context for questions: Mastermind is a game in which you have to guess a hidden


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context for questions:
Mastermind is a game in which you have to guess a hidden

context for questions:
Mastermind is a game in which you have to guess a hidden code made of 4 “color pegs” (a tuple), from a set of 7 colors {R,G,B,Y,W,K,O}. The code maker responds to your guess with smaller “key pegs,” which are black or white (a multiset) and indicate exact or color matches with the code. (More precise definition below.)
several students were asked to answer/fix the chat gpt mistakes of questions. an example is listed below. This only serves to give context for the questions in the pdf. there were a bunch of questions like this, but this is one example.
question #1.
You are playing Mastermind by making a guess that is a 4-tuple drawn from a set of 7 color pegs, {R,B,G,Y,W,K,O} (order matters, repeats allowed). The codemaker responds with a multiset 0 to 4 black or white key pegs (order doesn’t matter; repeats allowed). Each b indicates some guess peg matches the code in position and color; w indicates some guess peg has a right color in the wrong position. (A more precise statement of the rules is in CW#30.)
You want to know how many codes are consistent with the response to your guess, because that is the first step to narrowing this down to one code.
Here is your guess and the response:


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