Part 1: Answer the following questions in complete sentences according to the W

Part 1:
Answer the following questions in complete sentences according to the White Paper by Johnson and Johnson attached below.What is the problem?
Who does the problem affect?
How does this problem make you feel?
When is it a problem?
Why should I care?
How does it affect the population/patients?
Write a brief problem statement using the white paper that identifies and summarizes the nursing problem or issue.
Use the following five step process to craft the problem statement:Identify the problem.
Begin your statement with your ideal situation.
Describe current gaps.
State the consequences of the problem.
Propose a way to address the problem.
Part 2: Visit the website:,groups%2C%20communities%2C%20and%20populations. and review what nursing is. The American Nurses Association published a book about nursing’s social policy statement. In brief:
Nursing’s social policy statement is about the many ways that nursing helps others. It is about the relationship—the social contract—between the nursing profession and society and their reciprocal expectations. This arrangement authorizes nurses as professionals to meet the needs involved in the care and health of patients and clients, and the health of society. It helps nurses engage in political and legislative action that supports nursing education, research, and practice to better influence that health and care, and to understand the social ethics and justice that affect global and individual health.
Answer the following questions in atleast 5 sentences each. No use of any chatgpt, AI or will report and request refund.
What does the definition of nursing mean to you? How does it relate to the issue of racism, discrimination, and bias in nursing?
What is the social contract that nursing has with society? How does that relate to the definition of nursing and, in turn, to the issue of racism, discrimination, and bias?
How do you view your responsibility to yourself and others related to this social contract into which you are entering?

For this assessment, research best practices related to a current health care pr

For this assessment, research best practices related to a current health care problem. Your selected problem or issue will be utilized again in Assessment 4. To explore your chosen topic, you should use the first two steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach to aid your critical thinking.
Select one of the health care problems or issues presented in the Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skill[PDF] Download Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF]resource. Write a brief overview of the selected health care problem or issue. In your overview:Summarize the health care problem or issue.
Describe the professional relevance of this topic.
Describe any professional experience you have with this topic.
Identify peer-reviewed articles relevant to this health care issue or problem.Conduct a search for scholarly or academic peer-reviewed literature related to the topic and describe the criteria you used to search for articles, including the names of the databases you used. You will select four current scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles published during the past 3–5 years that relate to your topic.Refer to the NHS-FPX4000: Developing a Health Care Perspective Library Guide to help you locate appropriate references.
Use keywords related to the health care problem or issue you are researching to select relevant articles.
Assess the credibility and explain relevance of the information sources you find.Determine if the source is from an academic peer-reviewed journal.
Determine if the publication is current.
Determine if information in the academic peer-reviewed journal article is still relevant.
Analyze academic peer-reviewed journal articles using the annotated bibliography organizational format. Provide a rationale for inclusion of each selected article. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to document a list of references along with key information about each one. The detail about the reference is the annotation. Developing this annotated bibliography will create a foundation of knowledge about the selected topic. In your annotated bibliography:Identify the purpose of the article.
Summarize the information.
Provide rationale for inclusion of each article.
Include the conclusions and findings of the article.
Write your annotated bibliography in a paragraph form. The annotated bibliography should be approximately 150 words (1–3 paragraphs) in length.
List the full reference for the source in APA format (author, date, title, publisher, et cetera) and use APA format for the annotated bibliography.
Make sure the references are listed in alphabetical order, are double-spaced, and use hanging indents.
Summarize what you have learned while developing an annotated bibliography.Summarize what you learned from your research in a separate paragraph or two at the end of the paper.
List the main points you learned from your research.
Summarize the main contributions of the sources you chose and how they enhanced your knowledge about the topic.Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:Length: 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
APA tutorial: Use the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] for guidance.
Written communication: Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Content: Provide a title page and reference page following APA style.
References: Use at least four scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles.
APA format: Follow current APA guidelines for in-text citation of outside sources in the body of your paper and also on the reference page.

NUR2214 Section RJPB1A0Z Nursing Care of the Older Adult (11 Weeks) – Fully on

NUR2214 Section RJPB1A0Z Nursing Care of the Older Adult (11 Weeks) – Fully on Campus – 2024 Summer Quarter
Module 02 Course Project – Select Topic
Module 02 Content
Course Competency:Analyze the increased complexity of care among older adults.
Your supervisor needs to make sure that each of the in-service topics will be covered by someone, so she is asking the staff to communicate their topic preference. Below is the list of problems your supervisor wants the nursing staff to be able to teach older adult clients (and/or their family members) about.
My Topic Options:Coronary artery disease
Your supervisor has asked you to submit a 1-page proposal, written using proper spelling, grammar, and APA, which addresses the following:
Identify the client problem your in-service will address.
Describe at least 5 consequences of the client problem as it relates to the health, safety, and well-being of older adults.
Explain your rationale for choosing the client problem you selected.
Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Topic is the picot question
Clinical Question Using PICOT Format
In hospitalized adult patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations (P), does the enactment of a comprehensive discharge education plan (I), equated to routine discharge instructions (C), lower the 30-day readmission rates (O) over a half-year interval (T)?
4-5 Full Page Paper Excluding the Title Page Reference Page and Appendix G and H Following the Rubric Criteria
Grading Rubric for Literature Search Strategies, Literature Review & Syntheisis of the Literature
Literature Search Strategies (20 points)
Literature Review (25 points)
Synthesis of the Literature (25 points)
Supporting Documents/Tools (Appendix G and Appendix H) (20 points)
Scholarly Writing and APA (10 points)
Some Guiding Questions to consider:
Which databases will you use to guide your search (e.g. CINAHL, Medline, PubMed)?
Have you entered a date range to look for the most recent literature?
Which search terms will you use? Consider various search terms (key terms) and combinations. For example, “readmission” might be noted as “rehospitalization” in the literature.
How will you narrow down to a final selection of articles? Will you exclude specific populations, only include hospital settings, exclude articles not in English?
Do you have sufficient evidence to support your clinical problem statement?
Have you selected and utilized a tool to assist you in organizing the literature and taking notes (e.g. Zotero and Reference Matrix)?
Based on how you have organized the literature and taken notes, organize, interpret, and explain the literature. What are the relationships? What are the major differences?
Utilize Appendix G, to gather your evidence (Individual Evidence Summary Tool): Appendix G /content/enforced/1242603-2024SP-BRK-NDNP7102-7072/Appendix G 2022 Final.docxIn Appendix G, you will note the last column states “notes to team.” For the purposes of this class you can put N/A. For the “Reviewer Name” this will be the student.
You may use clinical guidelines, best practice guidelines, integrative reviews, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and research (quantitative and qualitative studies). Do not review quality improvement articles. Appendix D (Hierarchy of Evidence Guide) can assist you in determining the levels of evidence for each article. Appendix D /content/enforced/1242603-2024SP-BRK-NDNP7102-7072/Appendix D 2022 Final.docx
Referring to completed Appendix G, complete Appendix H (Synthesis and Recommendations Tool). Appendix H /content/enforced/1242603-2024SP-BRK-NDNP7102-7072/Appendix H 2022 Final.docx
After completion of Appendix H, use it to write the synthesis of the literature. The synthesis includes the evidence, barriers, gaps, and overall findings. Overall, note the levels of evidence of the body of literature (see Appendix D). How does the synthesis inform your clinical problem statement?
feedback from the last assignment,
2nd slide:1) All components of the PCC (Population, Context, Concept) or PICOT (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time) correctly identified and listed in order (20 points)2) Clinical problem statement properly formulated and written in sentence format (20 points)
40, great start! You would have to make sure that you will have access readmission rates.
Requirements: 4-5 Full Pages Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to include an introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement in the last sentence of the introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph.
Please be sure to use credible or scholarly sources published within the last 5 years.

For this assessment, research best practices related to a current health care pr

For this assessment, research best practices related to a current health care problem. Your selected problem or issue will be utilized again in Assessment 4. To explore your chosen topic, you should use the first two steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach to aid your critical thinking.
Select one of the health care problems or issues presented in the Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF]
Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF]resource. Write a brief overview of the selected health care problem or issue. In your overview:Summarize the health care problem or issue.
Describe the professional relevance of this topic.
Describe any professional experience you have with this topic.
Identify peer-reviewed articles relevant to this health care issue or problem.Conduct a search for scholarly or academic peer-reviewed literature related to the topic and describe the criteria you used to search for articles, including the names of the databases you used. You will select four current scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles published during the past 3–5 years that relate to your topic.Refer to the NHS-FPX4000: Developing a Health Care Perspective Library Guide to help you locate appropriate references.
Use keywords related to the health care problem or issue you are researching to select relevant articles.
Assess the credibility and explain relevance of the information sources you find.Determine if the source is from an academic peer-reviewed journal.
Determine if the publication is current.
Determine if information in the academic peer-reviewed journal article is still relevant.
Analyze academic peer-reviewed journal articles using the annotated bibliography organizational format. Provide a rationale for inclusion of each selected article. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to document a list of references along with key information about each one. The detail about the reference is the annotation. Developing this annotated bibliography will create a foundation of knowledge about the selected topic. In your annotated bibliography:Identify the purpose of the article.
Summarize the information.
Provide rationale for inclusion of each article.
Include the conclusions and findings of the article.
Write your annotated bibliography in a paragraph form. The annotated bibliography should be approximately 150 words (1–3 paragraphs) in length.
List the full reference for the source in APA format (author, date, title, publisher, et cetera) and use APA format for the annotated bibliography.
Make sure the references are listed in alphabetical order, are double-spaced, and use hanging indents.
Summarize what you have learned while developing an annotated bibliography.Summarize what you learned from your research in a separate paragraph or two at the end of the paper.
List the main points you learned from your research.
Summarize the main contributions of the sources you chose and how they enhanced your knowledge about the topic.
Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:Length: 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
APA tutorial: Use the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] for guidance.
Written communication: Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Content: Provide a title page and reference page following APA style.
References: Use at least four scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles.
APA format: Follow current APA guidelines for in-text citation of outside sources in the body of your paper and also on the reference page.

Answer the following questions in Part 1 below in atleast 500 words altogether.

Answer the following questions in Part 1 below in atleast 500 words altogether. May use outside scholarly resources but must be cited. No use of any AI, chatgpt or plagiarism, if suspected will report and withdraw question.
Part 1
1. Discuss how cloning would decrease the demand for organ donation.
2. What countries are cloning organs?
3. What impact would cloning organs have on health care?
4. What are the benefits and dangers of cloning?
5. Identify one ethical issue with cloning.
Part 2: In atleast 800 words, answer the following. You must cite at least two (2) scholarly resources
1. Describe how people in general may feel when discriminated against, treated unfairly, or otherwise perceived differently because of some characteristic in the healthcare industry.
Find one scholarly journal article that discusses health disparities in a religious, cultural, or racial-ethnic group. Summarize the article’s findings.What are some of the causes and effects of health disparities in general and in this community?

I have an Osmosis account (where we watch videos for nursing school). I like to

I have an Osmosis account (where we watch videos for nursing school). I like to screenshot every time there is a new slide in the video or change. Once i screenshot it, I crop it and add it to an app called Notability (2 slides per page). It will make more sense if you watch the video. I just need someone to help me organize the notes because it is very time-consuming. Please refer to video. Make sure to capture everything in the screenshot. I need this done for all the videos in “week 3 pathophysiology”. I have already done one of them, which is “Hypertension Pathology Overview”. I take notes on the video after (which you DO NOT NEED TO DO). I have attached it as a reference as well.

For this assignment, you will write a paper on the pharmacological management of

For this assignment, you will write a paper on the pharmacological management of the disease. The paper should include a review of the following:
Select a disease process that is of interest to you. The disease process selected is Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ADHD.
Pathophysiology of the disease state.
Review of the pharmacological agents used for treatment and important information related to advanced practice nurse. The pharmacological agent is Adderall/Adderall XR.
Each student will clearly write a title for this topic: For examples, “Pharmacological Effects of Anti-Hypertensive Medications in the Management of Hypertension”.
Submission Instructions:
The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
Write a title for the paper, and make an abstract.
The paper should be formatted per the current APA and 5-7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles within your work.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need th

Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Final Paper: Policy Analysis
This assignment is an analysis of local, state, or federal health policy.
Select a state health policy reform innovation
Discuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislature), the funding structure, and (to the extent statistical data are available) its impact. ethical outcome based on evidence.
Examples of state innovations include Maryland’s hospital rate setting, Vermont’s single payer system, and Massachusetts’ health reforms
Submission Requirements:
The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper is to be formatted per current APA style, 5-7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.
Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
Requirements: see instructions