speech should be 5-7 minutes in length. The information MUST come from at least


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speech should be 5-7 minutes in length. The information MUST come from at least

speech should be 5-7 minutes in length. The information MUST come from at least 3 written sources and needs at least 5 different types of supporting material (quote, stories, states, analogies, definitions, descriiptions, specific instance) Must have an outline and a completed bibliography.
Informative Speech Outline
Purpose: To provide information on the benefits of music on one’s health and the brain.
I. A physician and author named Debasish Mridha once said “Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.”
II. Music is a universal language that most of us take part in — in the car, singing in shower,
going to concerts etc. Interacting with music seems like a normal thing to do, but there are things music can do that can positively impact our minds and bodies.
III. Music can be beneficial to us as it has effects on our brains that benefit our health.
IV. Music can help reduce stress, boost your mood, and improve memory.
I. Music reduces/relieves stress hormone cortisol.
A. 80 patients undergoing surgery, half listened to music
B. Music effect on stress task
II. Music can help boost mood.
A. Releases dopamine in the brain
B. 60 adults with chronic pain
C. Beat of a song influences heart rate, singing with other people produces positive emotions
III. Music helps improve memory and focus.
A. Instrumental genres or classical music help when studying
B. Documentary Alive Inside effect of music on dementia patients
I. Music has been proven to alleviate stress, affects and boosts mood, and improves memory and focus.
II. Music can be beneficial to us in several different ways that benefit our overall well-being.
III. Whether you are having a bad day, studying for finals, or are feeling nervous about delivering your speech, taking a moment to listen to your favorite song or a relaxing instrumental track can help you ease your nerves and make your day better.
The Powerful Effect of Music On the Brain. (2018, February 01). Retrieved June 25, 2020, from
Publishing, H. (2011, July). Music and health. Retrieved June 25, 2020, from
Publishing, H. (2015, February). Music can boost memory and mood. Retrieved June 25, 2020,
from https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/music-can-boost-memory-and-mood
Kazilek. (2014, June 13). Does Playing Music Reduce Stress? Retrieved June 25, 2020, from
Admin. (2019, August). How Does Music Affect Your Mood?: Music and Emotion Relationship.
Retrieved June 25, 2020, from https://www.aimm.edu/blog/how-does-music-affect-your-mood


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