Watch the video posted above titled “Modernizing Public Warning Messaging”.Concisely summarize some of the key learnings from each week’s assigned video and readings


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Watch the video posted above titled “Modernizing Public Warning Messaging”.Concisely summarize some of the key learnings from each week’s assigned video and readings

Watch the video posted above titled “Modernizing Public Warning Messaging”.
Post a summary (minimum of 350 words) of the week’s video posted on Blackboard
Concisely summarize some of the key learnings from each week’s assigned video and readings. The simplest format for the summary would consist of a heading for each article, chapter or other text assigned, followed by brief paragraphs that answer the following questions:
What were the key points of the readings and of the video?
What, if any, new concepts did you learn?
How did the reading connect to key ideas in previous readings in the course and the video?
What questions arose as you completed the readings?
Week 7: Learning ObjectivesWeek 7: Learning Objectives
Examine six case studies of emergency management capabilities in East Asia, South Asia, South America, Oceania, and Europe
Identify factors that cause variation in policy choices
Understand legal Issues and future directions in emergency management


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