In min 400 words you’ll discuss the teacher’s perspective. Is this viewpoint dif

In min 400 words you’ll discuss the teacher’s perspective. Is this viewpoint different from your own? Was it challenging to empathize with it? Why or why not? Justify your response. Would it be more challenging for you if you were in the other role? Why or why not? Tips for Success: Approach this exercise with an open mind and a willingness to understand views different from your own. Be respectful and thoughtful in how you represent your assigned perspective, even if it contrasts with your personal beliefs. Use this opportunity to engage deeply with the material, going beyond surface-level assumptions to explore the intricacies of the perspective. Remember to use APA,

Throughout your professional career, you may be called upon to submit a video re

Throughout your professional career, you may be called upon to submit a video resume for a new job. For this assignment, you are required to produce a video resume to persuade a potential employer that you are the best candidate for the position. This assignment is good preparation for answering the common interview question, “Tell Me about Yourself”. It is important to establish your viewpoint and purpose for the video and rationalize why you are the best candidate throughout the video.
Think about who you are as a professional, and answer all questions below in your video and transcript submissions. Utilize the various tips for effective video resumes found in the unit readings as you create the video. The questions should not be read aloud during the video resume, and the information shared should flow from start to finish. Remember that the audience is a potential employer, and it is important to direct the content to the right audience
What is your name
What is the job you are seeking?
What are three reasons why you are seeking this job, and what are three reasons why you are the best candidate for the job?
What is your work history and volunteer experience? (Discuss specifics such as: job responsibilities, positions held, skills learned).
What experience do you have working in teams?
What was the most successful project you tackled as a member of a team?
What are 2 professional or educational goals you have achieved as an individual?
What are 2 professional or educational goals you plan to achieve in the future as an individual?
What are your future plans? (i.e. What will you complete your degree in? What career do you plan to pursue? What are your career ambitions?)
Overall, why should you be hired for the job?
Requirements for the transcript:
The transcript needs to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
Follow the conventions of spoken Standard English.
The transcript needs to be a word-for-word transcript of what is said in the video
Respond to all ten of the required questions.
Use Standard English with correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Include a title page
Sources are not required, but if used, be sure to cite the sources in the body of the transcript and in a reference list. Visit the Writing Center for help with APA citation style.

n a one-page essay, address the following: Self-assess which type of abuse or n

n a one-page essay, address the following:
Self-assess which type of abuse or neglect would be the most difficult for you to work with. What more might you need to learn to overcome any issues?
This essay should include your own words and insights. Use APA citations when including other sources as necessary. Also, ensure you check your grammar and spelling before submitting your work.

Identify one belief you hold that you are willing to admit you might be wrong ab

Identify one belief you hold that you are willing to admit you might be wrong about. It might be a belief you have connected to your religious faith or from some other aspect of your social location. Consider the effect, positive or negative, that this belief may have on those around you. Is it loving? Is it enhancing or disrupting relationships? etc… List two lessons from this course that you could practice to be open to a change of perspective on this matter. Finally, how does this posture of curiosity, humility, and attention to trustworthy conversation partners affect your relationship with yourself, God, and others. what you think about a God who values these virtues. This short essay, 300-500 words, is graded on content alone with reference to the course materials

For this assignment, create a 10-12 slide presentation that reflects your decisi

For this assignment, create a 10-12 slide presentation that reflects your decision and decision-making process. Your presentation should reflect the following: Slide 1: Title Slide: Include your name, presentation title, and date. Slide 2: Initial Reaction: Briefly outline your initial reaction to the dilemma. Which project would you instinctively choose and why? Slide 3: Identify Cognitive Distortions: Reflect on your initial reaction and identify any cognitive distortions that might be influencing your decision. Are you leaning towards one project because of personal bias, emotional reasoning, or overgeneralization? Note these down. Slide 4: Gather Information: Research two to three potential impacts of each project (minimum 1 valid source for each impact that you think may be relevant for this hypothetical case). Consider factors such as: The number of people benefited and the nature of the benefits. The long-term implications for the community center and the community at large. Any possible negative consequences or trade-offs of choosing one project over the other. Slide 5: Evaluate Evidence: Based on the information gathered, evaluate the evidence for and against each project. Use critical thinking to assess the validity and relevance of the information. Consider the reliability of the sources and the possibility of confirmation bias in your evaluation process. Slide 6: Consider Different Perspectives: Reflect on how different segments of the community might view each project. How would prioritizing one project over the other affect various groups, including children, elderly community members, people with disabilities, and low-income families? Slide 7: Make a Decision: Based on your critical analysis, decide which project you believe should be prioritized. Justify your decision with a reasoned argument, incorporating the evidence you have evaluated and the different perspectives you have considered. Slide 8: Summary: Brief overview of the final decision Slide 9: Reflect on the Process: Reflect on how the process of critical thinking has influenced your decision-making. Were there any assumptions you had to challenge? Did you change your opinions after recognizing your own cognitive distortions and/or researching credible evidence and valid arguments? How did considering different perspectives and evaluating evidence help you make a more informed decision? Slide 10: Cite Sources: Cite all sources used here in identifying the potential impacts of each project. This should be a total of 4 to 6 sources. Your presentation should be able to stand on its own, meaning that it should be clear even if you are not there to answer questions. However, it does not mean that you should use a lot of dense text. Try to be brief and clear, you may use the notes section to elaborate your points further to avoid slides having too much text. Use images to support your point. Make it look professional.

Writing the Letter: Introduction: Start with a brief introduction to your younge

Writing the Letter: Introduction: Start with a brief introduction to your younger self, setting the tone for the letter. Express your intention to share insights and understanding. Explaining the Belief: Describe the belief or attitude you held, including the context in which you formed this perspective. Journey of Change: Narrate the journey of how this belief or attitude changed over time. Highlight key moments, influences, or reflections that contributed to this shift. Understanding and Empathy: Extend understanding and empathy to your younger self. Acknowledge the reasons behind your former perspective and offer compassion. Forgiveness and Mercy: If applicable, offer forgiveness or mercy to your younger self for any misunderstandings or judgments. Emphasize the importance of self-compassion in personal growth. Lessons Learned: Share the lessons you’ve learned from this journey of change. Reflect on how this changed perspective has influenced your current beliefs, actions, or relationships. Closing: Conclude with words of encouragement, advice, or hope for your younger self, based on the wisdom you’ve gained. Formatting Your Letter: Write your letter in a respectful and gentle tone, aiming for 500-600 words. Submit your letter to your professor. Rest assured, your reflection will remain confidential.

Hi there, so this is an assignment for this Communications class called ” Coms 2

Hi there, so this is an assignment for this Communications class called ” Coms 2200 Big Data & Society”. The first part to this assignment is to create a personal question. The guidelines will all be attached in the pdf. This assignment is connected to the second assignment so you need to make sure you have that into consideration when doing this assignment. You also need to make sure that you answer every single question to this assignment because the Prof mentioned that every single part has a point to it that is being counted. Keep in mind you are not answering the personal question in this assignment.
Here is an example of an extensive 10-year Quantified Self Project that ran from 2005-2014. Have a look at the annual reports to see how the project evolves as self-tracking technologies become more widely available. Link:
I will attach some class lectures and reading that could be useful in order for you to write it correctly.Please make sure that all work is 100% unique strictly without using any AI.
Must be written in 12 pts times new roman double spaced

How do effective research practices, strategic organization, and appropriate ver

How do effective research practices, strategic organization, and appropriate verbal style contribute to delivering a compelling and persuasive public speech?”
In your initial post, address the following aspects:
Research (Chapter 6): Discuss the importance of thorough research in preparing for a public speech. What strategies can speakers use to gather credible sources and data? Provide examples of how incorporating well-researched information enhances the credibility and persuasiveness of a speech.
Organization (Chapter 7): Explain the principles of effective speech organization as outlined in Chapter 7. How does organizing your speech logically and coherently contribute to audience understanding and engagement? Illustrate your points with examples of different organizational patterns (e.g., chronological, spatial, problem-solution).
Verbal Style (Chapter 8): Reflect on the significance of verbal style in public speaking. What elements of language (e.g., clarity, vividness, appropriateness) contribute to effective communication? How can speakers adapt their verbal style to different audiences and contexts to maximize impact?
Ensure your initial post meets the requirement of at least 250 words and includes specific references to the textbook using APA7 format.

For this assignment you will review literature (at least four articles) on evide

For this assignment you will review literature (at least four articles) on evidence-based research on the process, instruction, and assessment of writing. The purpose is to acquaint you with the research-base that influences most of the literacy instruction and materials that are marketed to elementary schools. The knowledge of the research that is publicized to support instructional methods and programs will facilitate making informed decisions about methods and materials that meet the needs of students.
You will write 2 pages on summation of information garnered from the research articles and provide a bibliography of articles used. Please use attach articles along with bibliography that you use.