Use the attached file to complete this assignment. As a best practice, save this

Use the attached file to complete this assignment. As a best practice, save this file as Lastname_310_CaseStudy2.docx or .pdx. Upload the completed file here for review. This file will be run through the Turnitin software.
Always use your own words and avoid direct quotes since these fail to demonstrate student mastery of content. See the weblink below for help on APA style, and be sure to attribute information to the sources in the written document. Write for a professional audience and maintain a formal tone.

Module Response Guidelines ISS 318: Pandemics and Social Science (ONLINE) Instru

Module Response Guidelines
ISS 318: Pandemics and Social Science (ONLINE)
You will write one module response per module (for a total of four). Please pay careful attention
to the rubric below for information on how you will be evaluated and the types of things that will
lead to automatic point deductions.
The module response must consist of 10 paragraphs total (think of a paragraph as comprising
roughly 4-6 sentences). It must include a word count. Responses that are below 800 words or
over 1200 words will receive a deduction (see below). The response must be submitted as a PDF
on D2L by the deadlines in the syllabus.
Do not include quotes (from readings or lectures or anything else) in your module responses.
Everything must be paraphrased and stated in your own words. We will be using
to ensure that text is not taken from other sources (whether the Internet, readings, lectures, or AI
text generators).
Instances in which strings of text are taken from other sources will be considered academic
dishonesty, and you will automatically receive a 0 on the assignment. If there is a second
offense, you will receive a 0 on the assignment, and I will report you to the university.
The format of the module response should be as follows:
1) Introduction and takeaway message of the module theme (1 paragraph)
a. The goal of this paragraph is to provide the reader with some sense of what the
module theme is about and what the big message is about pandemics that comes
out of it. Here you will briefly review the basic subject matter in the
readings/films and lecture in the module theme. Then you will offer a simple
explanation of the central takeaway message to emerge from the material covered.
2) Summary of the each of the module readings (7 paragraphs)
a. Here you will dedicate one paragraph to each lecture’s set of assigned readings.
[For the films, you should write about two paragraphs per film given that they
cover two lectures each.] There are seven lectures per module, resulting in seven
paragraphs of writing. A good summary succinctly identifies the main points of
the set of readings and communicates the key messages. A summary does not
include your opinions; it is a synthesis of what is in the set of readings. To earn a
high grade, your summary needs to be concise and clear. It should not include any
quotations (as mentioned above). The goal of the summary is to provide enough
information that a reader has a snapshot of what the major messages are of the set
of readings.
b. NOTE: This will only be 6 paragraphs for Module Response #1 (because you do
not need to summarize the first lecture (Introduction)).
3) Analysis of how the module readings engage or connect to one another (1 paragraph)
a. Here you will analyze how the module readings (or films) engage or connect to
one another. If the module readings primarily come from a book, discuss the
ways in which the book’s chapters interrelate. The key here is to demonstrate your analytical skills and ability to identify themes in the readings (or films) and
how they speak to one another.
4) Discussion of contemporary implications (1 paragraph)
a. Here you will reflect on what the messages of the module imply for the
contemporary COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the readings and films were
published before the COVID-19 outbreak, so this is an opportunity to discuss
their meaning in light of recent circumstances. You do not need to include
citations here, but any facts you present must be consistent with reporting in
BBC News (
Grading Rubric
The module responses will be graded out of 100 points. They will be evaluated based on five
1) accuracy (everything stated is correct);
2) clarity (writing and main points are clear to the reader);
3) critical thinking (evaluation of the materials is sophisticated);
4) quality of writing (writing is free of grammatical and other errors);
5) fulfillment of assignment instructions (completion of all of the tasks indicated above).
There will be automatic deductions for the following:
• Response is under 800 words or over 1200 words: -25 points
• Response includes quotes: -10 points

I am writing a literature review that will be tweaked to become a shorter blog p

I am writing a literature review that will be tweaked to become a shorter blog post. The audience will be a team of researchers.
You will go through the articles in this document and go through the codes to write the literature review.
1. Look at the framework for differential vulnerability attached in this document
2. Pick the most relevant framework and use that framework to write this review
3. Discuss how differential vulnerabilities is manifesting in the articles (remember that this is for a research team)

Things to think about: • When is speed important (and how important is it for yo

Things to think about:
• When is speed important (and how important is it for yo

Things to think about:
• When is speed important (and how important is it for your company’s particular issues)?
• How do you evaluate ‘quality’ in an ESH service?
• When is flexibility important? In what ways might a vendor customize their
products/services/bundles to fit the specific needs of your company?
• When might performance characteristics be emphasized over cost? Is this one of those
Your Assignment: Prepare a letter to Ms. Krauss recommending one of the vendors for the specific
product-service bundle package you select from those listed (details below). The letter must be no more
than 2 pages long, but must convey all of the pertinent information to justify your choice. Hint: you
should not really use ‘order qualifier’ or ‘order winner’ in your letter, since these may not be in common
use among the management of your company. Treat the letter as if you are writing it to your supervisor.

For this reading response you will read Chapter 12 Food (only p. 305-328) in Su

For this reading response you will read Chapter 12 Food (only p. 305-328) in Su

For this reading response you will read Chapter 12 Food (only p. 305-328) in Sustainability Principles and Practice (Robertson 2021).
You will select 2 quotes from the reading to respond to and one Wow! moment from Food Inc.
Your reading responses are an opportunity for reflection on your own thoughts, beliefs, questions, and/or concerns regarding a particular topic, issue, or experience. It is a reflection of your learning throughout the semester, not a diary or a book report. The ultimate purpose of the reading responses is to provide you with a safe, judgement-free place to express your ideas and opinions and to facilitate an understanding of the course material and experiences.
Each reading response should reflect approximately 60 minutes of effort and include appropriate and related photos, drawings, video clips, and links – anything that you wish to include that enhances your discussion. Be creative! This is an expression of your thoughts.
For most responses, you will select 3 lines from the week’s reading that stand out to you in some way (you agree with them, you disagree with them, you don’t understand them, etc.) and respond to them. BE SURE TO CHECK SPECIFIC READING RESPONSE ASSIGNMENTS, AS THE DIRECTIONS MAY BE DIFFERENT FOR SOME. Be detailed and give reasoning behind your thoughts. For example – don’t just say, “This sentence is dumb!” Tell me why it is dumb.
All work reflected in the response should be in your own words. If you use other authors’ work you need to properly paraphrase and reference the information including photos, graphics and/or external links (photos taken by you will need to be referenced as well). Use APA formatting of all citations. Citations for pictures can simply be the original website URL in a caption under the picture or in a list at the end of your reading response. Make sure you cite the textbook that you quote!
DO NOT list “Google images” as a citation for pictures. I need the URL from the original website.
You need to use correct grammar and spelling, using complete sentences.
You will be graded on the richness of your ideas and discussion, not on your opinions.

Assignment adequately addressed (3 quotes included or questions answered)
Appropriate length (400-450 words, not counting quotes)
Rich, thoughtful discussion; critical thinking evident
Creative use of color and pictures
Good mechanics (spelling, grammar, citations, etc.)

Your company is looking to purchase a small chemical company in Southern Califor

Your company is looking to purchase a small chemical company in Southern Califor

Your company is looking to purchase a small chemical company in Southern California. The company produces commodity organic chemicals that are used as building blocks to synthesize complex molecules for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Identify the air quality management districts in Southern California and the requirements of state implementation plans (SIP) that you find that are in effect for the small company. Make a recommendation to management to go forward with the acquisition or to consider other options in their growth strategy.

Task description I will upload a 20-minute ethnographic interview, dealing with

Task description
I will upload a 20-minute ethnographic interview, dealing with

Task description
I will upload a 20-minute ethnographic interview, dealing with an aspect of environmental management or change from a place and geographical location.
You will need to write up the results of your interview into a polished, interpretive, textual narrative of 800 words (word count does not include references).
References can either be from the interview / core articles attached.
In the attached Task Description there are also hints provided on what the lecturer is seeking in the assignment.

Visit the interactive website EPA in Your State (Ohio) and review the state laws

Visit the interactive website EPA in Your State (Ohio) and review the state laws

Visit the interactive website EPA in Your State (Ohio) and review the state laws for air and water from your state or a state of interest to you. You can find this information under the Environmental Info section of each state’s individual page. After exploring the website and doing any other necessary research, compose an essay that addresses the following topics:
1. Introduce the state you have chosen (Ohio), and summarize the issues associated with air and water quality and the
regulations and programs being adopted by the chosen state to solve those issues.
2. Briefly explain the federal legislative process that creates laws and regulations.
3. Analyze whether the programs to address air and water issues will succeed and if they are worth the work hours and
costs being spent.
4. Recommend what you would give to the EPA to address the environmental issues in the state.
5. Discuss how individuals, industries, and corporations can engage with governmental agencies.
Your completed project must be at least three pages in length, not counting the title and reference page, and you must use
at least one academic source in addition to the EPA website. APA formatting is required. All sources used, including the
course textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations.

For this assignment, perform a search using the website Google Scholar to find a

For this assignment, perform a search using the website Google Scholar to find a

For this assignment, perform a search using the website Google Scholar to find an informal science article related to this week’s content.
This review should be two pages double-spaced, in 12-point font. The review should contain:
Bibliographic Information:
Title of Article
Date article was published
State the main idea or thesis of the article
Summarize the most important information, facts, and ideas presented in the article.
Personal Reflection:
What is your critique of the article (was it effective in communicating the presented ideas)?
What did you find interesting or surprising?
What did you learn?
For grading expectations please view the attached rubric.

Week #2 Article Review Product Rubric

Watch the video posted above titled “Modernizing Public Warning Messaging”.Concisely summarize some of the key learnings from each week’s assigned video and readings

Watch the video posted above titled “Modernizing Public Warning Messaging”.Concisely summarize some of the key learnings from each week’s assigned video and readings

Watch the video posted above titled “Modernizing Public Warning Messaging”.
Post a summary (minimum of 350 words) of the week’s video posted on Blackboard
Concisely summarize some of the key learnings from each week’s assigned video and readings. The simplest format for the summary would consist of a heading for each article, chapter or other text assigned, followed by brief paragraphs that answer the following questions:
What were the key points of the readings and of the video?
What, if any, new concepts did you learn?
How did the reading connect to key ideas in previous readings in the course and the video?
What questions arose as you completed the readings?
Week 7: Learning ObjectivesWeek 7: Learning Objectives
Examine six case studies of emergency management capabilities in East Asia, South Asia, South America, Oceania, and Europe
Identify factors that cause variation in policy choices
Understand legal Issues and future directions in emergency management