for you? Responses should be at least 250 words and include in-text citations such as (Butler, 22) to support your points.
What aspects of the Shakers seem to create the greatest reaction from the outside world? Why? Responses should be at least 250 words and include in-text citations such as (Butler, 22) to support your points.
What aspects of the Church of Christ, Scientist seem to create the greatest reaction from the outside world? Why? Responses should be at least 250 words and include in-text citations such as (Butler, 22) to support your points.
What aspects of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints seem to cause tension with the “outside world?” Why? Responses should be at least 250 words and include in-text citations such as (Gaustad, 22) to support your points.

For this assignment, you will choose one library article and one Scripture (full

For this assignment, you will choose one library article and one Scripture (full

For this assignment, you will choose one library article and one Scripture (full assigned passage) from the Topic 7 and Topic 8 Resources.
For each of your two chosen readings, you will assimilate the knowledge you have gained and reflect on its value in your life.
You will demonstrate your understanding of integrating Christian worldview principles, Scripture, counseling theories into counseling practice, and their application to your personal professional counseling practices by completing the “Topics 7-8: Reading Report” document that includes an additional section at the end for an analysis of the growth of your personal counseling theory from the beginning of this course to the end. The reading report is to be completed in no more than a total of 1,200 words.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Hey, do this Hebrew summary just like the examples I gave. It has to be broken d

Hey, do this Hebrew summary just like the examples I gave. It has to be broken d

Hey, do this Hebrew summary just like the examples I gave. It has to be broken down just like the example. I need this just like the example provided verse by verse. Basically, it’s a breakdown of the Hebrew language to the English reader. just 3 pages. Please do not write more

This assignment is available in lesson: Unit 1: Leadership: What is it? Personal

This assignment is available in lesson: Unit 1: Leadership: What is it?

This assignment is available in lesson: Unit 1: Leadership: What is it?
Personal Leadership Assessment
In this assignment, you will review the assessments that you completed in Unit 1 – Exercises 1-3. You will use those completed assessments to fill in the following chart. The chart should be filled in with a minimum of three values per section:
your top three multiple intelligences,
your transformational leadership score,
your top three instrumental values and
your top four-terminal values.
Once the chart has been completed, for each assessment, write two paragraphs (in the appropriate section below the chart) in which you reflect on the following areas: your outcomes; and whether you agree or disagree with the outcomes and why or why not.
To complete this assignment, write a two-paragraph summary of your personal philosophy of leadership and write two paragraphs discussing the value of spirituality in Leadership. Each paragraph should be between 100 to 150 words.
Multiple Intelligences:
Transformational Leadership Score
Top three instrumental values:
Top three terminal values:
Multiple Intelligences:
(Minimum of 2 paragraphs)
Transformational Leadership Score (are you or are you not a transformational leader – what defines this?):
(Minimum of 2 paragraphs)
Instrumental Values:
(Minimum of 2 paragraphs)
Terminal Values:
(Minimum of 2 paragraphs)
Personal philosophy of leadership:
(Minimum of 2 paragraphs)
Why does Spirituality in Leadership have Value?
(Minimum of 2 paragraphs)
Your Top 3 Types of Intelligence
Interpersonal (Score of 97)
You’re able to recognize and understand the motivations and feelings of other people. Teachers, psychologists and salespeople have this intelligence.
Logical/Mathematical (Score of 91)
You appreciate abstract relationships. You use numbers effectively. Scientists, mathematicians and philosophers have this intelligence.
Intrapersonal (Score of 91)

Hey, do this Hebrew summary just like the examples I gave. It has to be broken d

Hey, do this Hebrew summary just like the examples I gave. It has to be broken d

Hey, do this Hebrew summary just like the examples I gave. It has to be broken down just like the example. I need this just like the example provided verse by verse. Basically, it’s a breakdown of the Hebrew language to the English reader.

Every other discussion board has several questions, however, this discussion onl

Every other discussion board has several questions, however, this discussion onl

Every other discussion board has several questions, however, this discussion only has one due to the importance of this topic.
It was discussed in module 2.0 that one of the key points of Hinduism is the belief in the ultimate reality called Brahman. Since there can be many lifetimes (samsara) in which an individual will live, it follows that the goal of living these many lives is to stop the endless cycle of birth by achieving moksha.
It is the case that if you achieve moksha, you will cease to exist and reunite with Brahman. There will be no you, no self. This claim seems to be the antithesis of most Abrahamic beliefs where the true self will exist forever in some afterlife.
Answer the following questions.
First, what do you think about this idea of non-existence, and does it bother you?Please post your original comment by February 7 at 11 pm.
Second, please politely respond to one other student before 11 pm on Sunday, February 11.
The topic reply is due by Wednesday, February 7 at 11 pm Pacific Standard Time.

1. (Original Content Only) (400 words) (APA citation) (In-text citations are a m

1. (Original Content Only) (400 words) (APA citation) (In-text citations are a m

1. (Original Content Only) (400 words) (APA citation) (In-text citations are a must)
Students will be required to participate in Discussion Boards as per the Course Schedule. There will be prompts for initial posts during the semester. Each initial post should be 400 in length and due by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. In addition, each student must respond to at least two initial postings of other students with probing questions that require a paragraph reply. These questions are due by Friday, 11:59 p.m. Finally, each student must respond to at least two questions to their original entry, either by the professor or other classmates, by Sunday, 11:59 p.m.
Step 1: Initial Post
Submit a 400-500 word essay (no more, no less). Follow these steps: a) Claim your topic. Choose one of the ten passages listed below, find the “Claim your Topic” thread in your group discussion board, and claim your topic by making a reply in that thread (do not claim your topic by creating a new thread!). It is first-come, first-served for claiming topics, and you must not repeat a topic! You are responsible for identifying which topics have been taken so you do not repeat them!John 2:13-25
John 4:1-42
John 7:37-39
John 12:1-8
John 21:15-19
1 John 1:5-10
1 John 2:7-17
1 John 4:7-21
2 John 4-11
Rev. 3:14-22
Your post should include the following:
To complete this assignment, you should consult three academic resources such as commentaries, journal articles, Bible dictionaries, the deSilva text, etc. Please remember that your Study Bible notes and ministry sites/blogs do not fit into this category and cannot be used. Since this is not a formal research paper, please include brief parenthetical citations, including author and page number, e.g. (deSilva, 98), and a bibliography (Turabian style) after your essay.

2. (Original Content Only) (700 words) (APA citation) (In-text citation are a must)
For this second Short Exegetical Paper, students will submit a 650-750 word (no more, no less) essay on Romans 4, keeping the theme of Abraham as the Grand Unifier in focus. Your essay should include the following:
Identify the author’s message to his original audience. In doing so, take the context into consideration (surrounding passages, overall theme of the gospel). Provide references, citations, and/or brief quotations from the gospel to support your points.
Identify any keywords (and their meanings) that contribute to the overall message of the passage.
Briefly suggest how this message can be applied to the message of the Kingdom of God today.
You should consult three to five commentaries, journal articles, Bible dictionaries, etc., to complete this assignment. Include footnotes and bibliography in Turabian format. No cover page is required.

3. (350 words) (APA citation) (In-text citation are a must)
Students will be required to participate in Discussion Boards as per the Course Schedule. There will be three questions during the semester. Each initial post should be at least 350 words in length due by Thursday, 11:59 pm
Select a scripture or portion from each of the following sapiential works – Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job – that best encapsulates, in your view, that book’s didactic interests. Comment on why you think this selection is the best summary of that book. Then, reflect on the three selections as a way of developing a view of biblical wisdom. That is, how do the three independent selections read in relation to one another?