INSTRUCTIONS Keller Précis A précis is a concise, accurate exposition of the aut


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Keller Précis
A précis is a concise, accurate exposition of the aut

Keller Précis
A précis is a concise, accurate exposition of the author’s view(s) in a particular essay (such as a chapter, or a key portion of a text). For the purposes of this assignment you will synthesize and summarize the content of each chapter in “The Reason for God”, and then interact with the argument(s) made in ONE chapter of your choice on the subsequent page. This is to be your work, not the work of the collective powers of the internet. Read it, think about it, summarize it The first three pages are to be limited to exposition, and page four is to be limited to your interaction with, and assessment of, the author’s views in ONE chapter of your choice. In the first three pages, use the title of each chapter as a heading to introduce the chapter as a new section on the page. In the fourth/fith page, be careful not to merely give another summary of what the author is saying. Your interacWon with the content should include a brief statement of why you chose that particular topic/chapter with which to interact. Four total pages is sufficient, but five is permited.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you with argumentative writing. It will (1) help you concisely, yet accurately, represent an author’s views, and (2) help you assess them. Being both concise and precise are more challenging than it seems, and is an important skill. You do not need to use footnotes, but if you quote some material (this takes up a lot of space, so do only on a limited basis), give an in-text page reference in parentheses; e.g., (95). A simple heading is fine: just your name, then “Précis” followed by the author’s name and the book’s title. Use just 2 lines to do that. You will need the space.
Limit: 5 pages maximum. Turn this in via Canvas


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