I am putting together a research project where I examine the use of digital medi

I am putting together a research project where I examine the use of digital medi

I am putting together a research project where I examine the use of digital media within a Catholic Diocese. I want to survey 7 churches within the Diocese to examine their use of new media. I need to ensure my survey is in good order and need someone knowledgeable to review my questions, remove, edit, revise, and add survey questions that are relevant to this study.
As per the advice of my committee, I am incorporating one theory into my paper and into this survey. It is, the Theory of Planned Behavior. Can you please take a look at the questions I developed in section 5 of the survey to determine if I need to add a few more to support this theory. I’m certain I should.

Write a comparative paper discussing the two different strategies adopted by the Americans and the French

Write a comparative paper discussing the two different strategies adopted by the Americans and the French

Mid-Size paper: Eight pages long (1,500/1,700 words in double-space format; 35 points).
The length of this assignment changed. One slightly longer paper than two papers.
Due: Wednesday, 13 March 2023: 11.59pm.
Prompt: Write a comparative paper discussing the two different strategies adopted by the Americans and the French (after their respective democratic revolutions) while putting into practice the doctrine/principle of “popular sovereignty” through the mechanism of “representation.” The task of “putting into practice” involves not only giving institutional form and expression to that principle, but also cultivating a political culture that enables common people to recognize themselves collectively as “sovereign people”. Such a political culture consists of and sustained by, among other things, a set of public rituals and habits, and certain ways of thinking and acting that enables people to simultaneously pursue “common good” as well as their individual and group interests.
On the basis of your comparative analysis of the American and French strategies, both institutional and cultural, explain why the former made a relatively smooth transition to the democratic mode of governance while the latter got entangled in a series of irresolvable dilemmas and contradictions.
In writing this paper, draw your materials from the following readings:
Wood, “The American Revolution and Democracy”
Madison, “The Federalist Papers, No. 10”
Fontana, “The French Revolution and Democracy”
Rosanvallon, “Revolutionary Democracy”
The following schematic information might be useful in completing the final paper:
Democratic rituals, habits, and ways of thinking
Rituals of actual representation (actual as opposed to virtual): voting and elections.
Rituals of egalitarianism: speech and dress
Rituals of national unity: (This is not in your assigned readings: Here are some examples: Reading of Declaration of Independence in town squares during the war of independence; the July 4th celebrations, playing of national anthem at sporting events today). You need to explain how American democratic rituals, while celebrating unity, didn’t not try to deny or erase social differences.
Habits and attitudes:
Reject hierarchy and the politics of deference.
Mistrust of elites and so-called superiors.
Skeptical of those (especially the elites) who claim to be working for the public good at the expense of their own private interests.
Ways of thinking:
It is Ok to advocate and promote one’s own interests in legislation, so long as one is open and forthright about it.
Recognizing social differences and accepting pluralism.
A particular view of human nature and human potential (see, The Federalist 10).
Rituals of incarnating the people as a collective sovereign agent (see, Rosanvallon on “people as event”): Festivals, Revolutionary calendar, and Terror.
Crowd politics.
Habits and attitudes:
Enlightenment habits and attitudes: skepticism about hierarchy and received tradition; engaging in social criticism.
Emphasis on political participation: unity and solidarity through participation
Utopian mindset: Disdain towards reality of social differences and distinctions.
Ways of Thinking:
It is possible and desirable to overcome individual and factional interests for the sake of general interest and common good.
A particular view of human nature and human potential.

Use the following photo from the artist Hugo Aveta (The photo name is Espacios sustraibles, 2006) to analysis

Use the following photo from the artist Hugo Aveta (The photo name is Espacios sustraibles, 2006) to analysis

Use the following photo from the artist Hugo Aveta (The photo name is Espacios sustraibles, 2006) to analysis with 500 words, how to analysis is in the instruction
ALSO, please use this particular reference into your analysis, by John Berger, 2013 I have sent you the article, please read only or add referencing DO NOT copy and paste any idea of it otherwise there is plagiarism
You can add other references into your analysis
You only have to do the photo analysing part, the second part I will do it
Any other question please message me thanks!!

Do you see a link between Prof. Sharp’s question “Which Customers Matter Most?

Do you see a link between Prof. Sharp’s question “Which Customers Matter Most?

I will provide the textbook and also a diagram of the source of business for the incite model discussed in class. Please find to scholarly posts as well to tie in your blog. Please read the instructions thoroughly and let me know if any questions arise.
TOPIC: First Four Chapters of Byron Sharp’s How Brands Grow
TASK: Read the first four chapters of the textbook, and write a blog that addresses the following areas:
Based on your reading of all four chapters, how do you respond to Prof. Sharp’s assertion that “Many of the ‘facts’ marketing people believe, particularly about brand buying, are incorrect? Furthermore, many marketers lack the deep knowledge necessary to ask the questions that will lead to new valuable insights” (Page #9). Do you agree? Disagree? Why? Are you intrigued? Why?
Do you see a link between Prof. Sharp’s question “Which Customers Matter Most?” (title of Chapter #4) … and the Source of Business we discussed in the Incite model? Please explain your response.
For both of the above questions, I am looking for your point of view, not a dump or paraphrasing of what you’ve read.
On the outlined modules/weeks, an individual blog post is due about the topic of the week. Keep in mind that your discussion blogs will likely be seen by other members of the course. Take much care in researching and posting a thoughtful post, in order to maximize potential points. Your Point-of-View on the subject is key, not just reporting facts.
Discussion forum expectations: you are expected to post a blog giving your thoughts on the blog topic of the
The approximate length of your individual blog is 750 words minimum (will be checked).
Blog posts are due Sunday @11:59pm on designated weeks
Structure and grading:
The topic addressed as prompted: 10 points
Blog post style, grammar, and composition: 3 points
Proper secondary research and references: 2 points
Total points for the individual blog: 15 points each

The speech must have a minimum of 5 sources from newspapers, magazines, or scho

The speech must have a minimum of 5 sources from newspapers, magazines, or scho

The speech must have a minimum of 5 sources from newspapers, magazines, or scholarly journals.
No website/URL sources are allowed. The sources must be in (parentheses, bold, and underlined).
If an article is published in the New York Times online, it is also published in a hard copy. It must be Cited like a regular published source example (According to the New York Times, January 10, 2021)
This will be the outline of the speech which must include the attention getter and a conclusion, followed by the 2nd outline of what I the speaker will be memorizing to say in the speech.

Follow the instructions below to complete the assignment: Go to a place of busin

Follow the instructions below to complete the assignment:
Go to a place of busin

Follow the instructions below to complete the assignment:
Go to a place of business that you frequently visit (coffee shop, restaurant, your workplace, grocery stores, etc)
Spend 30-60 minutes observing the verbal & nonverbal communication of the employees at this business.
Identify two terms from Chapter 2 that occur within the employee behavior you observed and explain/describe these moments.
Identify two terms from Chapter 2 that you believe could have helped the employees have a more successful or smoother experience in what you observed. Explain how these concepts would have affected the communication you observed.
Set 1 goal for your own verbal or nonverbal communication in a workplace
In a Word document (or PDF), format your paper using:
2-3 pages, typed
Double Spaced
Bold or underline your Chapter 2 terms
I have attached a document with all Chapter 2 terms

After World War II, The United States never stepped down from its military mobil

After World War II, The United States never stepped down from its military mobil

After World War II, The United States never stepped down from its military mobilization, leading President Eisenhower, a war
hero General himself, to warn the public about the hegemony and entrenchment of the military industrial complex. It is little wonder,
then, that the methods of propaganda have continued to inform politics and support political candidates, in the United States and
beyond. From the perspective of people who considers themselves sophisticated consumers of discourse, the propaganda of authoritarian
states can seem almost comic, despite the rhetorical violence, because it is often so obvious and crude. However, even the most
sophisticated campaigns for candidates and issues in the United States uses elements of propaganda, including, of course, a grab bag of
American commonplaces! It is Morning in America, for the Man from Hope, or it is time to Make America Great Again?
For the second Image Analysis, select three related examples of political propaganda with a strong visual aspect. One way to
proceed is to gather three examples from the same campaign or supporting the same candidate, issue or regime. However, you may find
other patterns of connection: for instance, President Reagan is not alone from using the “morning” motif to suggest a new beginning;
tracing this strand in American politics would be intriguing. You may also find different examples from a single person or issue over a
span of time: for instance, how has “pro-gun-rights” political propaganda changed in recent years? As you develop your analysis, this is a
good opportunity to consider a question without an easy answer: when does advertising or public relations seep over into propaganda?
Are their lines that can be drawn, or is this more of a continuum? Are their qualities that establish certain motifs or ways of arguing as
propaganda that are beyond the usual political campaigns? The prompt for this paper is the same as in the first analysis paper, but for
political propaganda, rather than war. Build your critical acumen and refine your concept of propaganda. Enjoy and impress.

Final Paper Proposal: This needs to be a 2-page prospectus that summarizes your

Final Paper Proposal: This needs to be a 2-page prospectus that summarizes your

Final Paper Proposal: This needs to be a 2-page prospectus that summarizes your focus and core research question and the relevant theories, models, or frameworks you will draw from. PLEASE BE DESCRIPTIVE AND LENGTHY!
The proposal should be submitted via MS Word and contain the following elements:
An introduction
The communication context (s) to be addressed/research guiding question(s)
A brief discussion of the theory or theories you plan to use
A brief discussion of the method

Choose any media artifact that interests you – this could be a movie, a TV show

Choose any media artifact that interests you – this could be a movie, a TV show

Choose any media artifact that interests you – this could be a movie, a TV show episode, a viral social media post, an advertisement, a song, a meme, and so on. Analyze this artifact informally using one of the theoretical concepts we’ve discussed in class. Your goal is to connect the media piece to the theory in a way that feels personal and insightful, without the need for formal academic sources.

For the first part of your assignment you will submit a complete sentence outlin

For the first part of your assignment you will submit a complete sentence outlin

For the first part of your assignment you will submit a complete sentence outline (NOT a topic outline or a written transcriipt!) You can review a sample outline on page 309 of your textbook. No other format will be accepted, so please use the examples listed to ensure your assignment is completed according to the requirements. All sources should be formatted using APA 7th edition style.
Remember that visual aids are required this time. You will need to show them when presenting the speech, as well as list them in your outline (after Conclusion and before your References section).
This speech requires a minimum of 4 credible peer-reviewed academic sources that must be verbally cited in the speech, as well as included in the APA formatted References section of your outline. Keep in mind that a variety of sources will be worth a little more on your speech, so look in books, magazines, online library, brochures, interviews, videos, etc.