Let’s explore email etiquette in professional settings. Begin by reading through

Let’s explore email etiquette in professional settings. Begin by reading through

Let’s explore email etiquette in professional settings. Begin by reading through this list of unprofessional email habits. https://www.businessinsider.com/unprofessional-email-habits-2017-2#-10
Next, draft an unprofessional email to your English professor for this class. The subject is up to you. Assignment extension. Grade change? Clarity on a concept? Rant? It’s your choice. Have fun.
Use at least three of the unprofessional email habits from the article, but extra props will go to those who include more. Feel free to replicate the “To:” “CC:” “BC:” and “Subject” headings typical in email correspondence.
Although your email should be unprofessional, it should stop short of violating Nightingale’s Learner Code of Conduct.
In your responses, identify the most unprofessional aspects of your peers’ emails and make specific suggestions for revision.

Perhaps some of the highest stakes documents you’ll create in your professional

Perhaps some of the highest stakes documents you’ll create in your professional

Perhaps some of the highest stakes documents you’ll create in your professional career will be job application materials. This assignment will give you to opportunity to refine and develop any materials you might already have and practice tailoring those materials to a specific employer and job posting.
Conduct a job search for openings and find a job you could reasonably see yourself applying to, either now or after you have earned your degree. Feel free to use the job posting you found for this week’s discussion and the research you conducted into the organization. Or choose a new job posting.
Assemble the following in a single document:
Page 1: A screenshot of the job posting and a link to the job posting online.
Page 2: A single-page job application letter, formatted according to the guidelines for business correspondence in this week’s reading, and specifically tailored to the job and employer you’ve chosen.
Page 3: Your resume, tailored for the job and the employer. (You may adapt this from your existing resume if you have one)
Page 4: A 200-word reflection on your job package, addressing the following:
How did you tailor your application letter and resume to this job and employer? Be specific and detailed in your response.
How satisfied are you with your two documents? Do you still see any room for improvement?
What did you find most challenging about this assignment?
**Please just choose any registered nursing position, preferably one appropriate for newly licensed nurse.Attached are my resume and cover letter to go off of. Feel free to change it accordingly for assignment.

create a video post please respond to at least THREE questions from Chapter 9:

create a video post please respond to at least THREE questions from Chapter 9:

create a video post please respond to at least THREE questions from Chapter 9:
1. One possible reason why intercultural travel can be difficult is because we are hindered from meeting the basic human needs identified by Maslow. Do you feel that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is applicable to other cultures? Why or why not? Be sure to cite the text in your response.
2. Four different models of acculturation are reviewed in Chapter 9: the U-curve model, the hero’s journey model, the surprise and sense-making model, and the stress, adaptation, growth model. Which of these best reflects your personal experiences? Why? Provide an example of when you’ve experienced acculturation through the perspective of one of these models.
3. This chapter takes a fairly positive attitude toward acculturation. Do you feel this is justified? Why? What about when a person or community is assimilated into another culture, losing their native culture? How does a person acculturate without assimilating? Be sure you cite the text when responding, even when you disagree with the authors.
4. What is the difference between being communicatively competent in many cultures and being culturally competent in many cultures? Do you feel this distinction is a valid or useful one? Why? How would the authors respond to your answer? Be clear, provide examples, and include the text in your discussion.
5. In this chapter it is argued that returning to your own culture can be just as difficult as going to a new culture in the first place. Do you really believe this? Why or why not? What experiences have you had or observed that support your position?

Who defines professionalism and why does it matter? Cecilia Shelton (2019) argue

Who defines professionalism and why does it matter? Cecilia Shelton (2019) argue

Who defines professionalism and why does it matter? Cecilia Shelton (2019) argues that the traditional definition of professionalism perpetuates oppression and inequality toward marginalized communities. Excluding the rhetoric of marginalized communities from professionalism is harmful to both the communities in power, cis-gendered, white, heterosexual, males, and the disenfranchised and marginalized. The idea that professionalism is objective is a myth. Shelton (2019) argues that what has traditionally been perceived to be professional has been used in TPC, such as in AI, in an attempt to streamline government services. Inequality, exclusion, and incarceration risk increase with AI under the traditional definition of professionalism. Shelton (2019) uses an example of AI being used to log calls to Child Protective Services (CPS). Black families were more at risk of being labeled at risk households, thus lose their children due to AI.
Temptaous McKoy (2019) argues that culture must be an integral part of TPC. “It is imperative we look to the language of diversity as more than just a response to issues of marginalization.” (p. 7). McKoy (2019) uses Amplification Rhetoric (AR) to argue for the imortance of culture in TPC. AR has three tenets:
Reclaim Agency
Includes epistemologies of Black, LGBTQ+, women, and other marginalized communities
Lived experiences and narrative
McKoy (2019) presents the argument that including culture in TPC allows us to both solve issues and see variables of issues that may need to be solved.
Performative symbolic resistance (PSR) is the communication of social issues through performative acts. McKoy (2019) argues that rhetorical tools, such as PSR are “used by those from marginalized communities in their efforts to gain some degree of societal and/or communal redress.” (p. 4)
Why does the traditional definition of professionalism in TPC matter and how does it perpetuate inequality and oppression?
There are many forms of English, for example Southern English, British English, American English, Professional English, etc. What is the benefit of including the form of English language spoken by marginalized communities in TPC? Are there any other notable examples of inclusive language in professional writing occurring such as illustrated by Temptaous McKoy (2019) in her dissertation?
Additional Readings
Agboka, G. (2012). Liberating intercultural technical communication from “Large culture” ideologies: Constructing culture discursively. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 42(2), 159-181. https://doi.org/10.2190/TW.42.2.eLinks to an external site.
Corsini, V., & Fogliasso, C. (1997). A descriptive study of the use of the black communication style by african americans within an organization. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 27(1), 33-47. https://doi.org/10.2190/HU2D-67FD-NDUU-9LGYLinks to an external site.

******* I have attached a copy of the Informative Speech Outline Instructions al

I have attached a copy of the Informative Speech Outline Instructions al

I have attached a copy of the Informative Speech Outline Instructions along with the information I shared in a discussion post to assist with the creating of the Informative Speech Outline. I have also included a copy of the Informative Speech Outline Template to use while creating.

I have uploaded a file containing my topic and why I chose it. Please follow the

I have uploaded a file containing my topic and why I chose it. Please follow the

I have uploaded a file containing my topic and why I chose it. Please follow the teachers instructions carefully as there are 9 steps and all of them need to be completed properly.

Describe your perceptions regarding receiving feedback. -H ow does receiving fee

Describe your perceptions regarding receiving feedback.
-H ow does receiving fee

Describe your perceptions regarding receiving feedback.
-H ow does receiving feedback make you feel?
– How can you improve your reaction to feedback?
– Describe how you can use past feedback to inform how you give and receive feedback now.
– What have you learned from past experiences in which you received feedback?
– How can you apply what you learned to future feedback situations?
– Describe the impact that diversity awareness has on giving and receiving feedback when communicating and collaborating with others.
– Describe how you can use strategies for interacting with diverse groups of people as you give and receive feedback.

I would like you to write approximately 250 words on the issues inherent in form

I would like you to write approximately 250 words on the issues inherent in form

I would like you to write approximately 250 words on the issues inherent in forming positive and genuine rapport with your client. How would you best gain the client’s trust? What is meant by “unconditional acceptance?” Does it mean something different than offering approval of all a client has done? How could a pseudo (or false) rapport be formed and what would you do as the counselor if you felt that the client was forming a pseudo-rapport with you?
What would be the most ethical response to a client forming a pseudo-rapport with you? And please explain what professional ethics would be explicitly violated were one to simply proceed with a pseudo-rapport.

Check attachments for clear instructions. I will be attaching an example of how

Check attachments for clear instructions. I will be attaching an example of how

Check attachments for clear instructions. I will be attaching an example of how it should look. This should be an interview with an African American person. cite sources aswell