Minmum 1 reference per post. Post 1-Nicole An organization’s mission, vision, va

Minmum 1 reference per post.
Post 1-Nicole
An organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategies are essential elements that collectively define its purpose, direction, ethical framework, and operational approach.
Mission: Defines the organization’s core purpose and reason for existence, articulating what it aims to achieve.
Vision: Sets long-term goals and aspirations, providing a clear picture of where the organization aims to be in the future.
Values: These are fundamental principles and beliefs that guide the behavior, decisions, and interactions of individuals within the organization, forming its ethical foundation.
Strategies: Outline specific approaches and actions designed to achieve the mission and vision. They detail how the organization plans to utilize its strengths and resources effectively.
Together, these elements shape organizational culture by aligning employees’ attitudes, behaviors, and decisions with the organization’s overarching goals and values.
For instance, Google’s mission to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful(Our Approach – How Google Search Works, n.d.)” drives a culture of innovation, openness, and user-centricity. This mission influences Google’s product development, talent acquisition practices, and partnerships. During periods of change, such as technological advancements or shifts in market demands, these foundational elements guide Google’s cultural evolution while ensuring alignment with its mission and values. This strategic alignment not only fosters a cohesive organizational culture but also enhances adaptability and resilience in a dynamic business environment. Thus, integrating mission, vision, values, and strategies effectively enables organizations to maintain clarity of purpose while navigating challenges and pursuing sustainable growth.
Our Approach – How Google Search Works. (n.d.). Google Search – Discover How Google Search Works. Retrieved July 4, 2024, from https://www.google.com/search/howsearchworks/our-approach/
2nd post-Lar
Aligning an organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategies with its culture is crucial for fostering high performance and success.
The mission defines the fundamental purpose and reason for the organization’s existence. The vision articulates the desired future state that the organization aspires to achieve. The organizational values outline the principles and beliefs that guide behavior and decision-making within the organization; and the strategies are the actionable plans and approaches designed to achieve the organization’s mission and vision. Strategic alignment ensures that every initiative supports the overarching goals and objectives, promoting coherence and efficiency in execution.
To shape and organizational culture, companies should integrated and create a cohesive framework that guides behaviors and decisions at all levels. For example, Google’s mission to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful” is reflected in its innovative culture and customer-centric approach. Google. (2024). Mission statement.
During times of change, such as adopting new technologies or entering new markets, these elements provide stability and direction. For instance, when Apple shifted from a computer company to a broader technology and entertainment firm under Steve Jobs’ leadership, their mission to innovate and create user-friendly products guided their strategic decisions and cultural evolution.
The success of an organization align their culture with their mission, vision, values, and strategies. This alignment fosters employee engagement, enhances organizational resilience, and supports sustained performance
In conclusion, an organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategies play pivotal roles in shaping its culture and driving performance. When clearly defined, communicated, and integrated into daily operations, they create a cohesive organizational identity that fosters alignment, resilience, and innovation and enable managers and their teams to succeed by connecting their personal purpose with the organization’s larger goals.
Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2022). The art of leadership (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Chapter 4, pg. 63.
Google. (2024). Mission statement. Retrieved July 1, 2024, from https://about.google/intl/en/mission/

Read the articles i attached Title your post: Last Name-Week 3 Use complete sen

Read the articles i attached
Title your post: Last Name-Week 3
Use complete sentences and provide supporting details.
Use first-person language (I, me, my, etc.).
Do NOT copy the questions.
Number your answers.
Do NOT Exceed Total Word Count Limit = 300
1.What purposeful and intentional design aspect of the ChicagoCHEC program [Taylor (2019)] did you find useful in removing barriers that address underrepresented populations and why?
2.Marcelin et al (2019) list seven strategies for mitigating unconscious bias in Figure 2. Which of the seven strategies are you currently using within your organization and why did your organization choose to use this strategy? If your organization is not using any strategies, which of the seven strategies would you like to see implemented in your organization and why? I work as a compliance analyst at Delaware first Health (https://www.delawarefirsthealth.com) so please answer number two from my job position at my job

Assignment: You have been asked whether your organization should expand from sel

You have been asked whether your organization should expand from selling its products 
only in North America to selling its products in Europe as well. 
What information would you want to collect? 
Who would you want to discuss the idea with before making a decision? 
Post should
be at least 250 words and must include at least one citation from an external
Use the
files attached named “Organizational Behavior Ch06” and “Leadership in Office
Administration – Ch 8” as two of the required citations 
ending the post with an intriguing question/thought that compels the audience
to think, engage, and respond to the post. 

Individual Submission: Distinguish between transactional leadership and transfor

Individual Submission: Distinguish between
transactional leadership and transformative leadership?
Completion requirements
Opened: Thursday, 14 September 2017, 2:00 PM
For this formative assignment, please
identify, describe, and critically evaluate different leadership styles that
occur in your workplace.  In your assignment, please remember to include
the following:
Distinguish between transactional leadership and transformative leadership?
Define/describe pseudo transformational leadership:
Transformative leadership and transactional leadership often occur in the same
organization. How do they affect each other?
How can transformational leadership practices affect organizations undergoing
Using the recommended reading
included in this week’s section, support your paper with a minimum of five (5)
resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate
scholarly resources, including older articles of your choice, may be included.
Length: 5-7 pages, not including
title and reference pages. Approximately 1500 – 2100 words. Your pages must be
Double spaced with a Font style Times New Roman and 12 Font Size.
Your paper should reflect scholarly
writing and APA Referencing standard. Be sure to adhere to  Academic
Integrity Policy by avoiding plagiarism through text-citing and acknowledging
other author’s work. 
Top of Form

I will attach a word do with the information that I need to be put on a power po

I will attach a word do with the information that I need to be put on a power point. I know that it says for it to be on ten slides but 5 will do. 
Experience is an excellent teacher in the subject of leadership. People learn what to do from trying something themselves and/or watching others. We may tend to base our understanding of leadership on the best experiences, those times when we lead well or watch as others lead well. This reflective assignment provides a way for you to present your “personal best” leadership experience. Be sure to include at least these three items in your presentation. You presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides.
1. Describe the context of your best leadership situation/experience. Where/when did it take place?
2. List 2-3 important actions or behaviors you took as a leader in this situation. In other words, what things did you do as a leader that made a difference in this situation?
3. What words would you use to describe this experience? Describe your takeaways from the experience.
[No citations/references required unless you use a paraphrase or quote from another source]

Consider the following leadership practices that assist in Encouraging the Heart

Consider the following leadership practices that assist in Encouraging the Heart.
“Praising people for a job well done.
Making a point to let people know about my confidence in their abilities.
Making sure people are creatively recognized for their contributions to the success of our projects.
Publicly recognizing people who exemplify commitment to shared values.
Telling stories of encouragement about good works of others.
Being personally involved in recognizing people and celebrating accomplishments.” (Kouzes and Posner, 2017)
After considering these leadership actions, write a reflective essay addressing these questions:
Have you had a boss that acted in this manner?  If yes, discuss how you responded to him/her. If no, discuss how you think you would have responded
Please discuss whether or not these leadership actions are part of your leadership approach…and if not, should they be…why or why not?
The format for each Writing Assignment will be double spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font, and 1” margins (top, bottom, and sides). Place the following information on the first page of each writing assignment:
Name, Course
Word Count

Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2011). Credibility: How leaders gain and lose it

Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2011). Credibility: How leaders gain and lose it, why people demand it. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Kouzes and Posner (2011) discuss credibility as the foundation of leadership. They review the characteristics of admired leaders as reported by research studies. (See attached and look up the article to read).
Create a class post for me to share about a leader that I have personally known who demonstrated extraordinary credibility. Feel free to generate a storyline about this leader – preferably a woman. Using specific examples, explain why that leader earned my respect. Include citations from texts to support thoughts. Citations should be included, using APA style. with the use of AI or plagiarism!

Identifying an organization and its climate providing the context surrounding the problem and ensuing decision.

Identifying an organization and its climate providing the context surrounding the problem and ensuing decision.

Assignment Overview
The objective of this assignment is to assess your degree of mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) by demonstrating that you can apply and integrate the key course concepts in a real-world context. Begin this paper by identifying an organization and its climate providing the context surrounding the problem and ensuing decision. Provide a concise explanation of why it is a problem and what will happen if nothing changes? What are the potential opportunities/benefits of change? Following this, develop your paper to discuss your decision-making analysis of this problem as it relates to the first two steps of the rational decision-making process. Within each of the before mentioned areas be sure to include examination of the following:
Assignment Criteria
Overview (suggested length – one page)
Give a comprehensive introduction to the organization so that the reader has all necessary context to determine the effectiveness of your ultimate decision. Include the mission/values/vision of the organization for use later in the process. Conclude this section with a preview of the remaining sections of the paper.
Decision-Making Steps 1 & 2 Analysis (suggested length – two pages)
Rational Decision-Making Process – Describe the first two steps of the rational decision-making process as it applies to the identified problem. Be sure to include:
Defining the problem, in a single sentence (problem statement) being careful to avoid the common errors of:
Defining in absolute terms (either/or, yes/no)
Defining the problem in terms of the proposed solution
Missing a bigger problem
Diagnosing the problem in terms of its symptoms
Identifying the criteria
List and describe each relevant criterion
Mitigating Bias (suggested length – one page)
Identify and illustrate a single heuristic or bias that could negatively impact the decision-making process. Remember that any discussion of heuristic/bias should include a definition, application, and mitigation.
Ethical and Spiritual Analysis (suggested length – one page)
Reflect on the decision-making process, and evaluate the fairness of the decision-making process. Asses the repercussions of the decision on individuals, the organization, and the primary stakeholders or end-users.
Reflect on personal faith and ethical values, consider: is your decision aligned with the faith integration topics for this course? If so, how? If not, how? How do you think that your personal faith, values, and personal code of ethics informed your decision-making process?
Support assertions throughout your paper with the class sources and other additional sources as appropriate. Students should anticipate that this paper will be approximately 10 pages in length and APA formatted (Level I/II headings should suffice). Suggestion: Use the above subtitles in bold as headings for your paper. This will serve as an outline/guide for you and assist the reader following your thoughts.
Suggested Format
Title Page (APA format, see APA manual p. 32)
Overview (Level I heading)
Decision Making Steps and Analysis (Level I heading)
Define the Problem (Level II heading)
Identify the Criteria (Level II heading)
Mitigating Bias (Level I heading)
Ethical and Spiritual Analysis (Level I heading)
References (Level I heading)

Specifically, how did your leader display (or not display) aspects of Leading and Managing Change

Specifically, how did your leader display (or not display) aspects of Leading and Managing Change

For Leader Analysis Paper #3, please submit a 5 page (minimum) double-spaced paper that details the following:
1. Specifically, how did your leader display (or not display) aspects of Leading and Managing Change (Unit 7), Problem Management and Decision Making (Unit 8), and Consensus Building and Negotiation (Unit 9). Please include citations and references to Units 7, 8, and 9 reading materials that support your answers.
2. How can you apply the conclusions of your assessment and analysis to leadership roles and responsibilities in your organization?
I have the book in Amazon Kindle, and I can’t save it in my computer. So I will share you my amazon kindle account, so you can have access to the book. https://read.amazon.com/landing – Password: for assigned writer