Project Management Competencies


Every project is unique in its process system, in a broader aspect there is no fundamental error in construction projects, however, most of the projects deviate from the time span or the cost-effectiveness and faces many unusual challenges based on area, circumstances, climate, socio-economic altercations or environmental situations(Hubbard, 1990). The range of complexity of a construction project cannot be realised just by a practical understanding of the nature of projects or by mere academical approach. This is the venue of project management where the success is determined by codifying the capability and skills of the project Management division.


This review paper assesses the main complexity in the workflow of a project and the key factors needed to overcome the complex, ambiguous and uncertain nature of construction projects(Chan, Scott and Chan, 2004). Here the interdependencies of the organisation, the project management office, and the project managers, their conduct, and active interference in the management of a project is described on rational grounds using key performance indicators and their core competencies in implementing a project successfully are described. Project Management competency is not a single entity, but a configured outcome of Organisational, Project management office, and Project manager competencies (Hamel, 1994) alongside drive the success of the project.

Competencies in the construction industry

a. Organisational Competency

The competency of project management is directly dependent on the culture and structure of the organisation and its vitality in process and innovation. This achievement in the construction industry depends on the management of resources of the corporate industry, its allocation, and the nature of (Jaselskis and Ashley, 1991). A company might be engaged in many projects at the same time, over different geographical areas and by different self-governing project leaders at their helm. Hence, every project depends on the policy and decision making of the company, moreover the success of the projects is fundamentally influenced by the appropriate management techniques of the company itself (Munns AK, Bjeirmi BF). The corporate strengths can be attributed to three main criteria’s which are resources and capabilities, strategic approaches and relationship with parties(Chan, Scott and Chan, 2004).

Resources and capabilities are an assemblage of few tangible and intangible factors(Barney, 1991), Financial competency, technological competency, leadership, experience, Image of the company, research and development, innovative competency: Strategic decisions of a company mean, the attitude and response of the organisation, its Project Management Office, project managers, and staff members in a work atmosphere. Differentiation, potential market selection competence, strategies in project management, investment strategies, management strategies as an Organisation (Warszawski, 1996).

For a construction company, the strength of the relationship with major social factors is too relevant that decides the project management capabilities and seamless flow of projects to success. These major factors that can affect a construction project are relationships with Clients, trade unions, and with the government (Pmi, 2002). This can be portrayed with the structural equation modeling which influences a construction project fig 1(Tabri and Elliott, 2012).

Competencies of the Project Management Office(PMO)

The study interprets nine characteristic competencies that are identified as relevant for the success of a construction project(Project Management Institute, 2008). Apart from the success factors such as communication, feedback, control, project organisation, planning, scheduling and management experience, project management competencies are possible project success factors(Chua, Kog and Loh, 1999).

Schedule management: As by the name, it essentially means the time span of the project. The processes, activities, estimation, planning, development and control. A project manager in charge must be aware of the potential delays and conflicts that might occur on course(Project Management Institute, 2008).

Cost management. A consistent cost effectiveness is necessary for the investment on the project and it basically involves planning, estimating, budgeting and controlling the project costs.

Quality Management: This includes quality planning, quality assurance and quality control. The term total quality management (TQM) refers to the successful management of the construction projects. This happens when a firm is adaptive to its quality culture and frequently evaluating the principles of the company itself.

Human resource management: In construction industry manpower is the prime resource and success is determined by the coordination and competency of the people in this industry. The main objective of the human resource management is to manage and categorise the work force.

Risk Management: Risk features as complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty in construction industry. The main purpose of a project manager is to identify the risk chances in advance and maintain the quality, productivity, budget, and performance. These risks can be transferred, minimised or shared(Raz, Shenhar and Dvir, 2002).

Supply chain management: According to public sector construction firms in UK, including the Latham report and the Egan report underline the necessity of improving the supply chain. It is the flow of materials and information from the owner, consultant, contractor, subcontractor and suppliers in the construction sector. The smooth communication between the elements of the supply chain prioritises the success of projects.

Claims management: In the construction industry mainly refers to the terms and agreements between clients, consultants, owners, contractors and other contributors. There will be contracts and terms of agreement which need to be vivid and on understanding terms(Project Management Institute, 2008)

Knowledge competency: Here the business improvement means more client satisfaction which can be obtained by innovation and strategical approaches towards a project. The company need to be capable to rise to the standards of the best practices

Health and safety management: It is a very important project management competency where a safe working environment is created with specifications and guidelines to follow and it also means the training of the workers and staff with the up-to-date technologies (Ringen, Seegal and Englund, 1995).

Competencies and skills of a project manager

Projects are the foundations of the construction business and the project manager plays as a tool to operate the projects using strategies and emerging techniques with adaptive competencies and skills as an individual (Munns and Bjeirmi, 1996). Fundamentally, the success of a construction project depends on the key knowledge, skills and competencies of the project managers (Edum-Fotwe and McCaffer, 2000). Along with the Organisation and PMO competencies the PM’s key skills are highly valuable for the success of projects in construction.

A credent Mapping of project Infrastructure

While explaining the competencies of a construction project management, it is impossible to ignore the state of world and its nature of ambiguity, complexity and uncertainty. Managing projects means the project team must identify various aspects. Initially, it must clear the adequacy and ambiguity or complexity moreover, the project team should consider the true context of transition mapping. Also, the payoff effects on a particular action can be examined with experience (Sobek, Ward and Liker, 1999). The strategies of project management are relevant in the successful completion of a project.


The review entitles the literary aspects towards the construction project management competencies. The success factor of every project is directly dependent on the key competent nature of the company, it’s management of projects and the capabilities of the project managers. While explaining the lifecycle of a project that starts with initiation, then planning, designing, execution, monitoring, and ends with closing, the necessity of a project management system for the success of projects and its effectiveness is clearly stated in this review. To understand the core competencies of the project management a critical mapping of the project infrastructure is explained with the fundamental strategies relevant in a project lifecycle. Here, the core competencies of the Organisation, Projects, and Project managers are elaborated with key performance factors and derived innate for the success competency.

This literature review should focus on how leadership sense giving facilitates t

This literature review should focus on how leadership sense giving facilitates the integration of sustainability (Sustainable project management ) in construction projects, leadership here should not be based on the project manager as the sole leadership actor who can act as the sense giver (please look at the article by Ospina et al 2020 to see the different types of collective leadership), the literature should choose the leadership type (such as distributed leadership or shared leadership or Network leadership etc) that favors this topic in the project management context, justifying why it chose that particular leadership type and what are the shortcomings of the others, why other types of leadership were not chosen . I will attach some articles that are very important to the research topic. For instance Silvius is well known for his work in establishing the concept of sustainable project management , and for leadership Ospina el at has identified different sources of leadership .
Research Questions
How does leadership sense giving promote sustainable project management in construction firms?
What are the key drivers promoting leadership sense giving towards sustainable project management?

Project Plan Outline Purpose: Organize the information you have available into

Project Plan Outline
Purpose: Organize the information you have available into a structure to promote a clear discussion with your sponsor.
Skills: Organizational management
Knowledge: Draw on your digital communications campaign and
Prior to meeting with your project sponsor
Chapter 1
Setup – project scope
Audience – target audience
Objective – What is the purpose? Identify key performance indicators KPI.
Chapter 2
Climax – analysis of the current situation
WHY – Why is the important?
Resolution – conduct a benchmarking analysis and research KPIs
Chapter 3
Trial – execute a trial or experiment
Action – What is the recommendation?
Outcome – What’s the impact? How will the KPIs be monitored?
Criteria for Success (review the assignment rubric):
Provide enough specific details about the specific project for someone who doesn’t know what is going on to gain a sense of the organization and the purpose for the project. The Outline should not need to have all sections complete with expectations, as research has not be conducted. However, producing an excellent outline will incorporate critical inquiry demonstrating thought being put into the project.

Stakeholder List is the classification of the stakeholders power to influence th

Stakeholder List is the classification of the stakeholders power to influence the project as well as their level of interest in the project is included in a proper stakeholder analysis

Communication is one of the most important aspects of the project management plan; regular communication needs that should be addressed within the project management plan, including things like project updates, investor circulars, progress reports, etc..

Risk Register: the proper way to manage risk is through the creation of a risk register; importance of a risk is defined by two factors: Probability and Impact
The risk register contains the following fields:
Description of risk. The final list of risks is determined via brainstorming, subject matter experts, analysis of previous projects, etc. A maximum of 20 risks should be used as a guide, but usually 10 is enough because they get pretty remote.
A scale of 1-10, A-E, or similar will classify the risk sufficiently.
A scale of 1-10, A-E, or similar will classify the risk sufficiently.
The Probability is multiplied by the Impact to determine the overall priority. But re-classifying them into a 1-10 scale usually makes sense. The list is then sorted by priority.
The actions or events that define the occurrence of the risk are identified. What defines the risk as having occurred?
Response plan. This is where you develop a plan to deal with the risk. What are the action steps that will be followed when the trigger is deemed to have occurred? Who will perform those actions, and who are all the stakeholders that need to be notified? Remember communication is very important.

Procurement Plan
Many projects have sub-consultants, sub-contractors, and suppliers.
What outside products and services are required.
How they will be procured.
How their progress and quality will be monitored.
Develop a Statement of Work (SOW): statement of what work the outside contractor must perform. Usually the technical details are kept separate from the contractual stuff (bidding procedures, insurance requirements, etc.), therefore the technical details are called the SOW or the Terms of Reference, and the contractual stuff is called Request for Proposal, Request for Quotation, Invitation to Tender, etc.
Perform the Procurement: when Request for Proposal (RFP), which includes the Statement of Work (SOW) is finalized, it is sent to the bidders to perform the procurement. Once the bids are in, a winning bidder must be chosen. Be sure you write that you are free to pick any bidder rather than just the lowest, because if you don’t; you might be forced to pick the lowest (in most jurisdictions).
Progress Payments: contractors are paid based on the amount of work completed per month (or some other time period); some documentation is required but the invoice is sent, the progress is verified, and the bills get paid.

Please remember that Project Control involves the following components:
Schedule: Ensure the project is on track to complete on time.
Cost: Ensure the project is on track to complete within its budget.
Scope: Ensure the scope has not changed, and that additional, unauthorized work is not being performed.
Quality: Ensure the quality of the products being produced is according to the specifications within the plan.
Resources: Ensure the resources are still available and they are not overextended.
Procurement: Ensure the required subconsultants, suppliers, and materials are still available and are performing their work as planned.
Risks: Ensure the risks to project success are still being adequately mitigated.
Communications: Ensure the stakeholder communications are conforming to the communications plan.
I have attached a copy of the project introduction,Scope Statement,Critical Success Factors, Deliverables and Work Breakdown Structure

Discussion Board Requirements: For PMG300, each unit covers two chapters of our

Discussion Board Requirements:
For PMG300, each unit covers two chapters of our primary textbook, Larson, and you are expected to achieve weekly Project Management proficiency through assigned SmartBook readings, application of readings to Wednesday Discussion Boards (DBs) spanning both chapters, and knowledge competency of the chapters through LearnSmart Exams each Sunday.
As hybrid assignments covering both chapters, DBs are expected to be 400 to 500 words in length, with Larson as the primary course connection / reference, and at least one additional course reference or outside source applied to your discussion.
DBs shall adhere to the course rubric, and shall be clearly constructed multiple paragraphs compositions, with APA Footers and In-Text Citations.
In reply to two separate classmates’ posts, discuss what you learned from their posts, and ask questions about their posts to extend the information and solicit their replies.
Discussion Board Assignment:
Project Times and Costs / Concurrent Engineering (Fast-Tracking)
Our Unit 3 Discussion Board is a two-part DB covering chapters 5 and 6:
DB 3 Part 1: Case 5.2 Post-Graduation Adventure:
Josh and Mike met as roommates during freshman year at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. Despite a rocky start they became best friends. They are planning a two-week adventure together to celebrate their graduation in June. Josh has never been to Europe and wants to visit France or Spain. Mike spent a semester abroad in Aarhus, Denmark, and traveled extensively in northern Europe. Even though Mike has never been to France or Spain, he wants to go to someplace more exotic, like South Africa or Vietnam. For the past week they have been arguing over where they should go. Josh argues that it will cost too much to fly to South Africa or Vietnam, while Mike counters that it will be much cheaper to travel in Vietnam or South Africa once they are there. They agree that they can spend no more than $3,500 each on the trip and could be gone for only two weeks.
One evening when they were arguing with each other over beers with friends, Sara said, “Why don’t you use what you learned in your project management class to decide what to do?” Josh and Mike looked at each other and agreed that made perfect sense.
Assume you are either Mike or Josh; how would you go about making a decision using project management methodology?
Looking first at only cost, what decision would you make?
After cost, what other factors should be considered before making a decision?
DB 3 Part 2: Snapshot from Practice 6.3 / Figure 6.16: Concurrent Engineering (Fast Tracking):
This scenario from Bowersox covers General Motors’ success in the development of the Volt Electric Vehicle.
Using this example, please identify, describe, and discuss a scenario from your personal or professional life where Fast Tracking has been – or could have been successful.

The purpose of this assignment is to investigate the dynamics of a team and the

The purpose of this assignment is to investigate the dynamics of a team and the impact of leadership on a project.
Compose a 500-750-word essay explain the evolution of a team including the five possible dysfunctions teams may experience, and what management and leadership techniques might be used to encourage and grow the project team by answering the following:
Discuss how the different team dysfunctions can impact a project and eventually strategy implementation.
Explain which management and leadership skills play a key role in the development and implementation of a strategic project. Include at least three examples.
Discuss how a Christian worldview perspective might affect your leadership style and how you might deal with team dysfunctions.
Minimum of five outside resources. Sources must be authoritative and not from a Wikipedia-type source. 
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Benchmark Information
This Benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:
BS- Computer Science- Bus Entrep
8.2: Demonstrate management skills and strategic plan