SCOM 414: Attachment Communication Film Analysis Paper Each student will write a

SCOM 414: Attachment Communication
Film Analysis Paper
Each student will write a paper evaluating one character from a media piece in the list below. You can pick a film or a show. If you pick a show, watch as many episodes as you need to before you figure out one of the character’s attachment styles. Watch the movie/show that you picked and then pick one character to analyze. You will need to decide what adult attachment style that character has and provide examples that led you to that conclusion. This paper is worth 100 points.
Movie/Show Choices
• The Incredible Jessica James (Netflix)
• Wednesday (Netflix)
• Firefly Lane (Netflix)
• Silver Linings Playbook (Netflix)
• Sex and The City: The Movie (Netflix)
• The Wrong Missy (Netflix)
• The Lovebirds (Netflix)
• Straight Up (Netflix)
• Love (Show, Netflix)
• Friends from College (Netflix)
• Crazy Stupid Love (Hulu)
• Premature (Hulu)
• In a Relationship (Hulu)
• Long Shot (Hulu)
• How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (YouTube or Amazon)
• He’s Just Not That Into You (YouTube or Amazon)
Basic Requirements:
• 1000-1200 words in length (anything above or below will result in a 10 point deduction from your possible 100 points)
• Appropriate organization (see below)
• Clarity, creativity, and interest
Paper Organization
1. Introduction
Attention getter & explicit preview of paper
2. Body of Paper
Describe your chosen character
Explain your character’s attachment style in your OWN words
-What is their adult attachment style? What are their attachment tendencies?
-How did you determine this? What behaviors did your character exhibit that illustrated their attachment style?
-Evaluate your character’s illustration of their attachment style
Provide advice for your character
-What should they do when in a relationship?
-How your character could improve their life and become more secure?
3. Conclusion
Memorable Thought- You want to bring your paper to a close in an interesting way. Be creative and make your paper come “full circle.” You could also include a take-home message.

Choose one of the readings labeled “Optional” from this week’s Resources. Discus

Choose one of the readings labeled “Optional” from this week’s Resources. Discuss the importance of effective communication; support your response by integrating paraphrased information from at least one of the optional readings assigned this week.
Give the title of the reading chosen and a brief explanation of why you chose it.
Explain the importance of effective communication. (Do this by paraphrasing from the resource. Remember to include an in-text citation.)
List the full APA citation for the source you chose.

Common Mistakes Job Seekers Make When Using Social Media by Joshua Waldman, http

Common Mistakes Job Seekers Make When Using Social Media by Joshua Waldman,
11 Twitter Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs, Time (2015),
20 steps to a better LinkedIn profile in 2020 by Jane Fleming, LinkedIn,
I Ran 4 experiments to Break My Social Media Addiction. Here’s What worked: Peck, S., Harvard Business Review.
Digital Communication Skills: Dos and Don’ts, (28:02) Films on Demand (Note: You’ll log in through your Bellevue University account.)
Connected but Alone, Sherry Turkle, TED2012,
How To Build A LinkedIn Profile, Professor Heather Austin, YouTube (5:52 minutes).
You need to fully describe how you completed the tasks for the chosen option and include screenshots showing your activity (where applicable).
Your descriiption should be at least 250 words in length.
Include your name, assignment, and class information on your assignment.
Submit using the link above.
You have a choice this week of two options to discuss the use of social media or alternative methods to communicate. Choose one of the following for your assignment:
Activity Option #1:
This activity requires you to complete a personal branding strategy proposal. Your proposal will explain your ideas on how you would present yourself.
Draft a personal branding strategy proposal outlining how you plan to establish and promote your professional identity without using social media networking sites. In this assignment, you can discuss alternative methods such as creating a personal website, participating in industry-specific forums or communities, attending networking events, engaging in informational interviews, and/or utilizing professional organizations or societies. The proposal should include specific strategies tailored to your future career goals, your target audience, and any preferred communication channels. This is your chance to show yourself to potential employers or coworkers and create perceived value in your future contributions!
Activity Option #2:
This activity requires you to complete an interview with a professional in your desired field (or the field you are currently in). The goal is to look for someone who has social media experience and discuss how they are utilizing it in their career.
Conduct an interview with a professional in their desired field who has experience leveraging social media for career advancement. The interview should focus on the guest’s insights, strategies, and experiences related to using platforms like LinkedIn for networking, job searching, personal branding, and professional development. Write a report summarizing the key takeaways from the interview, including practical advice, best practices, and alternative approaches for building a professional presence outside of social media.
Assignment Details
This assignment is worth 50 points and is due by 11:59 CT Sunday.
You need to fully describe how you completed the tasks for the chosen option and include screenshots showing your activity (where applicable).
Your descriiption should be at least 250 words in length.
Include your name, assignment, and class information on your assignment.
Submit using the link above.
Assignment Rubric

speech should be 5-7 minutes in length. The information MUST come from at least

speech should be 5-7 minutes in length. The information MUST come from at least

speech should be 5-7 minutes in length. The information MUST come from at least 3 written sources and needs at least 5 different types of supporting material (quote, stories, states, analogies, definitions, descriiptions, specific instance) Must have an outline and a completed bibliography.
Informative Speech Outline
Purpose: To provide information on the benefits of music on one’s health and the brain.
I. A physician and author named Debasish Mridha once said “Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.”
II. Music is a universal language that most of us take part in — in the car, singing in shower,
going to concerts etc. Interacting with music seems like a normal thing to do, but there are things music can do that can positively impact our minds and bodies.
III. Music can be beneficial to us as it has effects on our brains that benefit our health.
IV. Music can help reduce stress, boost your mood, and improve memory.
I. Music reduces/relieves stress hormone cortisol.
A. 80 patients undergoing surgery, half listened to music
B. Music effect on stress task
II. Music can help boost mood.
A. Releases dopamine in the brain
B. 60 adults with chronic pain
C. Beat of a song influences heart rate, singing with other people produces positive emotions
III. Music helps improve memory and focus.
A. Instrumental genres or classical music help when studying
B. Documentary Alive Inside effect of music on dementia patients
I. Music has been proven to alleviate stress, affects and boosts mood, and improves memory and focus.
II. Music can be beneficial to us in several different ways that benefit our overall well-being.
III. Whether you are having a bad day, studying for finals, or are feeling nervous about delivering your speech, taking a moment to listen to your favorite song or a relaxing instrumental track can help you ease your nerves and make your day better.
The Powerful Effect of Music On the Brain. (2018, February 01). Retrieved June 25, 2020, from
Publishing, H. (2011, July). Music and health. Retrieved June 25, 2020, from
Publishing, H. (2015, February). Music can boost memory and mood. Retrieved June 25, 2020,
Kazilek. (2014, June 13). Does Playing Music Reduce Stress? Retrieved June 25, 2020, from
Admin. (2019, August). How Does Music Affect Your Mood?: Music and Emotion Relationship.
Retrieved June 25, 2020, from

Below are the instruction for the original assignment. I have attached my first

Below are the instruction for the original assignment. I have attached my first

Below are the instruction for the original assignment. I have attached my first submission. It needs to be rewritten to have proper citations (both in text and a reference page) Make sure you number each article and use in text citation, but only put the full Chicago styler format citation on the reference page. Also please rewrite it to correct a large amount of sentence, grammar, and some spelling errors. If one of the four already included sources are not peer-reviewed, please switch it out with a new one that is. The news article that is listed at the top will stay the same one that you will able the whole assignment off of. Thank you.
Assignment 1 (Week 3)
Global Studies PSA Campaign
Part 1: From News to Scholarship

Overview: Pick a news story from the options provided and identify scholarly resources that increase our understanding of the problem and Global Studies.

Course Objective: CO2: Differentiate between scholarly and popular sources that focus on global studies.
LO-2.1 Select a global studies topic to investigate using popular sources
LO-2.2 Discover peer-reviewed sources in the library or other academic databases
Every day we read alarming stories in world news. The overall goal of your three assignments is to combat distressing news and disinformation using information literacy and the concept of global citizenship. You will achieve these goals:
Gather factual, scholarly information on the problem to combat disinformation and to build public awareness (Assignment 1)
Compose a public service announcement (PSA) that will inform a broad audience of well-sourced information and data (Assignment 2)
Compose a realistic action plan with well-vetted resources to encourage public engagement and global citizenship (Assignment 3)

It all begins with a Global Studies problem. Start by perusing the news stories in our lesson content: Global Studies Topic Options. Pick one story that strikes your interest and then proceed to the next part of the instructions. Then complete these steps:

Open a document and add your name.
Indicate the news story you selected using a full reference in Chicago format. The story must be from the Global Studies Topic Options list.
Locate four scholarly, peer-reviewed articles on this topic in the online library. Here’s how:
Open the APUS Trefry library page, making sure you are logged in.
Enter your search terms. You can mine these from the article you picked.
Select “peer-review” in the menu on the left.
Use filters on the left menu to narrow the dates (2018-present is recommended).
You can search here as well: It is recommended to select “open access” so you can access the article immediately.
4. Cite the four sources in a list using full references in Chicago format.
5. Next: For each of the four sources, tell us how you know the source is reliable. Comment on:
The author
The journal and its review process
The database where you found the source
Information literacy guidelines:
Do not copy-and-paste this information from websites. Look for the information and then spell it out in your own words.
Review our AI Advice and Advisories
Artificial Intelligence tools cannot complete this assignment for you, but some tools might play a supporting role. Credit all tools you use: How to Credit AI Sources
In summary, your submission will include these parts and will be approximately 1-2 pages:

News article with reference:

Four peer-reviewed sources with references (i.e., full citation in Chicago format):

For each source:
What we know about the author(s):
What we know about the journal and its review process:
What we know about the database where the source was found:

We have discussed conspiracy theories as a specific type of misinformation/disin

We have discussed conspiracy theories as a specific type of misinformation/disin

We have discussed conspiracy theories as a specific type of misinformation/disinformation in class. This assignment will require you to research a conspiracy and create your own propaganda to try to discredit it.
At the bottom of the page is a list of popular conspiracy theories with links to general information explaining each. Choose ONE to research–internet resources are fine but you should still cite where the information came from. Then answer the following questions:
What is the conspiracy theory? What beliefs about the world does it include?
Where does the conspiracy theory come from? Who started it? How did it first spread? Who has benefited from its spread?
What counter-evidence exists? Which claims seem most unlikely to be true?
Create a piece of white propaganda to discredit or dispel the conspiracy. The propaganda needs to have a visual component–it can be a webpage, pamphlet, poster or billboard, infographic, or series of memes. Make sure that your propaganda uses at least one of the special techniques to maximize effects (division 7 in propaganda analysis).
Explain the logic behind your visual and why you believe it would be persuasive.
•The JFK Assassination
•9/11 Cover-Up
•Area 51 and the Aliens
•Paul Is Dead
•Secret Societies Control the World
•The Moon Landings Were Faked
•Jesus and Mary Magdalene
•Holocaust Revisionism
•The CIA and AIDS
•The Reptilian Elite

The goal of this speech is to enlighten the audience about your subject.You can choose the topic but please remember to respect your listeners

The goal of this speech is to enlighten the audience about your subject.You can choose the topic but please remember to respect your listeners

The goal of this speech is to enlighten the audience about your subject. You can choose the topic but please remember to respect your listeners; don’t choose to talk about something obscene, upsetting, or trivial and adapt your topic to them. Keep your audience in mind when preparing this speech. How much might they already know about the subject? Do they really care? How can you make them care about your topic? Topic examples include explaining the history of and how to play an instrument or describing the issues that led to the last economic recession.

Objective:To develop effective persuasive communication skills through the use of visual aids and compelling arguments.

Objective:To develop effective persuasive communication skills through the use of visual aids and compelling arguments.

Objective: To develop effective persuasive communication skills through the use of visual aids and compelling arguments.
Duration: 3-4 minutes
Choose a topic from the provided list or propose your own topic for approval.
Prepare a persuasive speech that aims to convince your audience of your viewpoint.
Incorporate visual aids (such as slides, charts, images, or props) to enhance the impact of your presentation.
Structure your speech with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
Practice your speech to ensure clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness.
Be prepared to answer questions or address counterarguments during the Q&A session.
Topics (choose one or propose your own):
This is the topic I picked “The Importance of Mental Health Awareness and Support”
Topic: The Benefits of Renewable Energy Sources
Begin with a compelling statistic or anecdote related to renewable energy.
Introduce the significance of transitioning towards renewable energy sources.
Environmental Impact: Discuss how renewable energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions and mitigates climate change.
Present visual aids such as graphs showing the decline in carbon emissions with increased renewable energy usage.
Include images of polluted environments contrasted with clean, renewable energy installations.
Economic Advantages: Highlight the financial benefits of investing in renewable energy.
Use charts and graphs to illustrate the cost-effectiveness of renewable energy compared to fossil fuels.
Provide examples of job creation and economic growth in renewable energy sectors.
Energy Security: Explain how renewable energy reduces dependence on imported fossil fuels and enhances national security.
Utilize maps or diagrams depicting regions vulnerable to energy supply disruptions.
Present case studies of countries successfully transitioning to renewable energy and their improved energy security.
Summarize key points and reiterate the importance of embracing renewable energy.
Encourage audience members to support policies and initiatives that promote renewable energy adoption.
End with a strong call to action to take steps towards a sustainable future.
Visual Aids: Slides with relevant statistics, graphs, images of renewable energy installations, and maps showing energy distribution patterns. Additionally, props such as miniature wind turbines or solar panels can enhance engagement and understanding.
Evaluation Criteria:
Clarity and organization of arguments.
Effectiveness of visual aids in supporting arguments.
The persuasiveness of delivery and ability to engage the audience.
Relevance and depth of research demonstrated.
Ability to address potential counterarguments or questions during the Q&A session.

1. Focus on ONE major idea: Be passionate about that idea. Use questions to grab your listeners’ attention
2. Make your audience care: spark curiosity in the listener. Make them want to hear more. Appeal to their sense of pathos and ethos
3. Build on your idea: create your main points and develop them. FEW MAIN POINTS (1-3) but get into DEPTH AND DETAIL with those points.
4. Make your idea worth sharing: create/use good narratives (either real or fictional) to make your idea come to life. Don’t just share data that you found online. That will dim your speech
I need a 3 page pursuasive paper and power point that’s 3-4 minutes long

Include the following in your 3–4 page conflict resolution plan:Analyze consistent themes in the conflict.

Include the following in your 3–4 page conflict resolution plan:Analyze consistent themes in the conflict.

Include the following in your 3–4 page conflict resolution plan:
Analyze consistent themes in the conflict.
Analyze your behaviors in the conflict.
Apply a conflict resolution style appropriate to the conflict.
Determine whether the outcomes when using the selected conflict resolution style would be different or remain the same.
Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience.
Integrate into text appropriate use of scholarly sources and evidence.
Assignment Requirements
Your conflict resolution plan should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format. Refer to Evidence and APALinks to an external site. for guidance.
Resources: Include a minimum of 3 resources in addition to your textbook. Refer to How to Search the Library: The BasicsLinks to an external site. for help with using the library to conduct research.
Length: 3–4 typed, double-spaced pages, in addition to title and reference pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Portfolio Prompt: It is recommended that you include this assignment in your ePortfolio. This assignment should illustrate your progress in areas of knowledge related to all the topics presented in this course.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:
Competency 1: Identify variables within structures or institutions that can promote conflict.
Identify consistent themes in the conflict.
Competency 3: Apply appropriate strategies to reduce or resolve conflicts.
Apply a conflict resolution style appropriate to the conflict.
Competency 4: Analyze the impact of conflict on relationship building in face-to-face, virtual, cyber, and group communication.
Analyze your behaviors in the conflict.
Competency 5: Evaluate the outcome of proposed strategies of conflict resolution.
Determine whether the outcomes when using the selected conflict resolution style would be different or remain the same.
Competency 6: Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience.
Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience.
Integrate into text appropriate use of scholarly sources and evidence.

Assignment: Create/design a survey. The topic is completely up to you — have f

Assignment: Create/design a survey. The topic is completely up to you — have f

Assignment: Create/design a survey. The topic is completely up to you — have fun with it and be descriptive!!

In a Word Document, please answer the following questions.
1. What is the purpose/goal of your survey?
2. What research questions will be answered?
3. Develop at least 10 questions for your survey and include the questions as well as a link to the survey in this document.
4. Design and distribute your survey online by opening a free Survey Monkey account.
5. Send your survey to at least five people and include a summary of the results.
6. Reflect. What did you do well? What questions would you alter now that you have data?