Knowledge test on page 15: Total 11 questions need to do 2. Write a Workforce B

Knowledge test on page 15: Total 11 questions need to do
2. Write a Workforce Briefing Report (all details are on page 22 and 23) 2 pages long report
4. Develop a Strategic Workforce Plan (all details are on page 25)
5. Develop a Risk Management Plan (all details are on page 26)
6. Obtain support for the Strategic Workforce Plan and risk Management Plan (all details are on page 26)
7. Develop a survey to seek staff input (all details are on page 26 and 27)
8. Develop a Strategic Workforce Plan Review Report (all details are on page 27 and 28)
9. Develop a Work Life Balance Report and Action Plan (all details are on page 28) 1 page long report
10. Update Health and Safety Policy and Procedures (all details are on page 29)
11. Evaluate the performance of the Strategic Workforce Plan (all details are on page 29) 1/2 to 1 page long report

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Anand’s textbook Chapt

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Anand’s textbook Chapter 18: Final Thoughts. In addition, it is recommended to watch Kate Aitken’s video on, The Power of Social IntrapreneurshipLinks to an external site.. Additionally, download the League of Intrapreneurs ToolkitLinks to an external site. and read through the entire toolkit.
In the League of Intrapreneurs’ toolkit, there are five missions highlighted. Pick one section that stood out to you personally and share what you gained from that section and how you feel it helps you as an intrapreneur.
In addition, share the top three things you gained from the Greenhouse Approach textbook.

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Anand’s textbook Chapt

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Anand’s textbook Chapters 4, 5, 8, and 14. In addition, read “Can you innovate within large organizations? Joshua Mitro LavraLinks to an external site.” by Shahbaz Khan. It is also recommended to watch the video with Joshua Mitro Lavra, “Can you innovate within large organizations?Links to an external site.”
Anand’s textbook addresses four phases: problem identification, ideation, execution, and reflection. In the article by Khan, he addresses the why, what, and how as it relates to intrapreneurship. Both of these models overlap with one another in various ways.
For this discussion, you are asked to first select a company. This could be your current organization, a previous company you were associated with, or perhaps a company that you wish to be a part of. Take the position that you are intrapreneurial within this company and address the “why, who, what, and how” based on the elements presented in Khan’s article. The following are some guidance tips to help you with this discussion.
Why – Focus on innovation and growth. What is important to you about this company?
Who – Focus on cultural contributions. Think about what you could contribute in terms of innovation. Do you have creative ideas? Do you have a team you work with that is all creative? Would there be value in working with other departments to create innovation and growth?
What – Focus on revolutionary and evolutionary ideas. What creative ideas do you have that would create revolutionary change for the company you selected? Think outside the box on this one. Share new ideas, not ones the company is already working on.
How – Focus on the “lean startup model” of build, measure, and learn. Based on your response to “what” how will you build this idea? How will you measure it? How will you learn from it?

  Prior to beginning work on this assignment, complete Levels 3 and 4 of the EI

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, complete Levels 3 and 4 of the EI Games Presentation Skills course and watch the following videos: How to Make a Good Powerpoint Presentation (Tips)Links to an external site., Dealing with ObjectionsLinks to an external site., and How to Do a Good Presentation – 5 Steps to a Killer OpenerLinks to an external site..
Level 3: Preparing for the Presentation presents information about developing the presentation. The preparatory actions include the following:
creating an argument,
appropriate casting,
creating a team,
the importance of rehearsal,
opening the presentation,
visual aids, and
fielding the team.
Level 4: Closing to Win focuses on delivering the presentation. Critical areas associated with delivering the presentation include the following:
managing the presentation flow,
delivering a compelling close,
coping with objections,
taking appropriate post-presentation actions, and
negotiating effectively.
While reflecting on the material offered in the EI Games: Presentation Skills Course and developing your paper, consider prior learning and prior work experience, in addition to the material presented. Disagreeing with the principles presented in Levels 3 and 4 is appropriate. However, do not reject the offered principles out of hand. Support acceptance or rejection of the offered principles with critical thinking and sound reasoning.
After completing Levels 3 and 4 activities, reflect on the situation presented in which a member of the presentation team had an emergency on the day of the presentation. The emergency was such that the team member was unable to deliver their part of the presentation. The solution proposed in the EI Games advised the team to explain the situation to the potential client and ask for a rescheduled presentation date.
Problem Contingency Plan
This is a paper about a presentation and not a presentation.  Please submit as a Word document.
Create a summarized problem contingency plan for the following issues:

Audience members appear bored and uninterested in the presentation.
Audience members frequently interrupt the presentation with objections.
Audience members allude to the inconvenience they experienced because of the rescheduled presentation.
Audience members ask probing questions the presentation team is unprepared to answer.

Limit contingency summaries to no more than two paragraphs per contingency and one paragraph per identified concern.
In your paper,
Appraise the value or lack of value associated with asking for a presentation to be rescheduled because of an emergency.
Frame your response with likely client reactions to the reschedule request.
Determine three areas of concern the potential client might have based on the reschedule request.
The EI Games Presentation Skills Course: Coping with Emergencies paper
must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site. resource.
must include a separate title page with the following:

title of paper in bold font

Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

student’s name
name of institution (University of Arizona Global Campus)
course name and number
instructor’s name
date submitted

must utilize academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

For assistance on writing Introductions & ConclusionsLinks to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis StatementLinks to an external site., refer to the Writing Center resources.

must use at least two credible and/or scholarly sources in addition to the material presented in EI Games: Presentation Skills Course. 

The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

requires students to use knowledge and understanding of the subject studied and

requires students to use knowledge and understanding of the subject studied and develop their own meaningful case studies. Case 1 will act as a scaffolding and will assist students to get a thorough understanding of case study development and analysis. Students will need to develop one business case and another one on their own selected specialization. 
1200 words per case =2400
AI and Plagirism report

Ethics in Leadership This course has major project assignments that will be due

Ethics in Leadership
This course has major project assignments that will be due in Weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.     
For the course project, you will assess the ethical nature of leadership by studying a current or historical leader. Choose a famous leader with readily available information (e.g., press releases, organizational websites, published biographies, etc.) that you can research. Consult with your instructor early in the week if you need assistance. You will be using the same leader for the Week 1, Week 3, and Week 5 assignments.
For the Week 1 paper, prepare a biographical introduction of your chosen leader that summarizes:
who the leader is,
what era the leader came from,
what organization the leader is or was affiliated with,
why this leader is worthy of study,
the specific leadership theory/style this leader used, citing specific examples and research to support your assessment.
Next, analyze this leader in terms of moral intelligence and credibility as a leader, citing evidence to support your perspectives. Specifically, this section should assess any gaps between espoused values and actual behaviors.
Next, analyze the alignment of the leader’s values and behaviors with the organizational values expressed in vision, mission, and value statements of the organization most closely affiliated with the leader, as well as any other indicators of organizational culture.
Finally, synthesize a personal reflection of “lessons learned” that includes at least two key take aways that you can apply to your own leadership practice.
Submission Details:
Submit your answers in a three- to four-page Microsoft Word document.

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum read Part 2: The Model in yo

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum read Part 2: The Model in your course textbook. Pay attention to the material offered in the section of your textbook The Seven Guiding Principles: Recap. These principles are presented as the foundation for a culture valuing intrapreneurship activity.
Review and critique the principles with a focus on the following:
Are the suggested principles an adequate foundation for an intrapreneurial-focused culture?
Must all organization departments adopt these principles as cultural norms?
Are operating silos a significant barrier to implementing the suggested principles?
Would you add anything to or remove anything from the suggested principles?
Offer a link to a video or an article that provides additional information about developing an intrapreneurial culture.

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum read Part 2: The Model in yo

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum read Part 2: The Model in your course textbook. Pay attention to the material offered about the adaptation theory of business. Three actions deemed necessary to develop a proactive rather than reactive stance regarding the change is offered. Critique the effectiveness of these three steps in creating the desired proactive stance.
The following are some items you might want to consider:
How difficult might it be to obtain the information that will define the organization’s current status? 
How much training, knowledge, and experience is needed to adequately understand the products and services offered, and how are customers and competitors reacting to products and services offered?
How much knowledge is required to imagine how the desired change impacts all parts of the organization? 
What is missing from the model, if anything? 
Offer a link to a video or an article that provides additional information about developing a proactive stance to pursuing beneficial change. See APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. and Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. for cite/reference outside sources.

  Hi Class! Here’s a fun extra credit discussion worth up to 5 points to get yo

Hi Class! Here’s a fun extra credit discussion worth up to 5 points to get you introduced to the class and your classmates! Compare the two videos embedded here in terms of the their musicality and dance styles. What is so different between their dance interpretation of the music and what we as humans would do? How about the social interaction of the crabs? How about the passion and variety of dance moves of Snowball, the cockatoo? What do these videos say regarding their level of intelligence? Do you have a video of an animal that reflects a like dance/musical aptitude? Feel free to post it in this thread for us to enjoy! Additionally in order to receive a full 5 points credit for this extra credit discussion be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates postings! Enjoy!

Please note: Discussions with video postings must either “show” the video so it can simply be “clicked on” and played (hint use the YouTube link in the HTML editor browser located above the text box). You may also choose to embed the link by “sharing” the video (hint use the unbroken chain link in the HTML editor browser located above the text box.).