this paper is on cervical cancer, In order to write a fictitious or make-believe

this paper is on cervical cancer, In order to write a fictitious or make-believe case study paper, you must carefully address a number of sections in a specific order with specific information contained in each. The guideline below outlines each of those sections.
Information to Include
Introduction (patient and problem)
Explain who the patient is (Age, gender, etc.)
Explain what the problem is (What was he/she diagnosed with, or what happened?)
Introduce your main argument (What should you as a nurse focus on or do?)
Explain the disease (What are the symptoms? What causes it?)
HistoryExplain what health problems the patient has (Has she/he been diagnosed with other diseases?)
Detail any and all previous treatments (Has she/he had any prior surgeries or is he/she on medication?)
Nursing Physical Assessment
List all the patient’s health stats in sentences with specific numbers/levels (Blood pressure, bowel sounds, ambulation, etc.)
Related Treatments
Explain what treatments the patient is receiving because of his/her disease
Nursing Diagnosis & Patient Goal
Explain what your nursing diagnosis is (What is the main problem for this patient? What need to be addressed?)
Explain what your goal is for helping the patient recover (What do you want to change for the patient?)
Nursing Interventions
Explain how you will accomplish your nursing goals, and support this with citations (Reference the literature)
Explain how effective the nursing intervention was (What happened after your nursing intervention? Did the patient get better?)
Explain what the patient or nurse should do in the future to continue recovery/improvement
Your paper should be 8 pages in length not 3 to 4 and will be graded on how well you complete each of the above sections. You will also be graded on your use of APA style and on your application of nursing journals into the treatments and interventions. For integrating nursing journals, remember the following:
Make sure to integrate citations into all of your paper
Support all claims of what the disease is, why it occurs, and how to treat it with references to the literature on this disease
Always use citations for information that you learned from a book or article; if you do not cite it, you are telling your reader that YOU discovered that information (how to treat the disease, etc.)
Add health complications to the paper
● 8 pages in total without intro page or reference
● does not need an abstract portion
● write procedures done and results of them
● Add title bold for each new paragraph
● Add every little info to Make realistic as possible
● Apa style
● Only scholarly references Acceptable references 1. National institute of health 2. United
States medical library 3. Ucla medical school library 4. Mayo Clinic 5. CDC 6. Any
government agency recognized
● my paper will be based off of cervical cancer
● you will make up the whole story with the gender age name and everything.

1)Which student populations on your campus are underserved by career services? W

1)Which student populations on your campus are underserved by career services? What are the challenges of trying to improve services for these populations? 2) How might your university career service center change in the next 10 years? 3)How well prepared did you feel when you came to college? Which services did you use to help prepare for the “real world”? If you failed to use the career services in your undergraduate program, why was that? Is there anything that your college/university could have done to influence that? 4) How are community agencies, typical sites for community counselors, funded? 5) What are some of the ways that the work of a community counselor differs from that of a school counselor? College counselor? 6)What are the benefits and limitations of having a private practice in counseling? 7)What are some of the agencies in our geographic area that are typical of those with which community counselors would collaborate? What types of services do they provide? 8)What is a case management plan and why is it important?

a.Create a research question that compares the means of any two populations. Wri

a.Create a research question that compares the means of any two populations. Write down the research question. For example, a research question might be whether the mean Graduate Record Exam quantitative score for females is significantly less than the mean Graduate Record Exam quantitative score for males.b.Create the correct Ho (null hypothesis) and Ha (Alternative or research hypothesis) to represent your research question. Include the Ho and Ha here. Why does the Ho always have an equal sign?c.Suppose you perform the hypothesis test and determine that your p value is NOT less than your alpha value. Given this, write a full conclusion for your research question (assume alpha is .05).d.If you incorrectly reject your null hypothesis, what error type would this be and in words what error would you be making in your conclusions?

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Pratice E–x-a-m Time: 09/08/2024 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm AEST Duration : 2hrs, 10min

Pratice E–x-a-m Time: 09/08/2024 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm AEST
Duration : 2hrs, 10min
Question structure:
The examination will consist of short answer conceptual questions and practical exercises/problem questions. The questions will be comparable to those covered in class; therefore, the best form of revision will be to work through lecture and tutorial questions, exercises and problems.
Topic covered: Similar to that screenshot attached

Overview In this assignment, you will explore key concepts related to social jus

Overview In this assignment, you will explore key concepts related to social justice, including justice, fairness, equality, and bias. You will also explore how narratives affect perceptions of social justice and core principles of social justice. This part of the project will be the basis for the rest of your project and will help you apply your knowledge of concepts related to social justice. Directions First, consult the Project Guidelines and Rubric to review the scope of the project and the provided scenarios. Next, review the Scenario Profiles document, which provides information related to the scenarios and potential conflicts, and select a scenario. (You will select and analyze one of the three conflicts associated with your chosen scenario in a later module.) Choose a scenario for this assignment carefully, because you will use the same scenario for the project. Then, with your chosen scenario in mind, address the assignment prompts by completing Part One in the Project Template. The following is a preview of the scenarios and conflicts: Scenario 1 – School You are interacting with a very diverse group of peers this term who come from different cultures, socioeconomic statuses, ability levels, learning styles, career goals, and more. Scenario 2 – Personal It’s the time of year when you gather with friends and family. Recent events in the news that impact different cultures have caused differences of opinion related to issues of justice and fairness, creating conflict with those you care about. You are hosting the next holiday celebration with your family members and friends with diverse thoughts and opinions. Scenario 3 – Workplace The organization you work for is expanding and acquiring an international business, increasing the total employee population from 500 to 10,000. Employees are located in multiple states and countries across the world. Note: You can find the Project Template linked in the What to Submit section. You can find the Project Guidelines and Rubric and the Scenario Profiles document linked in the Supporting Materials section. Specifically, you must address the following: Project: Part One: Social Justice Explain the difference between justice, fairness, and equality in the scenario. Describe how bias can influence your perception of social justice in the scenario. Describe how different narratives in society can impact your perception of social justice. Describe the core principles of social justice in the scenario. What to Submit Submit your Project Template for grading. You will use the same Project Template for all of the project drafts and for the project. For this assignment, the Module Two Project Draft, you will complete Part One of the Project Template. You do not need to complete Part Two and Part Three of the template for this assignment. Additionally, no sources are required. Although Brightspace allows the addition of video notes in assignment submissions, you may not use the Video Note tool to complete this assignment.

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will Class Preparation and Participation Please see the

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will
Class Preparation and Participation
Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

write me a 1000+ essay, that is descriptive and narrative at highshcool level. M

write me a 1000+ essay, that is descriptive and narrative at highshcool level. Make it 9 long paragraphs for the character named Duke Thomas aka The Signal. The first 3 paragraphs should be about the mission. The next 3 paragraphs should be about what he is doing to help he is playing support role for right now. The last 3 paragraphs should be about him helping the titans by playing an attack role.
1st 3 paragraphs: Duke would be in the bat cave getting in his suit, as he heard forms he bat computer that it was a critical mission going down in Gotham. Duke would instantly jump onto his motorcycle as he rides through Gotham. Duke knew he could travel faster when it came to the darkness but he didn’t want to waste no stamina for this mission. Duke would drive along the rocky and busted roads of Gotham, as he would be talking to oracle asking her “ Are there any civilians or casualties amongst the area. “ oracle said yes as she gave him the exact location duke would rev faster as he told oracle “ On it”. As he revved he told oracle, to “ send backup for them to get the threats there as I save the civilians and get them to safety “. Duke rode his way there and made his entrance, as he pulled up to the area, duke shifted gears on his motorcycle as skirted down to the road, he jumped of the bike arieling in the air as he grapples onto the ledge.
2nd part 3 paragraphs: Duke would get onto the vantage point. This was a high enough spot for duke to scan the area and look for the civilians. Duke with his photokinesis he used this as a way to scan for life. And his his microscopic vision he can see the people down below in the alleyway, a group of adults and children in danger. Debris would start to crack and soon crush the civilians below. The civilians would be screaming, and the screams echoes throughout duke ears. Duke immediately jumped down the building as he threw his Eskrima Stick onto the building which carved into the buildings wall and help him slow his slide down. This helped him get in a very close and easy shot of quarters with the debris that was going to fall below. He dropped down low enough, and seeing the darkness that was around him, duke manipulated this darkness, he commanded this darkness to shape into a wall that was in mid-air, which blocked the chunk of debris that fell down. He then commanded it again to wrap around like the debris was in the palm of the hand of this darkness. Duke then threw the debris into the water. Duke then commanded the darkness in the alleyway again, as he created another hand like contract which was big enough to fit all the civilians into the palm, he then safely and calmly placed them blocks away just to keep them safe. He then ran to the main area.
3rd part: last 3 paragraphs: Duke would be in the middle area of the enemies that were there. Duke would look around and scan the area he seen bank robbers, thief, and the drug dealer. But these people were just like him, they had powers. These powers that they had were extraordinary but wasn’t enough to beat duke. The Bank robber that was there had the power of Teleportation, The thief has the power to go invisible, and the drug dealer had the power to manipulate poison. Duke Thomas knew that these opponents were strong, and probably were skilled with their powers. Duke Thomas told them ‘ let the fun begin” those words set the battle in motion the bank robber would instantly teleport in front of duke Thomas, the bank robber would then kick duke, but duke would block the kick, as he wraps his Eskrima Stick around his leg he would flip him using the stick and then punch him, this punch was covered in darkness which amplify the hit. Duke Thomas then told oracle “ analyze the targets “ she replied ‘ analyzing “, Duke then smirked as the analyzing was in progress, but in order to for it to go, he needed a full body view of the targets. Duke then watched as the thief went invisible but this wouldn’t work, as duke jumped back he looked at the ground, because he knew even invisible there is still a mark that can be spotted. With his microscopic vision Duke looked at the ground, watching tiny debris be crushed and moved all in one path. Duke outsmarted the thief already. Duke jumped back again into the light that the street pole casted. Duke then use this light and amplified it to blind the thief that was coming towards him. If the thief was so worried about his vision he wouldn’t be able to think about going invisible. As he intensified the light it blinded the man, and he was now shown to the human eye. Duke left him there, as he went onto the drug dealer who had the power of poison. The poison, he had dripped and smoked from the body of the man. Duke told oracle “ analyze this poison as well “ duke then grappled onto to the top of the lamp post as he now has a clear vision of each target. Oracle said “ full analyzation complete” Duke smiled, as he launched himself down to the ground towards the drug dealer. Duke , then slide on the ground and kicked the ankles of the man, duke then lunged up and wrapped his legs around the man as he pulled himself backwards slamming the man onto the ground. But duke didn’t release the man had touched him. This touched caused the poison to spread across his body. Duke started to groan in pain, as he dashes away from the drug dealer. Duke knew that this poison was going to spread quickly. He wrapped his Eskrima stick around his arm to trap the poison only in one spot of his arm so it doesn’t spread. Duke then watched as the teleporter, teleported right in front of him. Duke didn’t even see this coming, the telporter roundhouse kicked duke and duke fell back. Then the one that goes invisible snuck up on duke as he was getting punched on. Duke was injured but this certain predicament only helped him. Duke watched as the one with poison powers walked up to him as he was ready to touch duke again, duke slowly breathed in and out remembering the lessons that batman had taught him. Duke then open his eyes in rage as he intensified the light from his bat symbol, to flash them. Duke then went invibsle as he flipped up, he headbutted one that goes invisible, knocking him down. He then turned to the teleported as jab him in his throat, he then followed up with a high kick and then landed an uppercut on the back and this knocked him down as well. Duke charged towards the one with poison, as he rushed as he took his Eskrima stick and threw it at the man, and the stick hooked into his flesh of his shoulder, Duke then yanked him towards him as he jumped in the air and landed his leg onto the neck of the man and then slamming him into the ground knocking him out. Duke was now tired from this poison, he manipulated the darkness there to bring them all to each other and sit them up, he wrapped his stick around them as he kept them their till the cops come. Duke told oracle “ send my big and auto ride, im injured with the poison “ oracle replied “ yes sir “ and duke also added “ and tell Alfred to make his way down, its urgent “ oracle did exactly what duke said and duke had now saved Gotham and civilians once again. The end . Be descriptive, unique, realistic, and be detailed. Make everything long as well.

The thesis must be a moral claim (a claim that some behavior is morally right or

The thesis must be a moral claim (a claim that some behavior is morally right or wrong). It cannot be on obligations to the poor, eating meat, abortion, or the death penalty. Also, make sure the argument is your own, rather than something someone else has already developed. This is not a research paper, so please don’t consult any argumentative resources. (You may need to look up statistics or something depending on what you choose, but just look for data, don’t rely on other people’s arguments.) ***PLEASE READ THE LINK ATTACHED TO THIS HOMEWORK FOR MORE IN DEPTH INSTRUCTIONS***