Before starting as a project manager, you must present the project for approva

Before starting as a project manager, you must present the project for approva

Before starting as a project manager, you must present the project for approval. This proposal will provide justification for undertaking the project.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
Based on your experience, reading, and research, discuss the information you will gather before writing a project proposal.
What are 3 benefits of preparing a project proposal?

In the Module Overview, we stated that an “aggregate plan will include the quant

In the Module Overview, we stated that an “aggregate plan will include the quant

In the Module Overview, we stated that an “aggregate plan will include the quantity and timing of production for the intermediate future (typically 3-18 months ahead).” Some factors such as demand, pay rate, and the ability to use overtime or subcontract some of the production must be taken into consideration to keep the total cost of production as low as possible.
You have been asked to build the aggregate planning schedule for your factory for the next six months and to determine the best option.
This chart provides the variables and cost for each variable.
STEP 1…..
Use the Excel OM Aggregate Planning spreadsheet and the data to prepare your aggregate plan. Produce a graph of your plan. The intent is to use a level strategy (or level scheduling) with no overtime, no safety stock, and no subcontractors.
Hint 1 – Consider that it takes 1.5 hours to produce a unit when determining your cost per unit for average and overtime pay.
Hint 2 – To determine regular time production, you need to multiply the units per day produced by the number of production days.
Continue to Step 2: Update Your Aggregate Plan Using Overtime
STEP 2….
In the plan produced in Step 1, the production rate did not meet the total demand. If you were able to use overtime to meet the shortfall, what would your aggregate plan look like?
Use the Excel OM Aggregate Planning spreadsheet and the data to prepare an updated aggregate plan.
Continue to Step 3: Update Your Aggregate Plan Using Outsourcing
STEP 3….
Instead of paying overtime, you might be able to outsource the shortfall in production. Use the Excel OM Aggregate Planning spreadsheet and the data to prepare an updated aggregate plan using outsources instead of paying overtime.
Continue to Step 4: Summarize and Submit
STEP 4…..
On a fourth tab of the spreadsheet, summarize your cost and determine which of the three options produces the lowest overall cost. Be sure to provide a detailed analysis along with your summary data.
Submit one spreadsheet containing a tab for each step. Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
Review the Problems Rubric for detailed grading information.

Problem 1 Solve the LOGO Production problem (the base version with only two prod

Problem 1
Solve the LOGO Production problem (the base version with only two prod

Problem 1
Solve the LOGO Production problem (the base version with only two products — see attached Download Excel file) with Excel Solver and produce the Sensitivity Report. Using the sensitivity report without resolving the problem, predict whether the optimal solution changes if:
The Selling Price for Santa’s Grotto increases from $55 to $80.
The Selling Price for Advent Calendar decreases from $35 to $22.
The Material Cost for Santa’s Grotto increases from $15 to $45.
The Material Cost for Advent Calendar decreases from $8 to $20.
In each case where the optimal solution does not change, also predict the new optimal profit without resolving the problem. Show your workings.
Problem 2
Refer to the Sensitivity Report of the LOGO Production problem. Without resolving the problem, predict the optimal profit (or indicate that we cannot predict without resolving) if:
The maximum demand for Santa’s Grotto increases from 20000 to 40000.
The maximum demand for Advent Calendar decreases from 60000 to 45000.
The number of molding machine-hours available increases from 300 to 350.
The number of packing machine-hours available increases from 300 to 350.
Show your workings.
Problem 3
Refer to the Worker Scheduling problem in Section 4.3 of the textbook. Implement the model in Excel following the textbook.
Then, try to add the following requirement to the model: Out of all workers, we want at least 20% starting their shifts in the weekend (Sat or Sun). For example, if we schedule 5 workers in each 5-day shift, we have 10 out of 35 workers (28.5%) starting their shifts in the weekend, which satisfies the requirement. Can such a requirement be formulated as a linear constraint?
Add this to the spreadsheet model and solve for the optimal solution. How much does adding this constraint change the optimal objective?
Problem 4
A bank is attempting to determine where its assets should be invested during the current year. At present, $500,000 is available for investment in bonds, home loans, auto loans, and personal loans. The annual rates of return on each type of investment are known to be the following: bonds, 10%; home loans, 16%; auto loans, 13%; and personal loans, 20%. To ensure that the bank’s portfolio is not too risky, the bank’s invest- ment manager has placed the following three restric- tions on the bank’s portfolio:
The amount invested in personal loans cannot ex- ceed the amount invested in bonds.
The amount invested in home loans cannot exceed the amount invested in auto loans.
No more than 25% of the total amount invested can be in personal loans.
Help the bank maximize the annual return on its investment portfolio.
Problem 5
Young MBA Erica Cudahy can invest up to $20,000 in stocks and loans. Each dollar invested in stocks yields $0.08 profit, and each dollar invested in a loan yields $0.13 profit. At least 40% of all money invested must be in stocks, and at least $7000 must be in loans. Determine how Erica can maximize the profit earned on her investments.

Use: Business Operations Logistics Management Remember, your goal is to increa

Use: Business Operations
Logistics Management
Remember, your goal is to increa

Use: Business Operations
Logistics Management
Remember, your goal is to increase efficiency in the area of your choice. Ask yourself “What if we could . . .  [your idea]?” 
Your assignment is to explain an approach different from the one you explained in the discussion forum. Outline the problem or inefficiency with details about how the process is impacting the organization’s effectiveness. Use graphical aids where possible to demonstrate the issue(s) and the possibilities for improvements.
Think about how to increase efficiency in any of an organization’s fundamental areas, and consider what could be done to improve the process. You may use your own company as an example. Identify a fundamental area in your organization in which there is an inefficiency. 
In your paper,
Describe the context of the problem or inefficiency you’ve identified.

Provide enough details for your reader to understand why what is happening is currently inefficient or ineffective.

Explain the current process providing appropriate supporting details.
Explain the processes of the new approach that would be more efficient for getting the task, job, or work done in your organization.
Provide a detailed evaluation describing how the accuracy and/or the efficiency would be improved by the alternative approach or process.
The What If We Could…? paper
Example possibilities for alternative approaches might include the following:
Combining reports

Would one report be better than two or three? Why?

Mobile apps

Are there possible efficiencies here? How?

Desktop notifications

Is it important to get immediate feedback? Why?

Team environment or collaboration tools

Could this eliminate wasted time or lost documents? How?

Automate manual processes

Examples include opening mail, sorting, or delivery. Could these be automated? How?

Must be at least three pages double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word Links to an external site.resource.
Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site.resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

For assistance on writing Introductions & ConclusionsLinks to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis StatementLinks to an external site., refer to the Writing Center resources.

Must use at least three credible sources in addition to the course text.

   Milestones to be Completed: 1. Data analysis for the historical performance d

Milestones to be Completed:
1. Data analysis for the historical performance d

Milestones to be Completed:
1. Data analysis for the historical performance data
· Descriptive statistics are to be summarized for each of the work elements (A thru OO)
· Consider the use of a box-plot, or a simple data summary of your choice to compare mean, median, standard deviation (variances to the standards provided), etc.
· Update your group’s data file (Excel file assigned to your group) by editing/revising/summarizing/displaying your analysis within one of the available worksheets provided
· Provide a summary statement about what you have found/determined about Foxconn’s historical data, and what you plan to do about the results … if anything… why?
2. Precedence Diagram
· Complete the construction of the precedence diagram based on the data provided in your group’s data file.
· Submit a “rough”/“draft” (sketch) or “finished” version of the precedence diagram via eConestoga’s submission link 
· Acceptable file types include (Word, PDF, .DRWG (CAD), Visio, Excel, PPT, etc. or a hand-sketch + photo/scan is OK at this point. 
· Label the file as “Precedence Diagram_Group(###)”
3. TAKT Time Calculation
· Establish a TAKT time calculator tool (formula) within one of the available worksheets provided within your group’s data (Excel) file
· The TAKT time calculator tool must be able to calculate TAKT time based on all the necessary input variables that make up “available time”, and “customer demand”
· The TAKT time calculator tool must be able to re-calculate TAKT time by changing any one or multiple input variables. HINT: it may be useful to link your TAKT time result to your workstation calculation and line balancing table in order to observe various scenarios for determining the amount of workstations your factory will need based on how you design/establish the “available time” for your production facility.
4. Evidence that a workstation design (Line Balancing) table has been started
· The line balancing table must be started within one of your available worksheets of the Excel file provided to your group folder in the sharepoint. The goal here is to simply begin the process of line balancing for the design and plan of the workstations needed for your factory. 
· This table does not have to be complete yet, but evidence must be shown that this table is setup, ready, and must show progress has been made. Please aim to have 3 to you’re your workstation assignments completed.
· HINT: You CAN NOT complete this part until you have completed steps 1, 2, and 3, from above. i.e. you need to decide which cycle times you will be working with, and you need to be confident with what TAKT time you’ll be working towards.
5. Provide a small/simple project plan that lists the next/remaining steps (activities) that your group will be working on and completing over the next 7 to 8 weeks so that there is a clear path to successful completion of this project prior to the due date and presentation date. 
· Use Excel or MS Project to list (itemize) the remaining activities planned to be completed for this project (see & review the original project instructions for detail)
· Identify “who” will be responsible for completing each listed activity
· Identify “by when” that person will be aiming to complete the listed activity
· Ensure the plan shows clearly that all remaining activities have an assigned/delegated person(s) (group member) and that the pertinent activities are targeted to be completed prior to the week of presentation and due date for the project. 
I will have added an Excel data file using that Excel. You have answer the questions using data. You have to use the 3 empty excel sheets in the same excel file to fill answer.

Suppose, instead of planning only for two products to be made at one plant, LOGO

Suppose, instead of planning only for two products to be made at one plant, LOGO

Suppose, instead of planning only for two products to be made at one plant, LOGO has to plan production volumes for ten products. Furthermore, LOGO now operates two different factories, and it has the option to make any product on either or both (or neither) of the two plants. The necessary input data is available on the spreadsheet “LOGO Production Expanded.xlsx Download LOGO Production Expanded.xlsx.” Similar to the two-product, one-plant problem discussed in class, we are given the following information about each of the ten products: the maximum demand that LOGO can sell, selling price, raw material cost, and the number of molding and packing machine-hours required to produce per unit. For each of the two plants, we are given information on the number of molding and packing machine-hours available, and the operating costs per machine hour. Using this information, build an optimization model to determine LOGO’s optimal production plan for its ten products in the two plants.

My topic is “Automated Warehouse Operations.” There are 2 submissions. Paper and

My topic is “Automated Warehouse Operations.” There are 2 submissions. Paper and

My topic is “Automated Warehouse Operations.” There are 2 submissions. Paper and Presentation. See attached for instructions. Please put notes under the slides. I will personally record the presentation video. It needs to be 4 minutes. Thank you!

  Utilizing the content covered in this course, you are to craft a presentation

Utilizing the content covered in this course, you are to craft a presentation

Utilizing the content covered in this course, you are to craft a presentation aimed at convincing the The Gates Foundation to donate a multi-year, seven figure grant.
Construct a presentation that you will deliver via a recorded video.
Submit both the slide deck (PDF format) and the video (video link is fine). The video should be no longer than 20 minutes.
Construct a presentation slide deck for ONE of the corporate donors. Include a word document detail the purpose of each slide (For example: Slide 1: This the introduction slide and identifies the audience and speakers presenting… Slide 2… etc. etc.).
 Construct a presentation for the foundation donors that you will deliver via a recorded video. You are also to include a document detailing the purpose of each slide in the presentation.
In total, 3 deliverable components.
One document for detailing the purpose of each slide for both audiences,
two slide decks, and
One video file or link (20-minute max).
Note: Case study INDIVIDUAL DONORS ARE NOT PART OF THE DELIVERABLES (only the corporate and foundation donors). 
Pro Tip: Integrate the Coursera presentation content, in addition to the course readings, into your write up.
Assignment Due: Feb 21, 2024, 11:59 PM
Weighting: 30% of final grade
Added for clarity (1/31):
Corporate donors. Corporate donors provided both in-kind materials and cash donations to You were asked to create a persuasive communication piece to solicit donations from one of the following corporate donors (pick one of these three):
1. The Detroit Lions. The Detroit Lions have been coat sponsors for TEP; in other words, the organization purchased several coats from TEP at $125/each and then distributed them to people in need in the Detroit metropolitan You have been asked to convince the Lions to increase the size of its sponsorship program and make a multiyear commitment to TEP.
2. Patagonia. Patagonia has provided in-kind materials to TEP in the You have been asked to persuade Patagonia to make a cash donation to TEP, in addition to its in-kind donations.
3. Duo Security. Duo Security, located in Ann Arbor, MI, is a technology company that was acquired by Cisco in Duo has not donated to TEP in the past. You were asked to convince Duo to become a donor to TEP for the first time.
Foundation Donor (You must present on this one… a recorded video):
Foundation donors. TEP received its first multi-year, seven figure grant from a foundation in ii You were asked to generate a persuasive communication piece to convince the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to do the same.

For this project, you will write a 10-page paper that examines the topic you cho

For this project, you will write a 10-page paper that examines the topic you cho

For this project, you will write a 10-page paper that examines the topic you chose in Module Two and how it affects individuals and society. In the paper, you will describe your chosen topic, construct a thesis statement, perform a critical analysis, and reflect on how your topic informs your personal life and experience. You will demonstrate your ability to think critically, investigate, and communicate clearly.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
I. Evidence: You will use evidence to support your analysis throughout the project.
Integrate reliable evidence from varied sources throughout your paper to support your analysis. Use at least two resources from the Module Resources section of the course and two resources that you find through your own research using the Shapiro Library.

It is important to draw from a more diverse pool of perspectives from varied sources to support the analysis. This is different from the Citations and Attributions rubric criterion.
Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while citing and attributing sources will be represented as APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.
You will be evaluated on both criteria.

II. Topic description: In this section, you will identify and discuss the factors that shape your thesis statement.
Introduce your topic with an effective description and contextual information.
Describe a population significant to your topic. Include information such as demographics, cultural practices, social identity, and key challenges.
Articulate how the topic has shaped the lives and experiences of your chosen population.
Explain your choice of general education interdisciplinary lens for analyzing your topic. The four lenses are history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social science.
Construct a thesis statement that combines your topic, population, cultural situation, and choice of general education interdisciplinary lens.
III. Critical analysis: In this section, you will analyze your engagement with your population and topic. You will identify opportunities for change, examine possible obstacles, and discuss the impact of your critical analysis on societal conversations about cultural diversity.
Discuss how you would constructively collaborate with your population to encourage their engagement with your chosen topic.
Describe at least one positive element within your topic that supports transformation.
Describe at least one specific element within your topic that could benefit from change.
Explain how at least one potential obstacle could interfere with the population’s engagement with your topic.
Assess at least two significant factors that could impact your topic, such as biases, beliefs, assumptions, and/or values.
Describe a possible outcome of your proposed engagement that might influence the societal conversations that add to critical awareness of diversity.
IV. Reflection: In this section, you will describe how using critical analysis tools influences your personal experience, your field of study or profession, how you interact with others, and your understanding of the role of diversity in society.
Describe how critically analyzing your topic has positively informed your personal experience.
Describe how examining your bias has altered the way you perceive the world.
Describe how this course has helped you understand the role of diversity in society.
Explain how critically analyzing diversity can positively influence your field of study or profession.
Explain at least one way in which your analysis might have been different if you had used one of the other general education lenses to analyze your topic.
Explain how critically analyzing diversity adds value to interactions with people in a variety of contexts.
To complete this project, you must submit a Word document of 10 pages in length (plus a reference page) with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style (At least four sources). 

See attached for instructions. Please put notes under the slides. I will persona

See attached for instructions. Please put notes under the slides. I will persona

See attached for instructions. Please put notes under the slides. I will personally record the presentation video. It needs to be 2-3 minutes. Thank you!