Please respond to following two post individually: 1. LW-Summary judgment result


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Please respond to following two post individually:
1. LW-Summary judgment result

Please respond to following two post individually:
1. LW-Summary judgment results from a lack of evidence or support for the plaintiff’s allegations. The courts use it when the plaintiff’s claim doesn’t have substantial evidence to support their claim that would be cause for trial. I considered this a sports aspect when a referee decides based on the rules and evidence presented.
Public-sector employment includes organizations that fall under the local, state, or federal governments. Examples include military forces, Department of the Army civilians, emergency services (911), and the U.S. Postal Service. The government doesn’t regulate private-sector employment and includes organizations like local grocery stores, beauty supply stores, gas stations, and internet companies.
I believe that the public sector exercises the best business practices. The video was accurate regarding employees’ behavior when dealing with customers; however, it didn’t cover other pertinent aspects. These aspects include the laws governing these companies, how employees are treated by their employers, and training provided to employees outside of their daily duties and responsibilities.
2. GW- After reading the text, describe what a summary judgment is and when it is used by the court. A summary judgment is a judgment entered by a court for one party and against another party without a full trial. In civil cases, either party may make a pre-trial motion for summary judgment. Rule 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure governs summary judgment for federal courts.
2. Explain the difference between public and private sector employment in terms of what organizations fall under each of the sector. The difference between public and private sector employment is that government employees in public sector positions focus on providing services to their community, while private sector jobs are intended to produce a profit by selling products and services to people in the community. The Department of Labor distinguishes between the two types of employers for specific regulations like meal break requirements and labor laws (like the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
3. After reviewing the video and reading the text, which sector (private or public) do you believe have exercise the best employment practices. Both the public and private sectors have their own unique employment practices. The public sector is composed of government agencies at federal, state, and municipal levels. Public sector organizations are generally funded by tax dollars and aim to provide services to the public, such as education and welfare. Public sector employees are individuals who work for government agencies and are provided with stable employment and benefits packages. On the other hand, the private sector is composed of businesses that are not owned by the government and are primarily focused on generating a profit. Private sector businesses can range in size from large corporate organizations to individually owned and operated businesses. Private sector employees are generally funded by revenue and can have lucrative earning potential. I believe the private sector have the better exercise the best employment practices. I’m all about customer service!


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