In a 250- to 300-word initial post, Assess how the decision-making process and

In a 250- to 300-word initial post,
Assess how the decision-making process and

In a 250- to 300-word initial post,
Assess how the decision-making process and persuasion are affected by the utilization of communication technology.
Discuss two examples of communication technology used in organizations and how they assist in decision-making and persuading.
Use at least one source to support your key points.Be sure to cite your credible source using proper APA formatting according to APA Style

Read the Discussion Board Expectations in the module. Select 3 ideas from chapte

Read the Discussion Board Expectations in the module.
Select 3 ideas from chapte

Read the Discussion Board Expectations in the module.
Select 3 ideas from chapter 7 in the textbook regarding non-verbal communication.
Write a paragraph about each idea.
In the paragraph explain:
What is the idea?
Why is it important to you?
How will you use the idea in your life?
You will end of up with three paragraphs or more if you like.
It is important to use citations from the textbook to support your ideas.
When you use information from the text, cite the source or the video (Saba, Chapter 7.1)
Textbook References: Clear references to the textbook are required in both the original thread post and both peer responses for all course DBs.
Textbook references should come from the chapter(s) specified in the assignment prompt and be clearly connected to your post and the assignment topic.
Be sure and include the chapter and page number from the textbook in your posts, for example (chapter 2, 59), just as you would do for any research paper/post!
Original threads/posts should be at least 400-500 words total and have a least one clear and connected textbook reference from the specified chapter with a proper citation (chapter number, page number).

For this discussion forum, you will need to research a credible article regardin

For this discussion forum, you will need to research a credible article regardin

For this discussion forum, you will need to research a credible article regarding Zoom fatigue.
In a 250- to 300-word initial post,
Explain how listening, active listening, and feedback have changed with the advent of so many methods to communicate using technology.
Identify two issues that arise in video conferencing due to Zoom fatigue and connect this with active listening and feedback.
Explain how the referenced issues can be mitigated.
Use at least one source to support your key points. Be sure to cite your credible source using proper APA formatting according to APA Style

After comprehensively reading Chapter 11 of your textbook, please respond to the

After comprehensively reading Chapter 11 of your textbook, please respond to the

After comprehensively reading Chapter 11 of your textbook, please respond to these questions. Your responses can be brief and informal, but do make sure that they are thoughtful and reflect a thorough and comprehensive reading of this chapter.
1. Reflect on your learning here at {Will tell you school once accepted} and use Bloom’s Taxonomy to analyze your experience here. At what level of Bloom’s Taxonomy do you believe most of your learning has occurred? Why? Is that positive or negative or mixed? Blooms Taxonomy videos that you have to plz watch:
2. Continuing to reflect on your leering at {Will tell you school once accepted}, at what level do you think your learning, at least part of the time, should be (in other words, what do you find the best, most useful, most desirable level on Bloom’s Taxonomy)? Why do you think that? What could be changed at CSUN to move your learning more toward that level of Bloom’s Taxonomy?
3. Finally, use the “Learning, Pedagogy, and Training Effectiveness” model discussed in Chapter 11 to continue to reflect on your learning here at {Will tell you school once accepted}. To what extent do you believe your “head,” “heart,” and “hand” has been engaged here? What is the balance between these three factors — are they attended to equally or is there one or more that is more of a focus than others? Is that a good thing, bad thing, or mixed thing? Why? To what extent is creating a synthesis between head, heart, and had the responsibility of the educational institution and to what extent do you believe this is your responsibility? Why?

Task summary: You are to create a PowerPoint on How to Deal with Depression. Ful

Task summary:
You are to create a PowerPoint on How to Deal with Depression.

Task summary:
You are to create a PowerPoint on How to Deal with Depression.
Full order description:
Dear Freelancer,
Please complete the task:
This speech is a 4-5 minute extemporaneous presentation. Topics of this speech will be about an organization or business that you would like to one day work for OR could imagine yourself happy working. The presenter should find ways to make the topic both interesting to your and relevant to your audience. Your main points should be well supported with a variety of different supporting materials. The speech will be graded on topic development, use of appropriate design, audience analysis, structure and organization, and delivery The main points for this speech are to be as follows: 1) basic history of the organization 2) The importance of the organization or business for society and 3) how your training and education at SUNO will prepare you to work for this organization or business.. For this speech, students submit both a typed formal outline and works cited page BEFORE your speech. At least 3 references are required and must be orally cited during the presentation. Notes are limited to key-word format.

Task 1: You’ve now prepared responses to a number of common interview questions.

Task 1: You’ve now prepared responses to a number of common interview questions.

Task 1: You’ve now prepared responses to a number of common interview questions. The link below includes an article with 10 questions that are mostly similar to the questions you’ve already prepared for, with a few new ones. Write out how you can adapt your already-prepared answers (check attached file) to the following questions, and how you’ll respond to the new ones.

Top 10 Competency Based Interview Questions and Sample Answers

Task 2: At the end of most interviews, you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions of the interviewer. Chapter 9 includes some important suggestions about what to ask and why .(Check attached file to get idea about chapter 9)
Submit a list of the three questions you would ask and describe the following about each one: Why you’re asking this question? What does this question tell the interviewer about you? What will the answer tell you about the job/position or the company?

COMM 1133 – Communication for Media Studies Research File – 20% DUE: Before 5:

COMM 1133 – Communication for Media Studies
Research File – 20%
DUE: Before 5:

COMM 1133 – Communication for Media Studies
Research File – 20%
DUE: Before 5:00pm Sunday, March 17 2024
PART 1 (15%):
Completing the Research File assignment is part of the planning stage of writing a research essay. The file has 2 parts.
The first step in the planning stage is choosing a topic, a task which I have undertaken. Choose one of the following topics for your research essay:
1. Is social media use bad for mental health?
2. What are the benefits of having a diverse workforce (in Canada)?
3. Is there a gut/brain connection?
You can assume that this will be an argumentative essay in which you answer the question by providing evidence from your sources.
The second step is finding and evaluating sources. You will conduct online research to find 3 credible sources in journals, newspapers and magazines. You cannot use Wikipedia. You will then complete a Source Worksheet for each source (3 x 5%) and submit them in 1 document in the appropriate dropbox on Brightspace.
For your sources, you must find:
One academic, peer-reviewed journal article
One credible non-academic source (newspaper articles, magazine articles, books, reports, etc)
One short, informational text from a credible website or periodical
Grading Rubric (for Source Worksheets)
Content (complete and correct): /12
Mechanics: /3
Total: /15
NOTE: Do not start writing your essay. This assignment is for preparation and practice purposes only.

Source Worksheet
*complete 1 source worksheet for each source*
Student Name: _________________________________ Section: _______
Research Topic: _____________________________________________________
Resource # ____ of 3
Title of article/chapter/Webpage:
Date published/last updated:
Page number(s):
Volume/Issue #:
Publication title in italics (newspaper/website/book/magazine/journal):
Publisher name:
City of publication:
Name of database (if applicable):
Date you accessed the information:
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
What is this source about? What is the main argument or thesis? (1 mark)
Why do you trust this source? Consider the author(s)’ credentials and the reputation of the publication. (2 marks)
How is this article relevant to your topic? Is there specific evidence from the source that you would use to support your own ideas? If so, tell me about it and why you would use it. (2 marks)
NOTE: If the information is not available, type N/A.
If you do not provide a URL for your article that enables me to access your article, you will receive a zero for the worksheet.
Source Worksheet
Resource # ____ of 3
Title of article/chapter/Webpage:
Date published/last updated:
Page number(s):
Volume/Issue #:
Publication title in italics (newspaper/website/book/magazine/journal):
Publisher name:
City of publication:
Name of database (if applicable):
Date you accessed the information:
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
What is this source about? What is the main argument or thesis? (1 mark)
Why do you trust this source? Consider the author(s)’ credentials and the reputation of the publication. (2 marks)
How is this article relevant to your topic? Is there specific evidence from the source that you would use to support your own ideas? If so, tell me about it and why you would use it. (2 marks)
NOTE: If the information is not available, type N/A.
If you do not provide a URL for your article that enables me to access your article, you will receive a zero for the worksheet.
Source Worksheet
Resource # ____ of 3
Title of article/chapter/Webpage:
Date published/last updated:
Page number(s):
Volume/Issue #:
Publication title in italics (newspaper/website/book/magazine/journal):
Publisher name:
City of publication:
Name of database (if applicable):
Date you accessed the information:
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
What is this source about? What is the main argument or thesis? (1 mark)
Why do you trust this source? Consider the author(s)’ credentials and the reputation of the publication. (2 marks)
How is this article relevant to your topic? Is there specific evidence from the source that you would use to support your own ideas? If so, tell me about it and why you would use it. (2 marks)
NOTE: If the information is not available, type N/A.
If you do not provide a URL for your article that enables me to access your article, you will receive a zero for the worksheet.
PART 2 (5%):
Compose a References page on which you list the 3 sources you found and evaluated in Part 1. Use APA documentation format: alphabetical order (according to author’s last name or title of article), entire page double-spaced, hanging indent of second and subsequent lines of each entry, consistent font size (14-point) throughout, no bolding, etc.
Grading Rubric:
Content: /2
Format: /2
Mechanics: /1
Total: /5

This discussions goal is to familiarize you with the different kinds of primate

This discussions goal is to familiarize you with the different kinds of primate

This discussions goal is to familiarize you with the different kinds of primate groups
Go to the New England Primate Conservancy websiteLinks to an external site. and find a species for which there is a good amount of information. Write a Tinder profile for a (nonhuman) primate of your choice.Make sure you include the following:Your profile picture (you can find one on Google imagesLinks to an external site.).
Biological sex (male or female).
Mate choice preferences/species typical patterns.
Long term and short term mating and social strategies.
Some species typical behavior examples.
Information about ecology and diet.
This is an opportunity to have fun and get creative – imagine an ideal partner or partners that your primate is looking for, describe a romantic first date or happy visions of what growing old together would be like. Include detailed, accurate information about your species that is relevant to the sex of your Tinder author and the target they are seeking. Keep the language PG-13 🙂 Remember, you are also been graded on your demonstration of respect and sensitivity. Don’t forget to comment on other people’s posts (again, PG-13 please).Your post and response (combined) should be at least 350 words. You will be graded on accuracy and creativity. Make sure your listed adaptations, characteristics and behaviors are accurate and correspond to those of the primate you choose.❧____________________________________________ ❧
Reply Posts
Your Reply Post Should Include the Following:Choose at least two students to respond to.
Compare your post to theirs.
What do you find most interesting about the other students post?

“Some terrorist activities directly target people – mass shootings, kidnapping/h

“Some terrorist activities directly target people – mass shootings, kidnapping/h

“Some terrorist activities directly target people – mass shootings, kidnapping/hijacking. Other activities target infrastructure – agriculture/food, energy, and transportation. In most cases, the infrastructure is targeted to affect people, but the target is the infrastructure. What do you consider the most deadly – targeting people directly or targeting infrastructure?
Post a substantive initial response (300 words minimum not including citations) to the initial discussion question.
Each reply post must be a minimum of 100 words not including citations.
Your posts must be based on factual academic information (not personal opinion) supported with citations to at least two (2) academic references in addition to the course materials. This is to demonstrate that you read and understood the assigned readings and all prior postings by the instructor and other students.
Please use the correct APA format in citing any source material you use. Refer to the APA Manual link posted in the Discussion area.

Over the course of the week, write down observations you have about nonverbal co

Over the course of the week, write down observations you have about nonverbal co

Over the course of the week, write down observations you have about nonverbal communication during three different conversations in which you participate. For each conversation, include your observations about eye contact and movement, smiles, other facial expressions, nods, gestures, posture, and touch.
Then, conduct independent research about nonverbal communication, empathy, and rapport. The research should support the position you take on the questions below. For example, if you were unable to build rapport with one of the parties you conversed with, your research should support the reason why you think you were unable to.
With your notes and research as references, write a two to three-page APA formatted paper that includes both an introduction and conclusion paragraph and that answers the following questions:
Based on the nonverbal communication you observed, how would you name the emotions the other party(ies) were feeling during the three conversations? (Include details of each conversation to provide context for your response.)
Were you able to build rapport (a form of empathy) with the other party(ies) in all three conversations? If yes, what tactics did you use to do so? If not, why?
You do not need to cite your notes, but you must include both a reference section and in-text citations for the independent research you conducted.