Respond to this student’s post with a 250-300-word reply, citing PEER-REVIEWED f


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Respond to this student’s post with a 250-300-word reply, citing PEER-REVIEWED footnotes per Turabian format, author-bibliography style.
1st attachment – student’s post I am responding to. 2nd attachment: Article by Allison and Köstenberger.
This is the Prompt question: Why is the giving of the Spirit in the New Testament so pivotal in the Bible and Christian history?
Substantive discussion with REQUIRED READINGS:
oGraham A. Cole. He Who Gives Life: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, 2007 (CHAPTERS 7 and 8)
oSinclair B. Ferguson. The Holy Spirit, Contours of Christian Theology, 1996 (CHAPTERS 3 and 4)
oGregg R Allison and Andreas J. Köstenberger, “The Holy Spirit in the New Testament and in the Gospels,” in The Holy Spirit: Theology for the People of God, eds. David S. Dockery, Nathan A. Finn, and Christopher W. Morgan (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2020), 53–80.
Must support work with footnotes and must be formatted with Turabian
Concise language
Staying with allotted word limitation (250-300 words)
Responses: substantive reaction


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