Create a script that loops through all the stocks for each quarter and outputs t

Create a script that loops through all the stocks for each quarter and outputs the following information:
The ticker symbol
Quarterly change from the opening price at the beginning of a given quarter to the closing price at the end of that quarter.
The percentage change from the opening price at the beginning of a given quarter to the closing price at the end of that quarter.
The total stock volume of the stock. The result should match the following image:
Add functionality to your script to return the stock with the “Greatest % increase”, “Greatest % decrease”, and “Greatest total volume”. The solution should match the following image:
Make the appropriate adjustments to your VBA script to enable it to run on every worksheet (that is, every quarter) at once.
Make sure to use conditional formatting that will highlight positive change in green and negative change in red.
Other Considerations
Use the sheet alphabetical_testing.xlsx while developing your code. This dataset is smaller and will allow you to test faster. Your code should run on this file in just a few seconds.
Make sure that the script acts the same on every sheet. The joy of VBA is that it takes the tediousness out of repetitive tasks with the click of a button
All three of the following are uploaded to GitHub/GitLab:
Screenshots of the results (5 points)
Separate VBA script files (5 points)
README file (5 points)
Retrieval of Data (20 points)
The script loops through one quarter of stock data and reads/ stores all of the following values from each row:
ticker symbol (5 points)
volume of stock (5 points)
open price (5 points)
close price (5 points)
Column Creation (10 points)
On the same worksheet as the raw data, or on a new worksheet all columns were correctly created for:
ticker symbol (2.5 points)
total stock volume (2.5 points)
quarterly change ($) (2.5 points)
percent change (2.5 points)
Conditional Formatting (20 points)
Conditional formatting is applied correctly and appropriately to the quarterly change column (10 points)
Conditional formatting is applied correctly and appropriately to the percent change column (10 points)

The content of the Mathcad solutions provided will be evaluated thoroughly, acco

The content of the Mathcad solutions provided will be evaluated thoroughly, according to the rubric displayed below. Strong similarity with other work submitted may result in points deduction. It is crucial to maintain originality and avoid copying or replicating solutions from other sources, including online sources and previous submissions. Academic integrity is highly valued, and any form of plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration will be treated seriously. Please ensure that your Excel solutions are your own work, accurately representing your understanding and problem-solving skills.
It is strictly prohibited to publish any part of this project on platforms such as Chegg, Course Hero, or similar websites. Any such publication will result in the initiation of an academic misconduct case.
Please maintain a professional approach throughout the assignment.

Book Link:

Book Link:
Question 1
Page 465, Problem 1:
Give an example of a deadlock taken from politics.
Question 2
Page 465, Problem 5:
The four conditions (mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption and circular wait) are necessary for a resource deadlock to occur. Give an example to show that these conditions are not sufficient for a resource deadlock to occur. When are these conditions sufficient for a resource deadlock to occur?
Question 3
Use the script file “sub” discussed on the last page of this week’s handout as a template to complete the following tasks:
Follow these steps:Make two more copies of file “mysedfile” as “mysedfile2” and “mysedfile3”;
Create a script file, “mysedscript”, that will read the files, “mysedfile”, “mysedfile2”, and “mysedfile3”, as its inputs using a for-loop;
For each file “mysedscript” reads, use sed commands to 1) remove the blank line(s), 2) insert the following record before Jerry’s record, and 3) update the files accordingly:Allen 91 83 95
After making “mysedscript” an executable file, run it. Please verify if “mysedfile”, “mysedfile2”, and “mysedfile3” are updated as required
Question 4
Based on the data file “mysedfile” you created for Lab 6, please complete the following tasks:Create a sed script file “mysedprog” (see the Linux handouts for examples), that removes blank line(s), appends the following two records after Tom’s record, and sends the updated information to screen:
Cindy 85 94 92
Allen 91 83 95Save the content of your “mysedprog” file, the sed command line you used, and the output.

TASK 3 WHAT TO DOA clustered bar chart showing the fertility rate (fertility_rat

WHAT TO DOA clustered bar chart showing the fertility rate (fertility_rate) and education expenditures (edu_of_gdp) for the top 10 countries with the highest education expenditures from the people_and_society table. Note: if you do everything correctly, the highest bar on the chart will correspond to a country with no name (Blank). Think about why this happened and explain it in the input field under the task. Then create a filter for the widget to remove the bar for the unnamed country TASK 5
Open the file with your project in Power BI. Go to the report screen and create a new, third page. Add a scatter plot widget to the blank page. This chart helps to see the functional dependence of one numerical variable on another. Set the fertility rate from the people_and_society table on the Y-axis and the median age from the same table on the X-axis. In the field settings on the axes (click the checkmark to the right of the field), select “Don’t Summarize” for both the fertility_rate and median_age fields. If you do everything correctly, the points will almost line up, indicating an obvious functional dependence. Think about what this chart means and explain it in the input field under the task.
Conclusion: Provide the answer to task 3 and complete task 5 on a separate page of the report.

Write a 5-8 page essay using what you have learned from reading Michael Woolridge’s A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence.

Write a 5-8 page essay using what you have learned from reading Michael Woolridge’s A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence.

Write a 5-8 page essay using what you have learned from reading Michael Woolridge’s A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence. Choose at least five major figures, inventions, issues, or events in the history of AI discussed by Woolridge. Discuss the key issues, questions, or controversies raised by the figures, inventions, or events you choose to discuss in your essay.
Find Five Additional Sources: In addition to using Woolridge as your major source, you must clearly and explicitly quote, link and cite at least 5 other sources of information for your assignment. Use journalistic, academic, or governmental sources found online from major news publishers, institutions, or organizations. Use your student subscriiption to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal to find sources. Essays that do not quote or make significant use of credible source material will not be accepted. You will be graded on the quality and the quantity of the source materials you use to write your essays.

Things to remember:
• Essays that do not make significant use of A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence will not be accepted. Use your own words and brief quotations and key points from A Brief History of AI as much as possible.
• Do not plagiarize, use quotation marks, and cite your sources clearly using a standard form of citation: Chicago, MLA, APA. Cite page numbers for Woolridge (no matter which form of citation you choose.)
• Use links in the text if you refer to online sources.
• Do not use unattributed AI-generated content.
• Submit your work as a PDF on Brightspace before midnight
on the due date listed above.
• Late submissions will be penalized.
A note on AI-generated content: Please remember that plagiarism and uncited use of AI text-generated content is unacceptable. Use your own words as much as possible! Assignments flagged by Turnitin for significant use of uncited, unoriginal, plagiarized or AI-generated content will not be accepted for credit.

This is a programming languages assignment that I need someone to complete for m

This is a programming languages assignment that I need someone to complete for m

This is a programming languages assignment that I need someone to complete for me. Everything will be attached below for you. Review the attached picture please before bidding. Thank you

I’m working on a programming multi-part question and need the explanation and an

I’m working on a programming multi-part question and need the explanation and an

I’m working on a programming multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
please use visual studio code
And when you get the the file saving part pls contact me you need to save the vb file and I will give you my name NO CHATGPT OR AI CODE PLS.

Computer Performance Assignment For this assignment you will create a screenshot

Computer Performance Assignment
For this assignment you will create a screenshot

Computer Performance Assignment
For this assignment you will create a screenshots explaining the process of assessing your computers performance. You may use a Windows PC or Mac PC for this assignment, DO NOT do both.
Windows users follow these instructions.
For this assignment you will create three (3) screenshots, along with a written paragraph for each screen shot, explaining the process you took for the items below.
Run a video or song of your choice on any site you prefer (YouTube is a good site) in the background that is long enough to give you enough time to capture your three (3) screenshots.The idea here is to make sure you have your PC working by playing a video or song in the background.
Open the Task Manager and take screenshots of the following.Check the percentage of CPU utilization indicated.
Check how much Memory you have and the percentage being used.
Check the size of your Disk and your disk’s active time percentage.
Submit your three separate screenshots and a paragraph for each screenshot here in Canvas.
Mac users follow these instructions.
The Activity Monitor is to Mac PC’s what Task Manager is to Windows PC’s.If you are not familiar with your Activity Monitor and what it does, read about it at this website: The Mac Equivalent of Ctrl+Alt+DeleteLinks to an external site.
For this assignment you will create three (3) screenshots, along with a written paragraph for each screen shot, explaining the process you took for the items below.
Run a video or song of your choice on any site you prefer (YouTube is a good site) in the background that is long enough to give you enough time to capture your three (3) screenshots.The idea here is to make sure you have your PC working by playing a video or song in the background.
Open the Activity Monitor.Check the CPU activity.
Display how much RAM your Mac is using.
Generate a System Diagnostics Report.
Submit your three separate screenshots and a paragraph for each screenshot here in Canvas.
For an example of what I want your video to look like watch the following video.
Example Video: to an external site.

For the presentation exam, you are required to select any one item below a paper

For the presentation exam, you are required to select any one item below
a paper

For the presentation exam, you are required to select any one item below
a paper clip
a mechanical pencil
a hair clip
a roller-skate board
a nail cutter
a metal chopsticks
Stanley Quencher tumbler
acrylic nail set
For that item you have selected, you are required to use two Large Language Models (LLMs) of your choice to do following:
identify creative use cases for each of the item you selected above and compile them in your report.
generate testcases for each of use cases you identified above and compile them in your report
Compile all the prompts used in part 1 and 2 in your report
Compare and critique the results in part 1 and 2 and add to your report.
All your work should be compiled in a word document.