Unit 5 – IP Assignment Details Using the Project Scenario select your preferre

Unit 5 – IP
Assignment Details
Using the Project Scenario select your preferred option of either waterfall or Agile, and create a project plan that addresses the following:
Discuss the concepts of stakeholder engagement and identify the stakeholders for the project.
Develop a change control process for addressing changes in the project.
Identify performance controls that you will use to manage your project. Performance controls include the following: Cost performance
Schedule performance
Scope performance
Quality performance

Define the success criteria for your selected method.

State and local health agencies are not the only governmental organizations work

State and local health agencies are not the only governmental organizations working to reduce the burden of disease and ill health in society. Federal, state, and local government all play important roles through agencies that are better known for other responsibilities, such as law enforcement and transportation. The complexities of government and its various agencies add an essential, but not necessarily the most important, dimension to public health practice. The prevention of motor vehicle-related injuries is a prime example of a situation in which multiple agencies, and not just those that are health related, have a shared responsibility. Using the readings for the week, the South University online library, and the Internet, write a 3–5-page paper. Cover the following: For the prevention of motor vehicle-related injuries, provide an analysis of how responsibilities are assigned or delegated among the following: The three levels of government: federal, state, and local Various agencies of those levels of government Write a 3-5 page paper discussing how the public health system is set-up in the U.S. Include a discussion on: the main public health functions of state health departments, how are state health departments structured, Does their structure affect the role they play in public health?

Unit 5 – IP For this assignment, you will update the Project Charter/Project Ma

Unit 5 – IP
For this assignment, you will update the Project Charter/Project Management Plan template based on previous instructor feedback and add the following sections:
Letter to Senior Management Regarding the Project Success: Write a memo to senior management about the project’s accomplishments including the lessons learned for future projects.
Discuss Program Management: Discuss program management and how it could have helped manage the current project more effectively including resources, time, and cost. Assume a similar project was being executed at the same time.
Research Emerging Trends in Project Methods and Tools: Discuss project management evolution and emerging trends in the methods and tools used to manage projects. Explain how the organization can better align the project management toolbox with the organization’s objectives.
Talent Management/Employee Engagement: Discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion from a project manager perspective and explain how it can help in the successful delivery of projects.

1)Which career development tasks do you think are most important for students en

1)Which career development tasks do you think are most important for students enrolled in higher education to address? 2) What factors do you think could negatively influence the career development of students in higher education? 3)What are three strategies you could use to foster positive career development in higher education students? 4)What do you think is the most common type of career assistance provided to students enrolled in higher education? Do you think this type of assistance is helpful? If so, why? If not, why not? 5)What career development challenges did you experience in higher education? What would have helped you address these challenges effectively? 6)Why do you think so few students enrolled in higher education seek career planning assistance from their career services office? What are some strategies that you think could be effective in helping more students get actively engaged in their career planning?

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will A1: Strategic Portfolio A2: Digital Strategy Mappin

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will
A1: Strategic Portfolio
A2: Digital Strategy Mapping
A3: Strategic Analysis Report
Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)