Discuss what effect the political, ethical, and risk management influences have on the budget categories designated.

Discuss what effect the political, ethical, and risk management influences have on the budget categories designated.

Students will be given a law enforcement budget proposal with major and minor line items.
Wheeling W VA 2015-2016 Police Budget ProposalDownload Wheeling W VA 2015-2016 Police Budget Proposal
Students will discuss what effect the political, ethical, and risk management influences have on the budget categories designated.
Political Impact
How does politics effect the budget proposal if this agency has experienced an incident of police shooting and killing an unarmed suspect, followed by several months of negative critical analysis of the event in the news and social media?
How does politics effect this budget proposal that includes wage increases, creation of several new positions, and several new specialized units?
Ethical Impact – How does a goal of having ethical police officers effect the agency training budget?
Risk Management Impact – How does the goal of managing risk within the organization effect the agency budget for liability insurance, property loss insurance, community relations, and training?

Does your agency meet/exceed the Use of Force, Pursuits, and Job-based Harassment standards recommended by CALEA? Why?

Does your agency meet/exceed the Use of Force, Pursuits, and Job-based Harassment standards recommended by CALEA? Why?

1. Follow the FORMATTING PAPERS ASSIGNMENTS Download FORMATTING PAPERS ASSIGNMENTSas a guide and write a 2-3 page paper comparing your departmental directives on Use of Force, Pursuits, and Job-based Harassment with current CALEA Standards Download CALEA Standards.
2. In addition to a general comparison, the following items must be included:
Does your agency meet/exceed the Use of Force, Pursuits, and Job-based Harassment standards recommended by CALEA? Why?
In your opinion, are your agency’s directives regarding Use of Force, Pursuits, and Job-based Harassment adequate? Explain why or why not. If not, what are your concerns?
Do not skip the last question – this is an important element of the paper. As always, the paper should be free of spelling and punctuation errors and be grammatically correct.

How do leaders foster collaboration among teams?

How do leaders foster collaboration among teams?

Answer the following questions from the reading – and please provide a paragraph or two for each one. Demonstrate to me that you’ve done the reading assignment in your responses:
1.) How do leaders foster collaboration among teams?
2.) A quote from our book is “Leaders become most powerful, when they give their power away”. What does that mean to you ?
3.) If you were managing someone who had low self-confidence in their job, how would you go about helping them improve their self-confidence?
4.) What are some of the best practices that good leaders use when providing feedback/coaching to someone?
100 POINTS (each response is worth 25 points – so do a good job with these !)

I need to re adjust the organization structure/ hierarchy into the correct way (

I need to re adjust the organization structure/ hierarchy into the correct way (

I need to re adjust the organization structure/ hierarchy into the correct way ( landscape style) using the same jobs and number of employees. it only needs re arranging into the correct way.
– keep all department managers to be under the operation manager

Please discuss the following scenarios: 1. A patrol officer walks up to you and

Please discuss the following scenarios:
1. A patrol officer walks up to you and

Please discuss the following scenarios:
1. A patrol officer walks up to you and tells you his or her supervisor is sexually harassing him or her.
• What do you do?
• What internal measures should be taken?
• What are some external remedies?
2. If a citizen complained a patrolman had been sexually harassing them, what would you do same or different than the internal complaint?
3. Your female officer was sent by your agency to assist another agency in a mutual aid scenario. The female officer was blatantly discriminated against by two officers from the mutual aid requested agency, which interfered with her performance and completion of tasks.
As the officer’s manager what would be your actions regarding your officer and the other agency upon notification of the incident?
An investigation was completed by an outside agency and the discrimination actions against your female officer were founded. As Chief what obligations (if any) would you have regarding your female officer and what actions would you take to follow through with the findings?