CPU Benchmark Assignment Overview To get a good understanding of why we are doin

CPU Benchmark Assignment Overview
To get a good understanding of why we are doin

CPU Benchmark Assignment Overview
To get a good understanding of why we are doing this assignment take a look at the following questions and answers.
What is a benchmark? Benchmarks allow for easy comparison between multiple CPUs by scoring their performance on a standardized series of tests, and they are useful when buying or building a new PC.
Why do we need to run a benchmark? Running a benchmark allows you to make better decisions when figuring out what kind of PC you will need for your use.
How do we find out what kind of PC user we are? There are many sources you can find online that categorizes the type of computer user you are. It is based on how much you use it and what you use it for.
CPU Benchmark Instructions
To complete this assignment follow the steps below.
Find out what CPU you have running in your PC.I will show you how to do this in the video below using Windows 11, which is the system software I have on my PC.
If you have other versions of Windows, or use a Mac, then either use Google or YouTube to find out the steps.
Once you have identified your CPU (mine is i7-1165G7), go to the following link and enter your chip’s number.Click on the following link to enter your CPU model number: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_list.phpLinks to an external site.
Once you locate your CPU model it will present you with the following information about the CPU.CPU Mark
CPU Value
Take a screenshot of these results and upload that screenshot here for credit.
CPU Benchmark Assignment Video
View this video overview of this assignment:
https://youtu.be/WpFAIGYKp6kLinks to an external site.

bahahahhahahs sjjakw w sjsjjana w isjs aia jajwjw isianab iajajs isbj bahahahhah

bahahahhahahs sjjakw w sjsjjana w isjs aia jajwjw isianab iajajs isbj bahahahhah

bahahahhahahs sjjakw w sjsjjana w isjs aia jajwjw isianab iajajs isbj bahahahhahahs sjjakw w sjsjjana w isjs aia jajwjw isianab iajajs isbjbahahahhahahs sjjakw w sjsjjana w isjs aia jajwjw isianab iajajs isbjbahahahhahahs sjjakw w sjsjjana w isjs aia jajwjw isianab iajajs isbj

Scoring Patients Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() m

Scoring Patients
Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() m

Scoring Patients
Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() method! Some very unintuitive and tricky bugs arise when you mix nextLine() and nextInt() calls on the same Scanner, so make sure to only use next() for non-numerical user input in this assessment.
As a reference, here are the ? Program Behavior and ? Program Structure sections from the spec! Make sure to still refer back to the actual Specification for the ⌨️ User Input, ? Priority Score, and ? Daily Statistics sections 🙂
? Program Behavior
ExpandYou can see an example interaction with the program below (user input is bold and underlined):

Hello! We value you and your time, so we will help
you prioritize which patients to see next!
Please answer the following questions about the next patient so
we can help you do your best work 🙂
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Jun
Patient age: 5
Patient zip code: 44467
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? yes
Patient pain level (1-10): 2
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 99.8
We have found patient Jun to have a priority score of: 203
We have determined this patient is medium priority.
Please assign an appropriate medical provider to their case
and check back in with the patient’s condition in a little while.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Emma
Patient age: 77
Patient zip code: 12487
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? y
Patient pain level (1-10): 10
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 101.7
We have found patient Emma to have a priority score of: 311
We have determined this patient is high priority,
and it is advised to call an appropriate medical provider ASAP.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Johan
Patient age: 22
Patient zip code: 92107
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? no
Patient pain level (1-10): 5
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 104.3
We have found patient Johan to have a priority score of: 123
We have determined this patient is low priority.
Please put them on the waitlist for when a medical provider becomes available.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: quit
Statistics for the day:
…3 patients were helped
…the highest priority patient we saw had a score of 311
Good job today!The program begins by printing a short introduction. Then, the program prompts for a patient’s name, followed by the patient information that will be used to compute the priority score (see below). The program uses this information to compute a score and determine the patient’s priority. This information is printed out, along with a brief recommendation based on the priority. The program then prints a thank you message and prompts for another patient name. This process continues until the word quit (all lowercase) is typed as the name, at which point summary statistics for the day are printed (see the ? Daily Statistics section below).
Note that your output will not have the underlined and bolded text like the above — this is just for the purposes of the example!
? Program Structure
Your program should utilize methods, parameters, and returns to add a clear and understandable structure to the code. In particular, your code should include at least the following 7 methods with the indicated parameters and return values:
A method to print the program’s introduction messageno parameters
no return value
A method to get a patient’s name through user inputtakes one Scanner parameter
returns the name read from input
A method to collect the required patient information (age, zip code, insurance information, pain level, and temperature) and compute the priority score by calling method 4.takes one Scanner parameter
returns the computed score
A method to calculate the priority score of the patient (this method should only be called in the above method)takes five parameters, once for each patient feature
returns the computed score
A method to print the patient’s prioritytakes two parameters– the name and the score
no return value
A method to print out the overall statistics for the daytakes two parameters– the number of patients and the maximum score
no return value
A method to find out if the zip code has 5 digits (this is provided in your workspace)
With the exception of methods 4 and 7, all these methods should be called from main. Method 4 should be called from method 3. Method 7 should be called where ever you check that the user input is valid.
You may include additional methods if you wish, but you must include these methods as defined. (Naturally, your program will also include a main method.)
Along with the required methods above, you must have a loop in main which allows the program to keep asking for new patient information until the user chooses to quit. Hint: you’ll likely have to calculate the maximum score in the main method (think conditionals!) 😉
?Commenting & Code Quality
Your program should include header, class, and method comments as described in the CSE 121 Commenting Guide.
Your code should also adhere to the guidelines laid out in the CSE 121 Code Quality Guide. In particular, pay attention to the following details in the guide:
Forbidden Features: Forbidden features should NEVER be used in any graded CSE 121 work.
Formatting:Using correct and consistent indentation
Proper line length
Using descriptive names that are camelCased
Using the proper loop variable naming convention for nested for loops with either:using descriptive loop variable names
using use i-j-k convention for loop variable names where i should be used for outer-loops, j for once-nested loops, k for twice nested loops, etc.
Note: if we use i-j-k convention for loop variable names, we don’t want to mix them with descriptive loop variable names!
Printing: Following the printing conventions (i.e., printing blank lines using System.out.println() rather than System.out.println(“”), using System.out.println() statements rather than by including n, combining sequential System.out.print() statements)
Class Constants:Correct declaration
Methods:Following good practices such as avoiding extra parameters
Each method should have a method comment that describes the method’s behavior, parameters (if any), and return value (if any)
Adding one blank line between the closing curly brackets of a method and the next method comment
?Click Expand to see an example!
// Draws a rectangle shaped figure
// Parameters:
// int side – the width of the rectangle
// int height – the height of the rectangle
public static void drawSquare(int width, int height) {

// Rounds a number to two decimal places
// Parameters:
// double input – the number to be rounded
// Returns:
// double – The rounded number
public static double roundTwoDec(double input) {

The above list is not exhaustive; make sure to refer to the Code Quality Guide!

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the A

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the A

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers. Avoid plagiarism

Scoring Patients Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() m

Scoring Patients
Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() m

Scoring Patients
Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() method! Some very unintuitive and tricky bugs arise when you mix nextLine() and nextInt() calls on the same Scanner, so make sure to only use next() for non-numerical user input in this assessment.
As a reference, here are the ? Program Behavior and ? Program Structure sections from the spec! Make sure to still refer back to the actual Specification for the ⌨️ User Input, ? Priority Score, and ? Daily Statistics sections 🙂
? Program Behavior
ExpandYou can see an example interaction with the program below (user input is bold and underlined):

Hello! We value you and your time, so we will help
you prioritize which patients to see next!
Please answer the following questions about the next patient so
we can help you do your best work 🙂
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Jun
Patient age: 5
Patient zip code: 44467
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? yes
Patient pain level (1-10): 2
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 99.8
We have found patient Jun to have a priority score of: 203
We have determined this patient is medium priority.
Please assign an appropriate medical provider to their case
and check back in with the patient’s condition in a little while.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Emma
Patient age: 77
Patient zip code: 12487
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? y
Patient pain level (1-10): 10
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 101.7
We have found patient Emma to have a priority score of: 311
We have determined this patient is high priority,
and it is advised to call an appropriate medical provider ASAP.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Johan
Patient age: 22
Patient zip code: 92107
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? no
Patient pain level (1-10): 5
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 104.3
We have found patient Johan to have a priority score of: 123
We have determined this patient is low priority.
Please put them on the waitlist for when a medical provider becomes available.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: quit
Statistics for the day:
…3 patients were helped
…the highest priority patient we saw had a score of 311
Good job today!The program begins by printing a short introduction. Then, the program prompts for a patient’s name, followed by the patient information that will be used to compute the priority score (see below). The program uses this information to compute a score and determine the patient’s priority. This information is printed out, along with a brief recommendation based on the priority. The program then prints a thank you message and prompts for another patient name. This process continues until the word quit (all lowercase) is typed as the name, at which point summary statistics for the day are printed (see the ? Daily Statistics section below).
Note that your output will not have the underlined and bolded text like the above — this is just for the purposes of the example!
? Program Structure
Your program should utilize methods, parameters, and returns to add a clear and understandable structure to the code. In particular, your code should include at least the following 7 methods with the indicated parameters and return values:
A method to print the program’s introduction messageno parameters
no return value
A method to get a patient’s name through user inputtakes one Scanner parameter
returns the name read from input
A method to collect the required patient information (age, zip code, insurance information, pain level, and temperature) and compute the priority score by calling method 4.takes one Scanner parameter
returns the computed score
A method to calculate the priority score of the patient (this method should only be called in the above method)takes five parameters, once for each patient feature
returns the computed score
A method to print the patient’s prioritytakes two parameters– the name and the score
no return value
A method to print out the overall statistics for the daytakes two parameters– the number of patients and the maximum score
no return value
A method to find out if the zip code has 5 digits (this is provided in your workspace)
With the exception of methods 4 and 7, all these methods should be called from main. Method 4 should be called from method 3. Method 7 should be called where ever you check that the user input is valid.
You may include additional methods if you wish, but you must include these methods as defined. (Naturally, your program will also include a main method.)
Along with the required methods above, you must have a loop in main which allows the program to keep asking for new patient information until the user chooses to quit. Hint: you’ll likely have to calculate the maximum score in the main method (think conditionals!) 😉
?Commenting & Code Quality
Your program should include header, class, and method comments as described in the CSE 121 Commenting Guide.
Your code should also adhere to the guidelines laid out in the CSE 121 Code Quality Guide. In particular, pay attention to the following details in the guide:
Forbidden Features: Forbidden features should NEVER be used in any graded CSE 121 work.
Formatting:Using correct and consistent indentation
Proper line length
Using descriptive names that are camelCased
Using the proper loop variable naming convention for nested for loops with either:using descriptive loop variable names
using use i-j-k convention for loop variable names where i should be used for outer-loops, j for once-nested loops, k for twice nested loops, etc.
Note: if we use i-j-k convention for loop variable names, we don’t want to mix them with descriptive loop variable names!
Printing: Following the printing conventions (i.e., printing blank lines using System.out.println() rather than System.out.println(“”), using System.out.println() statements rather than by including n, combining sequential System.out.print() statements)
Class Constants:Correct declaration
Methods:Following good practices such as avoiding extra parameters
Each method should have a method comment that describes the method’s behavior, parameters (if any), and return value (if any)
Adding one blank line between the closing curly brackets of a method and the next method comment
?Click Expand to see an example!
// Draws a rectangle shaped figure
// Parameters:
// int side – the width of the rectangle
// int height – the height of the rectangle
public static void drawSquare(int width, int height) {

// Rounds a number to two decimal places
// Parameters:
// double input – the number to be rounded
// Returns:
// double – The rounded number
public static double roundTwoDec(double input) {

The above list is not exhaustive; make sure to refer to the Code Quality Guide!

Scoring Patients Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() m

Scoring Patients
Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() m

Scoring Patients
Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() method! Some very unintuitive and tricky bugs arise when you mix nextLine() and nextInt() calls on the same Scanner, so make sure to only use next() for non-numerical user input in this assessment.
As a reference, here are the ? Program Behavior and ? Program Structure sections from the spec! Make sure to still refer back to the actual Specification for the ⌨️ User Input, ? Priority Score, and ? Daily Statistics sections 🙂
? Program Behavior
ExpandYou can see an example interaction with the program below (user input is bold and underlined):

Hello! We value you and your time, so we will help
you prioritize which patients to see next!
Please answer the following questions about the next patient so
we can help you do your best work 🙂
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Jun
Patient age: 5
Patient zip code: 44467
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? yes
Patient pain level (1-10): 2
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 99.8
We have found patient Jun to have a priority score of: 203
We have determined this patient is medium priority.
Please assign an appropriate medical provider to their case
and check back in with the patient’s condition in a little while.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Emma
Patient age: 77
Patient zip code: 12487
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? y
Patient pain level (1-10): 10
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 101.7
We have found patient Emma to have a priority score of: 311
We have determined this patient is high priority,
and it is advised to call an appropriate medical provider ASAP.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Johan
Patient age: 22
Patient zip code: 92107
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? no
Patient pain level (1-10): 5
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 104.3
We have found patient Johan to have a priority score of: 123
We have determined this patient is low priority.
Please put them on the waitlist for when a medical provider becomes available.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: quit
Statistics for the day:
…3 patients were helped
…the highest priority patient we saw had a score of 311
Good job today!The program begins by printing a short introduction. Then, the program prompts for a patient’s name, followed by the patient information that will be used to compute the priority score (see below). The program uses this information to compute a score and determine the patient’s priority. This information is printed out, along with a brief recommendation based on the priority. The program then prints a thank you message and prompts for another patient name. This process continues until the word quit (all lowercase) is typed as the name, at which point summary statistics for the day are printed (see the ? Daily Statistics section below).
Note that your output will not have the underlined and bolded text like the above — this is just for the purposes of the example!
? Program Structure
Your program should utilize methods, parameters, and returns to add a clear and understandable structure to the code. In particular, your code should include at least the following 7 methods with the indicated parameters and return values:
A method to print the program’s introduction messageno parameters
no return value
A method to get a patient’s name through user inputtakes one Scanner parameter
returns the name read from input
A method to collect the required patient information (age, zip code, insurance information, pain level, and temperature) and compute the priority score by calling method 4.takes one Scanner parameter
returns the computed score
A method to calculate the priority score of the patient (this method should only be called in the above method)takes five parameters, once for each patient feature
returns the computed score
A method to print the patient’s prioritytakes two parameters– the name and the score
no return value
A method to print out the overall statistics for the daytakes two parameters– the number of patients and the maximum score
no return value
A method to find out if the zip code has 5 digits (this is provided in your workspace)
With the exception of methods 4 and 7, all these methods should be called from main. Method 4 should be called from method 3. Method 7 should be called where ever you check that the user input is valid.
You may include additional methods if you wish, but you must include these methods as defined. (Naturally, your program will also include a main method.)
Along with the required methods above, you must have a loop in main which allows the program to keep asking for new patient information until the user chooses to quit. Hint: you’ll likely have to calculate the maximum score in the main method (think conditionals!) 😉
?Commenting & Code Quality
Your program should include header, class, and method comments as described in the CSE 121 Commenting Guide.
Your code should also adhere to the guidelines laid out in the CSE 121 Code Quality Guide. In particular, pay attention to the following details in the guide:
Forbidden Features: Forbidden features should NEVER be used in any graded CSE 121 work.
Formatting:Using correct and consistent indentation
Proper line length
Using descriptive names that are camelCased
Using the proper loop variable naming convention for nested for loops with either:using descriptive loop variable names
using use i-j-k convention for loop variable names where i should be used for outer-loops, j for once-nested loops, k for twice nested loops, etc.
Note: if we use i-j-k convention for loop variable names, we don’t want to mix them with descriptive loop variable names!
Printing: Following the printing conventions (i.e., printing blank lines using System.out.println() rather than System.out.println(“”), using System.out.println() statements rather than by including n, combining sequential System.out.print() statements)
Class Constants:Correct declaration
Methods:Following good practices such as avoiding extra parameters
Each method should have a method comment that describes the method’s behavior, parameters (if any), and return value (if any)
Adding one blank line between the closing curly brackets of a method and the next method comment
?Click Expand to see an example!
// Draws a rectangle shaped figure
// Parameters:
// int side – the width of the rectangle
// int height – the height of the rectangle
public static void drawSquare(int width, int height) {

// Rounds a number to two decimal places
// Parameters:
// double input – the number to be rounded
// Returns:
// double – The rounded number
public static double roundTwoDec(double input) {

The above list is not exhaustive; make sure to refer to the Code Quality Guide!

Instructions: You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF fi

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF fi

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on
Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between
words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English
or any kind of manipulation).
Email submission will not be accepted.
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by
the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.

to implement a recursive descent parser using a specified grammar, focusing on m

to implement a recursive descent parser using a specified grammar, focusing on m

to implement a recursive descent parser using a specified grammar, focusing on modifying a given prog.cpp file and ensuring compatibility with provided lexical analyzer codes.

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the A

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the A

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
Email submission will not be accepted.
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers. Learning Outcome(s): CLO1Explain the interdisciplinary concepts, theories, and trends in ES and their role in supporting business operation.
2 Marks
Question One
Compare traditional and Enterprise Systems (ES) software implementation in term of:· Focus· Implementation Time· Cost· Example2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): CLO2Describe the development life cycle of ES and reengineering best practices.
Question Two
Enterprise Architecture consisting of:· Business Architecture,· Information Architecture,· Application Architecture · Technical Architecture. How can we apply them on the following example: Online store?2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):CLO1Explain the interdisciplinary concepts, theories, and trends in ES and their role in supporting business operation.
Question Three
What does quality mean in general? There are two perspectives involved in quality. List them and provide an example for each one. Use your own words. 2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):CLO1Explain the interdisciplinary concepts, theories, and trends in ES and their role in supporting business operation.
Question Four
In your own words, what do the following concepts mean? Support your answers with examples. – Time to market – Lifetime – Tradeoffs- Stakeholders

Scoring Patients Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() m

Scoring Patients
Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() m

Scoring Patients
Reminder: be very careful NOT to use the Scanner’s nextLine() method! Some very unintuitive and tricky bugs arise when you mix nextLine() and nextInt() calls on the same Scanner, so make sure to only use next() for non-numerical user input in this assessment.
As a reference, here are the ? Program Behavior and ? Program Structure sections from the spec! Make sure to still refer back to the actual Specification for the ⌨️ User Input, ? Priority Score, and ? Daily Statistics sections 🙂
? Program Behavior
ExpandYou can see an example interaction with the program below (user input is bold and underlined):

Hello! We value you and your time, so we will help
you prioritize which patients to see next!
Please answer the following questions about the next patient so
we can help you do your best work 🙂
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Jun
Patient age: 5
Patient zip code: 44467
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? yes
Patient pain level (1-10): 2
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 99.8
We have found patient Jun to have a priority score of: 203
We have determined this patient is medium priority.
Please assign an appropriate medical provider to their case
and check back in with the patient’s condition in a little while.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Emma
Patient age: 77
Patient zip code: 12487
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? y
Patient pain level (1-10): 10
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 101.7
We have found patient Emma to have a priority score of: 311
We have determined this patient is high priority,
and it is advised to call an appropriate medical provider ASAP.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: Johan
Patient age: 22
Patient zip code: 92107
Is our hospital “in network” for the patient’s insurance? no
Patient pain level (1-10): 5
Patient temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit): 104.3
We have found patient Johan to have a priority score of: 123
We have determined this patient is low priority.
Please put them on the waitlist for when a medical provider becomes available.
Thank you for using our system!
We hope we have helped you do your best!
Please enter the next patient’s name or “quit” to end the program.
Patient’s name: quit
Statistics for the day:
…3 patients were helped
…the highest priority patient we saw had a score of 311
Good job today!The program begins by printing a short introduction. Then, the program prompts for a patient’s name, followed by the patient information that will be used to compute the priority score (see below). The program uses this information to compute a score and determine the patient’s priority. This information is printed out, along with a brief recommendation based on the priority. The program then prints a thank you message and prompts for another patient name. This process continues until the word quit (all lowercase) is typed as the name, at which point summary statistics for the day are printed (see the ? Daily Statistics section below).
Note that your output will not have the underlined and bolded text like the above — this is just for the purposes of the example!
? Program Structure
Your program should utilize methods, parameters, and returns to add a clear and understandable structure to the code. In particular, your code should include at least the following 7 methods with the indicated parameters and return values:
A method to print the program’s introduction messageno parameters
no return value
A method to get a patient’s name through user inputtakes one Scanner parameter
returns the name read from input
A method to collect the required patient information (age, zip code, insurance information, pain level, and temperature) and compute the priority score by calling method 4.takes one Scanner parameter
returns the computed score
A method to calculate the priority score of the patient (this method should only be called in the above method)takes five parameters, once for each patient feature
returns the computed score
A method to print the patient’s prioritytakes two parameters– the name and the score
no return value
A method to print out the overall statistics for the daytakes two parameters– the number of patients and the maximum score
no return value
A method to find out if the zip code has 5 digits (this is provided in your workspace)
With the exception of methods 4 and 7, all these methods should be called from main. Method 4 should be called from method 3. Method 7 should be called where ever you check that the user input is valid.
You may include additional methods if you wish, but you must include these methods as defined. (Naturally, your program will also include a main method.)
Along with the required methods above, you must have a loop in main which allows the program to keep asking for new patient information until the user chooses to quit. Hint: you’ll likely have to calculate the maximum score in the main method (think conditionals!) 😉
?Commenting & Code Quality
Your program should include header, class, and method comments as described in the CSE 121 Commenting Guide.
Your code should also adhere to the guidelines laid out in the CSE 121 Code Quality Guide. In particular, pay attention to the following details in the guide:
Forbidden Features: Forbidden features should NEVER be used in any graded CSE 121 work.
Formatting:Using correct and consistent indentation
Proper line length
Using descriptive names that are camelCased
Using the proper loop variable naming convention for nested for loops with either:using descriptive loop variable names
using use i-j-k convention for loop variable names where i should be used for outer-loops, j for once-nested loops, k for twice nested loops, etc.
Note: if we use i-j-k convention for loop variable names, we don’t want to mix them with descriptive loop variable names!
Printing: Following the printing conventions (i.e., printing blank lines using System.out.println() rather than System.out.println(“”), using System.out.println() statements rather than by including n, combining sequential System.out.print() statements)
Class Constants:Correct declaration
Methods:Following good practices such as avoiding extra parameters
Each method should have a method comment that describes the method’s behavior, parameters (if any), and return value (if any)
Adding one blank line between the closing curly brackets of a method and the next method comment
?Click Expand to see an example!
// Draws a rectangle shaped figure
// Parameters:
// int side – the width of the rectangle
// int height – the height of the rectangle
public static void drawSquare(int width, int height) {

// Rounds a number to two decimal places
// Parameters:
// double input – the number to be rounded
// Returns:
// double – The rounded number
public static double roundTwoDec(double input) {

The above list is not exhaustive; make sure to refer to the Code Quality Guide!