This is your section to ask questions, reply, and provide feedback about the wee

This is your section to ask questions, reply, and provide feedback about the week prior, class, and program support to help us all grow a class. Be sure your post adds value to the class and is well thought out. If you attended the Blackboard Collaborate Session or Office hours, please state that in the comment section to receive participation points. Feel free to participate via all avenues.
The standards for this section are as follows:
Respect others’ rights to hold opinions and beliefs that differ from your own. Challenge or criticize the idea, not the person.
Listen or read carefully to what others are saying even when you disagree with what is being said. Comments that you make (asking for clarification, sharing critiques, expanding on a point, etc.) should reflect that you have paid attention to the speaker’s comments.
Be courteous.
Support your statements. Use evidence and provide a rationale for your points
Allow everyone the chance to communicate. If you have much to say, try to hold back a bit; if you are hesitant to communicate, look for opportunities to contribute to the discussion.

You will access the book (Introduction to Psychology Gateways to Mind & Behavior

You will access the book (Introduction to Psychology Gateways to Mind & Behavior ) and search for a topic of interest to write your research paper, and you will use this topic rather than a topic I would choose. I am giving you the autonomy to write/investigate about a topic that is related to the class, presented, discussed/explained in the textbook and of your interest. This is a scientific research paper; therefore, you must follow the APA guidelines.
This is only a general guide if you need to learn how to start writing a literature Review or scientific research.
It varies according to the theme and topic, and required version, in this case, you will be following the student version with the distinction of including and abstract page. No copy and paste are allowed as it cannot be accepted, and Turnitin reports the similarity, and if it is above the acceptance range, it is penalized as plagiarism. Your similarity should not be higher than 20-23%.
A good topic to develop your work could be Evidence-based therapies for specific disorders.
The paper must have five pages of content following APA 7th format and guidelines. 
The cover page (1) or Presentation page must consist of the following:
Title Page following APA 7th edition guidelines for student’s paper.
Next page – Abstract page (1) Is a paragraph (at least eight lines) 
Content pages (5) this is what you find after doing the literature research and your personal opinions.
Reference page (1). Make sure it is written using the name of the journals, books, or any proper reference. 
Total Pages: seven; cover/title page, five content pages, reference page.
In addition, it must be typed using APA 7th edition format, Times New Roman, and font 12. Double spaced, proper use of headings, correct text-inter-text citations.
Research findings from a Database to support your information. It includes at least three (3) academic/scholarly journals (Primary Sources) from journals in Psychology.
You must upload your paper in word format. I will not accept nor evaluate documents that are uploaded as pdf documents.
If you need guidance with writing your essay, please contact the writing studio staff for assistance with your APA format.

Describe your academic and professional goals, your motivation to attend graduat

Describe your academic and professional goals, your motivation to attend graduate school, and how you hope to contribute to your program and profession upon earning a Master’s degree.
In your essay you should address the following issues:
What personal values and experiences inform your choice to pursue a degree in Clinical and Counseling Psychology? Discuss how your background and interests reflect the program’s goals to value human diversity and ethical and social responsibility.
Discuss how the theoretical orientation(s) of the program (psychodynamic and family systems) resonates with your understanding of people?
How does the curriculum (concentrations or generalist) in the Masters in Clinical and Counseling Psychology program fit with your professional goals?
Cite sources if utilzed (informal). Essays will be evaluated both for content and for writing style.
I would like to take what I have written (attached) and expand on it in terms on addressing all questions and increasing the caliber of writing quality.

​​​​Post at least 3 pictures of objects that you think represent various periods

​​​​Post at least 3 pictures of objects that you think represent various periods of development. Write a short description of why you think that object represents that specific period of development. When you respond to other students, think about if the object they described as representative of one period of development can also represent another period of development.
(if you have trouble uploading a picture, you can use a description of what object you have chosen, i.e. write “coffee mug” instead of ☕) 

To prepare for this Discussion: Review the article “Therapeutic Responses of Psy

To prepare for this Discussion:
Review the article “Therapeutic Responses of Psychopathic Sexual Offenders: Treatment Attrition, Therapeutic Change, and Long-Term Recidivism” in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the efficacy of different treatment approaches for sex offenders.
Identify a specific treatment approach for treating one group of sex offenders that is of particular interest to you.
Conduct an academic search in the Walden Library and select at least one scholarly article from a peer-reviewed journal that discusses the treatment approach you selected. Ensure that the treatment demonstrates efficacy in the treatment of your selected offender group.
Think about the unique characteristics of the sex offender group you selected and reflect on considerations related to their treatment.
Consider the challenges you might encounter when using the specific treatment approach with your selected group of sex offenders. Reflect on how you would address these challenges.
Review the course document, Treatment Outcome Models provided in the introduction area to this week’s discussion.
Think about how the success of the treatment approach could be evaluated with each treatment outcome model.
Select one treatment outcome model that you think would be most effective for measuring the success of the treatment approach and consider why.
a brief description of the research article you selected. Include the type of sex offender and treatment approach. Then explain which treatment outcome model you would use to measure program success and why.
Olver, M. E., & Wong, S. C. P. (2009). Therapeutic responses of psychopathic sexual offenders: Treatment attrition, therapeutic change, and long-term recidivism.Links to an external site. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77(2), 328–336.

Early or Late Selection Theory In your readings this week, you have learned abou

Early or Late Selection Theory
In your readings this week, you have learned about different theories regarding how information is selected in attention for further mental processing. These theories are categorized as either early selection or late selection theories. After completing the readings for this week, find an article discussing either an early or late selection theory. Summarize the article and address the following questions regarding the article in your post:
Is the theory classified as an early or late selection theory?
How might when information is selected for additional processing impact the types of information that take priority from a theoretical perspective?
Do you think there are clear differences between early and late selection theories of attention? Why or why not? What might best differentiate the two types of theories?

Essay Requirements: Length requirement = two or more full pages Is written most

Essay Requirements:
Length requirement = two or more full pages
Is written mostly in own words, with direct quotes only when necessary
No AI, plagiarism, etc
Is well-organized into paragraphs, with complete sentences and free of typos
Is thoughtful
Answers all questions fully
Essay: Conformity, Compliance and Obedience
First, explain the difference between conformity, compliance and obedience. Why are these both vital and potentially dangerous in society?
Next, describe Stanley Milgram’s original study and what was found. Give some historical context, why did he choose to do the study?
Then, explain the Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment and what was found. Give some historical context about the time period in which the study was done.
Finally, what thoughts and conclusions do you have about these studies? Were they ethical?

The system for providing health care in the United States differs from most othe

The system for providing health care in the United States differs from most other developed countries, but these countries also differ from each other. Click on the links, and do your own professional research, on comparing healthcare systems from other countries with that of the United States. Respond to the following questions in your post:
What changes do you think need to be made to the health care delivery system in the United States?
Do you think the United States should have government-funded health care for all citizens? If so, how do you suggest we fund it?
Do you think that employers should be required to provide health insurance for all employees?
What changes do you recommend to the health care delivery system to make it more available for more people?
Do the people that are in the most need of health care receive it?
Which populations are most underserved?
Some links to get you started —
Explore these sites: