1. (Original Content Only) (400 words) (APA citation) (In-text citations are a m


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1. (Original Content Only) (400 words) (APA citation) (In-text citations are a m

1. (Original Content Only) (400 words) (APA citation) (In-text citations are a must)
Students will be required to participate in Discussion Boards as per the Course Schedule. There will be prompts for initial posts during the semester. Each initial post should be 400 in length and due by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. In addition, each student must respond to at least two initial postings of other students with probing questions that require a paragraph reply. These questions are due by Friday, 11:59 p.m. Finally, each student must respond to at least two questions to their original entry, either by the professor or other classmates, by Sunday, 11:59 p.m.
Step 1: Initial Post
Submit a 400-500 word essay (no more, no less). Follow these steps: a) Claim your topic. Choose one of the ten passages listed below, find the “Claim your Topic” thread in your group discussion board, and claim your topic by making a reply in that thread (do not claim your topic by creating a new thread!). It is first-come, first-served for claiming topics, and you must not repeat a topic! You are responsible for identifying which topics have been taken so you do not repeat them!John 2:13-25
John 4:1-42
John 7:37-39
John 12:1-8
John 21:15-19
1 John 1:5-10
1 John 2:7-17
1 John 4:7-21
2 John 4-11
Rev. 3:14-22
Your post should include the following:
To complete this assignment, you should consult three academic resources such as commentaries, journal articles, Bible dictionaries, the deSilva text, etc. Please remember that your Study Bible notes and ministry sites/blogs do not fit into this category and cannot be used. Since this is not a formal research paper, please include brief parenthetical citations, including author and page number, e.g. (deSilva, 98), and a bibliography (Turabian style) after your essay.

2. (Original Content Only) (700 words) (APA citation) (In-text citation are a must)
For this second Short Exegetical Paper, students will submit a 650-750 word (no more, no less) essay on Romans 4, keeping the theme of Abraham as the Grand Unifier in focus. Your essay should include the following:
Identify the author’s message to his original audience. In doing so, take the context into consideration (surrounding passages, overall theme of the gospel). Provide references, citations, and/or brief quotations from the gospel to support your points.
Identify any keywords (and their meanings) that contribute to the overall message of the passage.
Briefly suggest how this message can be applied to the message of the Kingdom of God today.
You should consult three to five commentaries, journal articles, Bible dictionaries, etc., to complete this assignment. Include footnotes and bibliography in Turabian format. No cover page is required.

3. (350 words) (APA citation) (In-text citation are a must)
Students will be required to participate in Discussion Boards as per the Course Schedule. There will be three questions during the semester. Each initial post should be at least 350 words in length due by Thursday, 11:59 pm
Select a scripture or portion from each of the following sapiential works – Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job – that best encapsulates, in your view, that book’s didactic interests. Comment on why you think this selection is the best summary of that book. Then, reflect on the three selections as a way of developing a view of biblical wisdom. That is, how do the three independent selections read in relation to one another?


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