Part 1. Mathematics is everywhere! In this assignment, you will learn about the

Part 1.
Mathematics is everywhere! In this assignment, you will learn about the idea of “mathematizing” your world. That is, learning to look at the world around you through a mathematical lens. You will also do a peer review of 3 classmates to see what they came up with.
First we would like you to take a look at some examples of how people have mathematized their world. You will see children asking mathematical questions as they interact with everyday items through descriptions from blog posts. I’ve also shared examples of counting tasks, a task called “which one doesn’t belong,” and “same-different.”
Hopefully, one of these examples will inspire you to mathematize something in your own world. Here are some choices for how you can complete this task. Have fun with it!
1. You can find an object or an activity and ask some mathematical questions about it on video or on a word document.
2. You could make up your own Same-Different (see below) through found objects or photos you already have.
3. You could make up your own Which One Doesn’t Belong (see below) through found objects or photos you already have.
Task 1: Look at examples
Example 1: Blog Posts to read for inspiration (Read at least ONE)
“PistachiosLinks to an external site.” from Talking Math with Your Kids
“Mathematical Art: KolamLinks to an external site.” from Thinking with Children
“PeepsLinks to an external site.” from Talking Math with Your Kids
Example 2: What’s the Same? What’s Different? Check out this websiteLinks to an external site. for more examples.
Inspired by my most recent trip to visit my family in Malaysia. What’s the same, what’s different about my two hands in this image?
Example 3: Counting Collections
Inspired by a tweet I saw about children and families working on interesting counting tasks at home. How many tangerines did abuelita peel that are on the plate?
Example 4: Mathematizing an activity
Inspired by my nephew Azriel teaching me a Fortnight Dance.
How long does it take Azriel to do one complete round of dance? How long does it him to do 10 rounds? 100 rounds? 1,000 rounds? n rounds? How many rounds of dance can he do in 3 minutes? 20 minutes? n minutes?
Example 5: Which One Doesn’t Belong? Check out this websiteLinks to an external site. for more examples.
Inspired by my friend’s garden last year. What reason can you give for why each one doesn’t belong?
Task 2: Make a video or take pictures and make a word doc to mathematize your world
Once you have read these posts, use video or images of something that matters to you or that you are doing in your everyday life. Upload a short video or very brief document.
1) Remind classmates of your name.
2) Your image/object/video and what inspired you or why it matters to you
3) A couple mathematical questions that you can ask.
Part 2
To launch us into our mathematical work together, we’re going to explore a famous game called Nim. Variants of Nim have been played since ancient times, all around the world. It is thought to have originated in China and is related to a Chinese game called “picking stones.” One of the earliest computers , the “Nimatron” from the 1940 World’s Fair, was designed to play Nim.
NimPicking Stones”Nimatron” Computer
We love Nim because it’s simple enough that elementary school students can play it, but it’s also deeply mathematical! There are even published mathematical papers about winning strategies.
We’re going to explore Nim in two stages:
Here, in this Initial Exploration, you’ll learn to play the game and start thinking about how to win it. You’ll upload to Canvas your initial ideas about how to win the game.
During our first synchronous class session, we’ll discuss winning strategies to deepen our understanding of the game.
It’s important to understand why we’re spending this time playing and analyzing Nim. It’s not because every elementary school teacher needs to know this game; they don’t! It’s because Nim gives us a chance to reflect upon what it means to learn and do math and about the kinds of mathematical experiences we want to provide elementary school students. As we mentioned in this introductory video, you’re wearing two “hats” in this course. With your “student of math” hat on, think about the structure of the Nim and how and why winning strategies work. With your “student of teaching and learning” hat on, reflect upon what your experiences with the game teach you about learning and teaching mathematics.
Task 1: Learn the rules of “1-2-3 Nim on the 20-Frame”
Read the directions: Initial Task_123 Nim on 20 Frame.docx
You can watch one round of Nim. The person who takes the last object of 20 wins.
How_to_Play_123_Nim.movDownload How_to_Play_123_Nim.movPlay media comment.
Task 2: Play“1-2-3 Nim on the 20-Frame” with someone.
As you play, try to come up with a “winning strategy.” That is, try to come up with a strategy you could use to win every game. In addition, think about when you know you’re going to win or lose. Can you tell you’re going to win or lose before the end of the game? You might have to play the game a lot before you can figure out a winning strategy!
You can print out this 20-frame and use small household objects (eg. coins) : 20 frame.docxActions
Or, you can use this online version: NIM21_p.htmlActions
Task 3 – Submit your initial ideas to Canvas.
Share your learning by describing your winning strategy for “1-2-3 Nim on a 20-frame.”(Up to 1 page.) Try to explain why the strategy works and how you know it will help you win every time. Include a diagram to make your thinking clear. It’s okay if you haven’t found a complete winning strategy yet! Just share what you’ve figured out so far. Tentative ideas and questions are welcome. If it helps for you to scan your diagram, you can use your phone, or an app to make a scan such as Genius Scan or Office Lens. iPhones can also scan documents through the notes app (just click the camera icon on a new icon and choose “Scan Document”). It’s okay if all of your work is handwritten or if you want to type some of it. But do try to use a dark pen so that others can easily read your handwriting. You can also use color pens for annotations.
Each reading/ set of readings in this course has a reading response or discussion board. For reading responses, roughly, we expect your reading responses to be ½-¾ page, 1.5 spacing, normal margins. Feel free to exceed that length if necessary to explain your thinking. It’s also fine to write your response as bulleted paragraphs.
1) Watch Dan Finkel’s TEDx talk “5 Principles of Extraordinary Math Teaching” (approx. 14 minutes). Dan is one of the co-founders (with Katherine Cook) of a Seattle organization called Math for Love ( that aims to engage children in authentic mathematical work.
Five Principles of Extraordinary Math Teaching | Dan Finkel | TEDxRainierLinks to an external site.
2) Watch this video of Danny Martin (he/him), a professor of mathematics education at University of Illinois, Chicago on the brilliance of Black children (approx. 32 min).
Martin, Math Education for African American ChildrenLinks to an external site.
3) After you have read, respond in writing to the following prompts. (Approx. ½ page in total; 1.5 spacing)
In his video, Dan Finkel describes 5 big ideas about doing and learning math. Choose the one that feels most meaningful to you, for whatever reason – it feels important, challenging, surprising, etc. State the principle, explain what it means in your own words, and then explain why you chose it.
Make connections between Finkel & Martin’s video. What does it mean to recognize Black children’s brilliance? What do teachers need to do in order to better serve historically marginalized student .
Now that you’ve explored and counted in Base Six (which we called Base “Splat”), it’s time to try adding and subtracting!
As you do the tasks below, keep in mind our purpose for exploring alternate bases like base six. We’re not suggesting that elementary school students should learn to work in alternate bases; it’s sufficiently challenging for them to learn base ten! It’s useful for us to work in alternate bases for two reasons:We’re so fluent in base-ten that it can be hard for us to see all of the concepts and skills involved in learning it. Re-learning to count, add, and subtract in alternate bases can help us unpack what we learned in elementary school, which should make us better teachers.
When we work alternate bases, we face some of the same struggles and challenges that children experience when learning base 10. It can remind us what it’s like to learn this content and make us more empathetic to children who struggle with it.
Task 1: Try Adding & Subtracting in Base SplatDownload this “Operating in Base Splat” handoutActions and solve the problems. You can also just copy the problems on a blank sheet of paper. Note that in every problem, the numerals are already in Base Splat. For example, here’s a picture of the first problem.If you get stuck on any of the problems, try drawing a picture or using objects like counters!Note that you only need to complete the first page of problems (#1 – 6); the second page is optional. Task 2: Check Your Understanding on Problems 1 – 4Check this answer keyActions for problems 1 – 4.Task 2: Submit Your Answers to Problems 5 & 6Upload to Canvas a picture of your solutions to problems 5 & 6 on the handout. We will discuss your strategies for those problems next class.

Overview We all have health behaviors that we would like change. Some like healt

We all have health behaviors that we would like change. Some like healthy behaviors such as eating better, having good quality sleep, meditating, and exercising we want to do more of, and some such as smoking, eating junk foods, or drinking too much, we want to do less of. Changing health behaviors is not always as easy or straightforward as it may appear, and that’s where health behavior theory can play a valuable role in helping people make healthy changes.
For this project you will select a health behavior that you may have been thinking about changing or have tried to change previously without success. Through the three guided healthy change modules, you will be given an opportunity to reflect on the factors that may help or hinder actually making this healthy change by completing a series of measures and tools often used in health behavior change research. You will also learn the value and limitations of current health behavior change theories that may be applied to understanding successful change.
The purpose of this project is threefold:
1) to learn how to observe, reflect, and analyze the factors and motivations that may be important for changing a health behavior.
2) to increase your understanding of what it is like to be the target of a health behavior change program and to complete psychological measures often used in health behavior research.
3) to increase your understanding of how to apply health behavior change theories/interventions to changing a specific health behavior.
In this first journal you will select a health behavior that you have been thinking about changing or have tried previously to change without success, describe this behavior, and some of the reasons for making this change. Your first journal entry will include the following components.
First state the specific health behavior you wish to change and describe in well-defined terms. For example do aerobic exercise for 30 minutes three days per week at 70% of maximal heart rate, or cut back the number of cigarettes smoked to 3 a day. This should be also be a health-related behavior you don’t mind writing about in a paper that I will read. All submissions will be confidential but please recognize that I will be reading these so choose accordingly. This can be either a health-compromising behavior you want to decrease (e.g., excessive eating, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, etc.) or a health-enhancing behavior you want to increase (e.g., exercise, stress reduction, healthy eating, etc.).
Please make sure you pick only one health behavior, not a set of behaviors, or several different ones to change all at once. The more focused and precise you are about the behavior the easier it will be to complete the necessary exercises and components of this journal.
Once you have chosen a health behavior to focus on you will need to take a baseline frequency rating of this behavior for a period of one week. For example, if the behavior you have been thinking of changing is eating more fruits and vegetables, chart how much you currently eat. You may or may not be able to put this in graphical form, if not then a table or description or list is OK too.
The remainder (and bulk) of your journal entry will involve a discussion of your history with this healthy change (that is how long have you been considering it, have you tried making this change previously, etc.), and a reflection on why you would like to make this healthy change. To help accomplish this you will need to complete the healthy change motivation questions and to choose and complete two of the four health behavior change exercises (see list below). Once you have completed these questions, discuss your answers and any personal observations and insights that you may have about your reasons for wanting to change this behavior in your journal entry.
For example you may want to answer questions such as what are the consequences of this behavior in your life? How will your life be improved when/if you change this behavior?
This first journal entry should also include:
Baseline of health behavior summary
Health change motivations questions Actions
One from:
Possible selves Actions
Superordinate goals Actions
And one from:
Prefactual thoughts Actions
Three wishes Actions
Please submit all of these components into ONE file. You can copy/paste the various forms together into one document along with the narrative. Please do not submit as spearate documents.
So, in summary, please submit the above files plus a journal entry that includes the following components as detailed above:
1. State the specific health behavior you wish to change and describe in well-defined terms.
2. Provide the baseline frequency rating of this behavior for a period of one week.
3. Your history with this healthy change (that is how long have you been considering it, have you tried making this change previously, etc.), and a reflection on why you would like to make this healthy change.
You should expect to submit no more than 1-2 pages for this reflective piece. You will be graded on thorough reflection and thoroughness of response and completion of all components required.
part 2
Making healthy changes often requires extensive changes in other areas of our lives to help ensure that we are successful in meeting our goals. In this second installment of your course project, your focus will be on the factors that may help or hinder you in making a healthy behavior change.
Your journal should include the following components and address the issues/questions for each.
1) First complete the following self-report measures and include them in your submission:
Goal Ownership Actions– do you feel that this is your goal or someone else’s goal?
Situational temptations Actions– what elements in the environment could interfere with you staying on track?Links to an external site.
Decisional balance questionsActions – What are the pros & cons associated with making this healthy change?Links to an external site.
And one from Three Wishes or Prefactual thoughts Actionsthat you did NOT previously complete for Part 1 of this assignment. So if you completed Three wishes for part 1 then complete Prefactuals for part 2, and vice versa.
2) Factors that hinder: In this section you will reflect on and discuss some of the anticipated problems that might be encountered when trying to make a healthy change. Some of the questions you should try to answer (if applicable) are:
If you have tried to change this behavior before why do you believe you have had difficulty changing this behavior and why?
If you have not tried to make this change before, what factors do you anticipate would give you difficulty and why?
In other words, what are the difficulties and or obstacles that you perceive when trying to make this healthy change and why have they been a challenge for you? Are these factors that may be obstacles for anyone or just you? Explain.
Are these obstacles that are easily removed or dealt with? why or why not?
Throughout this section of your reflection you should try to integrate your reactions/responses to the relevant sections of the self-report measures you completed. For example what sort of situational temptations do you expect and why?
3) Factors that help: In this section you will reflect on and discuss some of the factors that may help or support you as you make a healthy change. These factors can again be anything from situational influences, to social factors, to your own will power and motivation. Some of the questions you should consider as you write this section are:
What types of changes in your life would make it easier for you to follow through and successfully make this healthy change?
What types of resources would help you make this change? For example, social, financial, and/or time resources can sometimes help support changing health habits.
Would your social network (friends or family) help support this change and why or why not?
What sort of rewards or incentives might be useful to help you make this change and how would they help?
And again, throughout this section of your reflection you should try to integrate your reactions/responses to the relevant sections of the self-report measures you completed. For example what are the pros to making this change, that is what are the positive things that will result from making this change, both in the long and short term?
Please note that the forms do not count for page count. Please try to limit your journal entry (the narrative) to 1-2 pages single spaced.
part 3
Discussion Topic: Unit Two Discussion (Initial post by July 15,
This unit introduces us to health behavior models that focus on interventions that address intrapersonal (self) and interpersonal (small group) influences. Sometimes we rely on helping people individually achieve health-related goals by focusing on their needs, barriers, etc., while other times we rely on those closest to that person to help (by involving their family, friends, and local community). It depends on what the health intervention goal is as to whether one approach or the other is more appropriate. That’s the job of a health educator, to use theories such as the Health Belief Model, for example, to design an intervention. Basing your practice in theory and evidence ensures outcomes that are expected and measurable!
For this discussion, think about how you address change for yourself. It is based on perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits, barriers, etc? How do outside components effect your perception and success with change? What is the correlation between attitude and voluntary behavior? Are they mutually exclusive?
Please write a 2+ paragraph (minimum 250 words per the grading rubric) discussion addressing the following (30 points): Due by July 15, 11:59pm. Per the Discussion Grading and Expectations Rubric in Getting Started, at least 1 APA-formatted reference is required for fullest points.
Detail a health behavior issue that you think an INTRApersonal Health Behavior Theory would address well. What components of the health belief theory in mind do you think makes it well suited for this behavior change?
Next, detail out a health behavior issue that you think an INTERpersonal Health behavior Theory would address well. What components of the health belief theory in mind do you think makes it well suited for this behavior change?
Which approach do you think would have the best outcome for you personally? Why? Which approach do you think would have the best outcome for those who you identified in the Unit One discussion as your culture group? Why?
based on this: ”
What have you done?
I have finished writing the book about mental health awareness and currently trying to get it published which should last about a month and a half for this to process.  Then the next steps would include making a presentation which I already have an outline for and trying to present proposals to schools to present the slideshow about the importance of mental health while also including in this presentation certain questions about how kids feel that certain aspects relating to  mental health have been throughout their lives and to what extent do they feel aware of these. I have also started to interview and ask certain questions, especially on the subject of psychologists on specific areas of mental health that I should be focusing on and the ones that are more or less easier to report, and what type of questions I should formulate 
What have you learned?
Through the writing process, I have learned how to implement terminology in regards to psychology in a way that is easy to understand and try to synthesize information for younger audiences to grasp but the importance of mental health especially in regards to self-esteem and a person’s feelings. I have also learned the different coping mechanisms that a person needs to implement to help themselves improve their perception of their cells as well as what different techniques Professionals in the field use to address and identify causes of negative perceptions of oneself 
What are your next steps?
My next steps are To finish collaborating with an NGO that specializes in providing mental health and interview the workers and the head of the NGO to understand what type of situations and the impact they believe they’ve had on their Community as well as the changing perception that they aim to produce in the community and also explain why it’s important in especially Peru for us to work towards Mental Health 

Please revise the attached document of an AI generated annotated bibliography fo

Please revise the attached document of an AI generated annotated bibliography for a future assignment of mine so that Turnitin doesn’t flag it for ChatGPT & alert my professor.
Understanding Political Developments in India
Course Description:
When India gained independence from British Rule in 1947, observers noted that the likelihood of the new country remaining democratic was limited. There was no democratic country that was poor and divided along caste, religious, linguistic, and regional differences. Yet, India proved such observers wrong and has remained one of the world’s most thriving democracies for over seven decades. Contemporary Indian politics, like electoral politics in many parts of the world, has taken a rightward turn. For a long time, a centrist party (or a coalition) led by the Congress Party governed India. The elections of 2014 and 2019 changed all that. A Hindu right party – the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), is in power at the center and many states of India. For some, the rise of the right signals the end of the politics of accommodation in India. The rise of the right poses a puzzle for many political scientists who ask how a country with multiple social, economic, ethnic, linguistic, and religious cleavages elect a Hindu right party to power. Why did the centrist politics of Congress fail? Is it the Congress Party that has declined, or accommodative politics no longer has a place in India? To answer these questions, we will understand India’s social complexity and the political institutions designed to accommodate the many social divisions.
Final Paper Overview:
All students will write a final paper on one of three questions that will be released on the first day of classes. The paper should be 2500 words.
An annotated bibliography references relevant scholarly work (Research Articles, Books, Working Papers, etc.) on the chosen topic and briefly discusses each entry. 
Here are some guidelines for the annotated bibliography assignment
Your submissions must have three references and their discussion.
You should only use academic research—journal articles, working papers, and books—for the annotated bibliography. Newspaper articles or opinion pieces will not be accepted.
Each discussion must be 200-250 words. You will be penalized for being more than 50 words over the word limit. 
You cannot use course readings as one of the three references. Including a course reading as one of the references would lead to an automatic deduction of three points. 
You will be graded based on the relevance of the reading and the quality of the discussion written. 
The discussion should 1) concisely summarize the overall argument from the reading relevant to the question. It can also mention details about the context/evidence studied and results. 2) Discuss how you will use the readings for your final paper. Does it support the argument you would be making? Will it be used as counter-evidence in your final paper?
Reference 1: 
Discussion of Reference 1:
Reference 2: 
Discussion of Reference 2:
Reference 3: 
Discussion of Reference 3:
Can politicians’ desire to win elections explain the challenges to political order, such as separatism and ethnic violence, and the functioning of democracy in India?
Example of summary:
Ashutosh Varshney and Joshua Gubler. 2012. ‘The State and Civil Society in Communal Violence’ in Atul Kohli and Prerna Singh, ed. Routledge Handbook of Indian Politics.
In this article, Ashutosh Varshney and Joshua Gubler work to create a “good theory” regarding the state’s role in mitigating ethno-communal violence. The authors used a vast array of data for their article, pulling from sources like an analysis of all recorded Hindu-Muslim riots across India between 1950 and 1995 and a study that Varshney conducted of six Indian towns in which cities with endemic communal violence and rare violence were paired and observed alongside their Hindu-Muslim percentages. This research focuses on the intersection of ethno-religious identities in India and outbreaks of violence. The article is helpful for my chosen prompt because Varshney and Gubler examine the influence of deep-seated ethnic divisions while also exploring the state and local initiatives that can impact whether violence does or does not break out. They use contrasting examples to show how strong communal ties prevented violence between Hindus and Muslims in Bhiwandi. When similar ties degraded in the face of opportunities for power in the towns of Ahmedabad, Baroda, and Godhra, the degradation led to violence worsened by a lack of state interference. The authors conclude that while ethno-communal divisions can serve as the base for conflict, with local structures in place creating connections and not separating different groups, strong social ties can prevent violence. However, the authors also note that the actions of the state can serve as a spark to prompt violence. I can use this to support the thesis that ethnic divisions alone do not lead to ethnic violence.

Part 1: Assess the evidence on the role of ideology in mass political belief sys

Part 1:
Assess the evidence on the role of ideology in mass political belief systems. Based on this evidence, do you think ideology structures most people’s political thinking? Does ideology help organize political belief systems? Why or why not? Please describe your interpretation of the evidence, any criticism you have of the evidence, and how the evidence supports your argument. 
Part 2:
For this discussion, you need to read Hetherington and Suhay (2011).
What is authoritarianism? What is the theory about how authoritarian personality relates to support for restricting civil liberties and the use of force? Describe some of the evidence used to test the theory and how well the evidence supports the theory? What other political objects (policies, candidates, behaviors) might authoritarian personality help explain? 

This PowerPoint Presentation will measure your understanding of the concepts cov

This PowerPoint Presentation will measure your understanding of the concepts covered in this course to this point.
For this assignment, you are going to create a PowerPoint presentation that would be appropriate to present to a class of high schoolers.
Imagine that you are presenting a proposal to a congressional committee regarding a policy that would be beneficial to the United States. You should identify how you will pursue implementation of your policy and the challenges and pressures you will face in the process.
At a minimum, your PowerPoint must include the following:
the policy, whether it is foreign or domestic, and why it is important;
the role of political parties in the process;
the role and influence of interest groups and citizens;
the involvement and function of the federal government in the process;
the ways the media will be used to influence the development and implementation of the policy.
Your presentation must be at least ten (10) slides in length, excluding the title and references slides. You must also include at least four (4) graphics such as images/charts/photos.
PowerPoint Recommendations:
Select a simple, uncluttered PowerPoint design theme.
Present your content in a creative, eye-catching manner.
Use light backgrounds with dark fonts for optimal contrast.
Use bullet points- avoid long paragraphs.
You must include at least three (3) scholarly references as your sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Your textbook/ebook may also be included as a source.
All sources included in the presentation must be cited, including your four images/charts/photos, using APA style.

Please choose one question to answer. I would prefer that you write a short essa

Please choose one question to answer. I would prefer that you write a short essay of no fewer than 3 double-spaced spaced pages. There is no page max. By essay, I just mean a thesis which makes an argument as opposed to a bland report. Make sure to reference at least one reading and/or video in the answer. Any established referencing style is totally fine!
Huntington, Samuel P. “The clash of civilizations?.” In Culture and politics, pp. 99-118. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2000. to an external site.
Wood, Graeme. ” What ISIS really wants.” The Atlantic315, no. 2 (2015): 78-94. to an external site.
Walter, Barbara F. “The Extremist’s Advantage in Civil Wars.” International Security 42, no. 2 (2017): 7-39.
untitled ( to an external site.
Abrahms, Max, Jonathan Leader Maynard, and Kai Thaler. “Correspondence: Ideological Extremism in Armed Conflict.” International Security 43, no. 1 (2018): 186-190.
Correspondence: Ideological Extremism in Armed Conflict | International Security | MIT Press JournalsLinks to an external site.
Walter_Exchange_in_IS-libre.pdf ( to an external site.
Chenoweth, Erica. “Democratic competition and terrorist activity.”The Journal of Politics 01 (2010): 16-30. to an external site.
Abrahms, Max. “Why democracies make superior counterterrorists.” Security Studies2 (2007): 223-253.
Joshua Keating, “More Than Half of the World’s Terrorist Attacks Happen
in Just Three Countries,” Slate, Dec. 2013
Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan: More than half of the world’s terrorist attacks happen in just three countries. (
Presidential Address on Islamic State Threat, September 10, 2014 (stop at 2 minutes, 20 seconds) to an external site.
Donald Trump’s full terrorism speech (start at 30 min. mark) to an external site.

Religion and the history of terrorism – YouTubeLinks to an external site.
Reza Aslan: Bush Right about Democracy and Terrorism to an external site.
Questions (choose one)
How well does Walter rebut Wood about the role of religion in terrorism?
Why do democracies make superior counterterrorists?
Why do authoritarian governments make superior counterterrorists?

Keeping in mind our goal of evaluating China’s domestic strengths and weaknesses

Keeping in mind our goal of evaluating China’s domestic strengths and weaknesses, and related to this, speculating about its future role in the global community and its status in the international order, discuss what you think are some of the most relevant economic, political or social trends/characteristics/challenges described in the readings and other supplemental materials. What observations offered in the course materials strike you as most relevant and interesting? In each instance, in addition to describing the nature of the trend/characteristic/challenge, assess whether, in your view, the item being discussed has positive or negative implications for China’s future—both domestically and for its standing and influence in the global system. Cumulatively, in your view, do these trends/characteristics/challenges lay the foundation for future Chinese strength and continued growth/expansion, for consolidation of the status quo, for collapse, or for something else? 
It is important to note that I am looking for what you think based on what you have read/watched/listened to, rather than specific arguments offered by the material’s author. That said, you must support your discussions with specific examples/supporting evidence from the materials–this is not simply an opinion essay, although I do want to hear what you think.
Your essay must clearly demonstrate that you have read and thought about the assigned book and other required materials, meaning that I expect to see explicit reference to and examples from the required materials in your papers. In addition to the book, your essay must also reflect upon and reference each of the required videos/podcasts/articles for the module.
Essays may NOT reference sources from beyond the readings assigned for this course.
Essays must be seven full pages in length; the bibliography is not included in the seven page count. 
Guidelines for written work: all written work (essays and paper) for this course must conform to all of the following guidelines:
All documents must be submitted in Word, not PDF format. PDF documents will not be graded. 
Type size: 12 point Times Roman ONLY
Line spacing: double-spaced papers ONLY.
Margins: Left-hand margin justification only, maximum one-inch margin top, bottom, left and right. 
Indentation: half-inch indentation to begin each paragraph.
Paragraph spacing: NO extra line spacing between paragraphs. Be sure this option is turned off in your Microsoft Word settings.
A title page is required for final research paper only. Title page should include the paper title, your name, professor’s name, course name and number, and date.
For all other assignments, please place your name only in the right-hand corner of the first page only. No titles, dates or course references should be included on other assignments.
Pagination: number all pages except title page.
Structure and organization: all papers must be organized around assigned questions and, where appropriate, should use section titles/headings and subsections throughout.
References: provide a complete bibliography using Turabian for the social sciences as presented on the library website:  You can also find this formatting information in the course documents module. All bibliographic materials should be presented on a separate final page of the paper; the bibliography page does NOT count towards the final required page count for assignments.
Citations: use in-text citations only; no endnotes or footnotes. Follow the within-paper style presented in this author-date formatting document found in the course documents module or in the course writing guidelines.
All written submissions for the course must include a signed honor code statement: “This work complies with the JMU Honor Code.” (See Honor Code in the Course Documents module.)
All written submissions for the course also must conform to the course writing guidelines. Be sure to consult the writing guidelines document concerning usage and style issues. This document sets the standard by which I assess your written work: i.e., if the guidelines say you should indent and single space long quotations, be sure you do so. I intend for you to read and comply with the writing guidelines; they are not just another handout designed for the recycling bin! You must comply with all the standards established in this document—failure to do so will result in at least a letter grade deduction in your paper grades.
All assignments are due at the time specified in this syllabus. Late work, when accepted, will be subject to a penalty.
All work submitted for this course must be original to the course. You may NOT submit, in whole or in parts, research or other work prepared for another course.