In the context of the Qatar blockade, the concept of “Communities of Feeling” elucidates how shared emotions, initially fueled by anxiety, were harnessed to bolster patriotism and loyalty to the leadership


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In the context of the Qatar blockade, the concept of “Communities of Feeling” elucidates how shared emotions, initially fueled by anxiety, were harnessed to bolster patriotism and loyalty to the leadership

What the topic is about: In the context of the Qatar blockade, the concept of “Communities of Feeling” elucidates how shared emotions, initially fueled by anxiety, were harnessed to bolster patriotism and loyalty to the leadership. Examining the “Directionality of Emotions,” it becomes apparent how these emotions were strategically mobilized to strengthen national unity and support for the government amidst the crisis, while also considering the potential demobilizing effects of fear and uncertainty. Furthermore, the notion of “Moral Shocks” highlights how the sudden imposition of the blockade disrupted existing moral frameworks, prompting emotional responses that reshaped political attitudes and allegiance within Qatari society.
The proposal should include clearly marked sections:
-Statement of topic
-Thesis paragraph
-Literature Review
On the difference between a lit review and an annotated bibliography–a lit review is a narrative that interprets, combines, and relates a set of texts together, putting them in conversation with one another to characterize the literature on a particular topic and to set up your own contribution to it, while an annotated bibliography is simply a set of discrete summaries. A lit review should be written in essay form, and should not treat each text separately, but rather identify commonalities and differences in concepts, theory, methodology, etc.
-Case Background
The proposal should be 4-6 pages (not including title page or bibliography, 12-point font and one-inch margins, with page numbers) and may be on any topic that relates to the themes of the course. Papers must substantively engage at least 4 sources from the syllabus, though you are encouraged to use supplemental literature.
Use all 4 readings attached with additional sources (Chapter 4 of the Hutchinson reading in relevant to this research topic)


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