In this unit, you will learn about cognitive development in middle childhood and

In this unit, you will learn about cognitive development in middle childhood and adolescence. Several different theories have been proposed to help describe children’s thinking. In this discussion, you will consider the strengths and weaknesses of Piaget’s theory and the Information Processing perspective in describing middle childhood cognitive development. As we move into the adolescence period, adolescent thinking is more mature and reflective; however, it is not quite adult-like yet. In this discussion, you will also explore some of the unique ways of adolescent thinking.
Please respond to the following:
Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory and the information processing perspective are two theories that are commonly used to describe children’s cognitive development. For both theories, explain what you believe correctly describes middle childhood cognitive development and what you believe does not accurately describe middle childhood cognitive development.
Adolescent cognitive changes are reflected in many aspects of adolescents’ everyday behavior, including self-concern, idealism, criticism, and faulty decision making (Berk, 2022). In a sentence or two describe the following ways of adolescent thinking:
Imaginary audience and personal fable
Idealism and criticism
Faulty decision making
Provide a real-life example of how one of these ways of adolescent thinking influenced your adolescent development or the adolescent development of someone you know.

For this assignment, revise the Methods from the Research Report in PSY-452. You

For this assignment, revise the Methods from the Research Report in PSY-452. You are required to keep the following sections: participants, materials/instruments/apparatuses, procedures, and design. As you make revisions to the Methods make sure to include the following information in each section:
Introduction paragraph: Describe the need for additional research on your topic, which you found and pointed to at the end of the literature review. State the purpose of your study in a problem statement or hypothesis. Finally, write a thesis statement which describes what the purpose of this section of the paper is: to present the methods including participants, materials, procedures, and design, that will be used to conduct the study.
Participants: In this section, you are only to focus on presenting the demographic of those who can participate in your study. You will also present any excluding factors that are not implied when stating who can participate. Be specific about any factors that would be included in the study (i.e. age, gender, race/ethnicity, SES, education level, etc.). Include how many participants you will need to conduct the study. Your sample size should be based upon how you plan to generalize the results. In other words, to whom would the results be applied?
Materials/Instruments/Apparatuses: List all materials you will need to conduct your study. Do not discuss how they will be used, just state what you need (i.e. tables, chairs, a room, pencils, surveys, a computer to create surveys, send them out and store the data, etc.)
Procedures: Make sure this section is written in detail. You will begin with providing informed consent and write detailed directions that you will follow (in paragraph format) to conduct this study. It should be so clearly written that another researcher could replicate your study.
Design: Describe the design of your study (descriptive, correlational, qualitative, quantitative and/or experimental). Also, describe how participants are assigned to groups if applicable (i.e. within/between).
Conclusion paragraph: Summarize the main points from the whole research proposal.

Assignment Overview Students will participate in online asynchronous discussions

Assignment Overview
Students will participate in online asynchronous discussions with classmates on the Conners and Capell (2021) chapters and assigned readings.
The purpose of this assignment is to gain an understanding of the content by annotating, asking questions, engaging in conversations with peers, and making connections. Use these opportunities to have conversations and ask critical questions about the practice of ABA for culturally diverse populations.
Perusall works with your course text to create a collaborative environment for you and your classmates to create a dialogue around the course reading.
In Perusall you can:
Annotate the course reading
Share insights and understandings about the reading
Ask questions about the reading
Comment on important points made by classmates
Take personal notes on the reading that are connected to the exact location and phrase.
To learn how to begin using Perusall and the annotation tools watch this demonstration.
In each Perusall assignment, you will need to add at least 10 comments per chapter or article. When the same readings are assigned across two modules, you will be expected to complete your Perusall discussions by the end of the second module. You must also respond to at least 3 peers per reading per Module. If you add at least 10 high-quality annotations, you will receive the full 20 points of credit for the assignment.
Important Note on Accessing Perusall: To avoid login issues, make sure you always access Perusallfrom within Canvas.
Students are required to post at least 10 annotations per chapter and article, which must include at least three responses. Each response should address the comments of a different peer, ensuring at least one response per peer for at least three classmates.
Avoid off-topic discussions.
Respond respectfully to team members; refrain from using language that is inappropriate for a professional setting (i.e., cursing, put-downs, sarcasm, slurs, etc.).
Treat your team members as you wish to be treated.
A high-quality comment should reveal your interpretation of the text and demonstrate your understanding. For example, you can use analogy or synthesize texts or readings. Your comments should be thoughtful with elaboration on the process using substantiated claims and/or concrete examples. Your question should go beyond the materials covered in the text. See some examples of annotations here.
This tool needs to be loaded in a new browser window.

We are required to present the psychologist Gordon Allport’s life for 12 mins in

We are required to present the psychologist Gordon Allport’s life for 12 mins in total. The sections for each group members are
1) Personal Life, 2) Past Influences, 3) Criticism and Challenges, 4) Legacy and Impact
Mine is number 3. I need you to prepare a presentation on Criticism and Challenges. Please provide the slides to show ant its explanation per slide (this is what Im gonna say during presentation) also resources.
that may help to you, but that is too long so you can make it shorter or mix them up. its to you.
Slide 1: Title Slide
Title: “Gordon Allport: Criticism and Challenges”
Your Name
Briefly introduce the topic and yourself.
State that this section will cover the criticisms and challenges faced by Gordon Allport in his career.
Slide 2: Introduction to Criticism
Heading: “Introduction to Criticism”
Bullet points:Overview of Allport’s main contributions.
Mention that while Allport was influential, he faced significant criticism.
Introduce Gordon Allport’s work and highlight the importance of discussing both his achievements and the criticisms he faced.
Slide 3: Criticism 1 – Lack of Scientific Rigor
Heading: “Lack of Scientific Rigor”
Bullet points:Critics argued Allport’s work was too philosophical.
His focus on individuality over empirical methods was seen as a weakness.
Explain that Allport’s emphasis on personal individuality and qualitative methods led to critiques about the lack of empirical, scientific rigor in his research.
Slide 4: Criticism 2 – Trait Theory Limitations
Heading: “Trait Theory Limitations”
Bullet points:Oversimplification of human personality.
Debate over the stability of traits across different situations.
Discuss how critics felt Allport’s trait theory was too simplistic and did not account for the complexity and variability of human behavior.
Slide 5: Criticism 3 – Overemphasis on Conscious Motivation
Heading: “Overemphasis on Conscious Motivation”
Bullet points:Critics argued Allport neglected unconscious processes.
Compared unfavorably to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory.
Detail how Allport’s focus on conscious motivation was seen as a limitation, especially in comparison to Freud’s more comprehensive exploration of the unconscious.
Slide 6: Challenges – Academic Acceptance
Heading: “Challenges in Academic Acceptance”
Bullet points:Struggled to gain recognition from behaviorists.
Resistance from the academic community due to his holistic approach.
Explain the challenges Allport faced in gaining acceptance from the dominant behaviorist and psychoanalytic schools of thought in his time.
Slide 7: Overcoming Challenges
Heading: “Overcoming Challenges”
Bullet points:Persistence in promoting humanistic psychology.
Influence on future psychological research and theories.
Discuss how Allport persisted despite criticism and how his work laid the groundwork for humanistic psychology and influenced future researchers.
Slide 8: Lasting Critiques
Heading: “Lasting Critiques”
Bullet points:Ongoing debates about trait theory.
Continuing evaluation of Allport’s impact on psychology.
Mention that despite his legacy, some of the critiques of Allport’s work persist in contemporary psychology.
Slide 9: Conclusion
Heading: “Conclusion”
Bullet points:Recap of main criticisms and challenges.
Acknowledgement of Allport’s lasting influence despite critiques.
Summarize the main points discussed and conclude with the notion that while Allport faced significant criticism, his contributions to psychology remain influential.
“The Nature of Prejudice” by Gordon W. Allport.
“Personality: A Psychological Interpretation” by Gordon W. Allport.
Funder, D. C. (1997). “The Personality Puzzle.” Norton.
Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2016). “Theories of Personality.” Cengage Learning.
List the primary sources and textbooks where the information was gathered from, providing a basis for further reading.

Write a 2-3 page essay describing the core treatment interventions in psychoanal

Write a 2-3 page essay describing the core treatment interventions in psychoanalysis and modern therapies. If you were to choose a therapist practicing one of the techniques presented in this section, which kind of therapist would you choose and why? Each of these therapies has distinguishing characteristics in their treatment approach. Be sure to explain which characteristics of the treatment are most compatible with you and why. Paper Specifications: Include Title and Reference Page, no abstract needed Paper should be double spaced, 12 point font Paper should include subheadings to separate each topic Paragraphs should be indented on the first line of each paragraph Page Length: 2-3 pages (full page) Websites are not considered peer reviewed sources (i.e Wikipedia) APA

First, describe PTSD in your own words. Imagine you are describing it to a frien

First, describe PTSD in your own words. Imagine you are describing it to a friend or relative with no psychology-related training. Be sure to indicate how it relates to abnormal behavior. Next, discuss how the DSM could assist you in diagnosis of PTSD. Be sure to discuss the four criteria for identifying psychological disorders via the DSM (the criteria are outlined in your textbook).

part 1 After reading chapter 5 of the textbook, you have learned more about the

part 1 After reading chapter 5 of the textbook, you have learned more about the skill of understanding and managing diversity – what it is, why it is important, and how to improve your skill in these areas.
Answer the questions in the template in comprehensive, complete sentences. Do not provide brief answers. Instead, compose at least 4-5 full sentences (i.e., a complete paragraph) that answer each of the posed questions.
Please remember that your task is to not only write your own assessment, but to show that you are able to draw connections between your readings and your reflection. Complete this assignment based on your Unit 1 readings. Use concepts and theories from the appropriate chapters, explain your understanding of their application, and show how they help you understand yourself. Do not forget to tie each answer to personal and professional communication effectiveness. At minimum, 2 scholarly sources should be used (one must be your textbook, the other could be any course resource or a scholarly resource found in the Keiser University Library). All sources should be formatted using APA 7th edition style.
I have provided you with a template where these questions are already entered. All you need to do is enter your own information by typing it right into the template . Please use the template and answer all questions. Assignments that do not answer all required questions or meet the minimum sentence requirement will be rendered incomplete and earn “0” credit.
Week 2 Written Assignment Template(click to download)
Week 2 Written Assignment Template.docx
PART 2 Step 2: Reflect on your results in a minimum 350 word reflection. Start by identifying your score results and letting us know if and why you agree/disagree with these results. Hypothesize as to the suggestions offered to improve your listening, and use your readings from assigned chapters to discuss potential strategies that could help you improve future listening skills. Please remember to support your discussion with your textbook and any additional scholarly resource you may locate in the online library, and conclude by talking about what you learned from completing this assessment.Begin your discussion by reading your assigned chapter and conducting additional research in the Keiser University Online Library on the significance of listening to interpersonal communication. Share what you learned by synthesizing your research into your own words and citing your sources. At the minimum, you should cite your textbook and one additional scholarly source.
Next, offer a personal connection by exploring the results of your Listening Inventory and discussing potential strategies that could help you improve future listening skills. Develop your examples and supporting evidence thoroughly.
Complete your discussion by exploring how you might use the knowledge from this topic in your future professional and personal communication.

Now that you have completed your two-part creative timeline of the Old Testament

Now that you have completed your two-part creative timeline of the Old Testament and read The Drama of Scripture, write a 6-page synthesis paper about how the story of the OT is important for the Christian today. Focus on the grand narrative of the Old Testament and how it applies to your life. How does it all fit together and tell ONE important message?
Finish the following thesis abstract by filling in the blank with a concise summary of what you think the central message of the OT is. There is no perfect answer; it is up to you! This must be in your introductory paragraph.
This paper will demonstrate and apply the message of the OT, that _________(the OT is about…), by examining OT themes.
Support your thesis by drawing from OT theological themes such as covenant, sin, redemption/salvation, law, faith, grace, divine love, election, etc., instead of just using specific Bible passages. Draw from the lessons you have learned from the Bartholomew and Goheen reading.
Spend at least a third of your paper (2 pages) specifically describing how the OT message applies to your life. Applications should be specific by addressing questions like when, how long, and what is being measured or assessed.
Some helpful passages to consider for your paper are:
Genesis 1:1–3:24
Acts 2:1–47
1 Corinthians 10:1–22
Hebrews 1:1–4:16
Revelation 4:1–11; 21:1–21
Once completed, submit your work through the Start Assignment button.
Assignment 8-1: The Drama of Scripture Synthesis Paper
Assignment 8-1: The Drama of Scripture Synthesis Paper
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequired Elements
60 ptsFull Marks
Completed all of the required elements in the instructions.
30 ptsDeveloping
Completed 50% of the required elements in the instructions.
0 ptsNo Marks
Did not complete all of the required elements in the instructions.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking
20 ptsFull Marks
Alternative perspectives/positions are identified. AND Student provides original perspective, drawing on course content and relevant academic research.
10 ptsDeveloping
Student shows basic knowledge of concept (recall/restate the information).
0 ptsNo Marks
Student’s argument/perspective is unclear or not cohesive with course materials.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage
10 ptsFull Marks
Strong, effective academic word choice; variety in sentence structure; active voice is primarily used.
5 ptsDeveloping
Both conversational and academic language used; some variety in sentence structure; active and passive voices are used.
0 ptsNo Marks
Conversational word choice; passive voice only; no variety in sentence structure.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConventions and Mechanics
10 ptsFull Marks
Worksheet contains few format or style errors (less than 2 unique errors per page). Paper is clear and easy to read.
5 ptsDeveloping
Worksheet contains 3 or fewer unique errors per page. Paper is disorganized and difficult to read.
0 ptsNo Marks
Worksheet contains 4 or more unique errors per page. Paper is difficult or impossible to read and understand.
10 pts

General Overview: Select one of the two articles that have been provided to you

General Overview: Select one of the two articles that have been provided to you to critique. This assessment will help you recognize the value of research in psychology and the value of supporting your claims with established views and research.
Next, based on your understanding of the article, answer the following questions that pertain to essential literature review elements:
What is the title of the article? Provide the citation for the article in APA format.
Explain how you determined the credibility of the research provided?
What is the purpose of the article?
What is the hypothesis of the study? In other words, what claims do the authors make in the article?
What variables (factors) are being looked? How are these factors assessed or measured in the article?
What type of research design is used in the study? What instruments or measures did the researchers use to collect data?
Do you think the research in this article was conducted in an ethical manner? Why or why not?
Guidelines for Submission:
-You will upload the paper as a Word document to Blackboard for grading and feedback.
-The paper must follow APA format (i.e. cover page, Times New Roman font size 12, and double spaced).
-Each question must be answered in at least 1-3 sentences, although you can write more if needed.
-Be sure to cite directly from the sample article in order to support your answers.
-Review the full rubric (attached) for details of the critical elements.
Article Critique Rubric.pdf
Mental hx beliefs and their relationship w tx seeking among veterans.pdf
Self_Injury and Suicidality with LGBTQ youth.pdf