Strict, 500 WORD LIMIT on the initial post. Anything beyond that will not be gra


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Strict, 500 WORD LIMIT on the initial post. Anything beyond that will not be gra

Strict, 500 WORD LIMIT on the initial post. Anything beyond that will not be graded. So edit. Be concise.
Select an image that represents. . Do some research about the image and the artist and know something about them…. Write a PERSONAL REFLECTION about what the image is and about what it means to YOU and how it informs YOUR your life or YOUR experience. This is the most critical item. DO NOT just write a high school book report about the image or the artist, informed by a few dull, Generic facts cribbed out of wikipedia or worse, padded with AI generated rhetoric. That’s a rip off, and it’s not what this assignment is about. I’m not going to give any student much for that sort of thing, so please be awaire
Write with your own voice. Don’t try to sound like an Art critic or a travelogue reporter, god forbid. Proof read for sense and spelling by all means but never undermine your own voice.
Traditional testing tells me which facts about the course content you have have acquired, but discussions tell me how you’re applying that knowledge. Both are vital, and weigh equally in your grade assessment. In fact, no student may pass this course without the ability to put thoughts into written English. Make no mistake, literacy is a big deal. It’s also a project requirement. A few Students have tried to pass this course without doing any written assignments…. WITH NO IMAGE VISIBLE WILL NOT BE GRADED


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