Please print the attached lab activity and submit all parts (i.e. 2 graphs plott

Please print the attached lab activity and submit all parts (i.e. 2 graphs plotted by hand, trendline equations, and 2 graphical plots from Microsoft Excel) by the assigned due date.
Remember to make sure that ALL scanned or uploaded documents/files are aligned (either in portrait or landscape orientations) properly to be viewed when opened, read, and scored.

Create a discussion post that describes another way slime molds can be used for

Create a discussion post that describes another way slime molds can be used for engineering research healthcare or any other field of work and reply to two classmates including comments on use of slime molds and how that might benefit society in a way different than what they are describing or at least one suggestion to improve or expand on their experiment 

Be sure to attach 4-5 pictures of what you did to complete this particular lab a

Be sure to attach 4-5 pictures of what you did to complete this particular lab activity. Your pictures could include: the actual lab setup, various stages of the lab experiment, you physically working on the lab writeup, etc. These pictures will serve as validation and verification of what you did to complete this activity as it relates to your overall grade. Lastly, make sure that you have a firm understanding of precision and accuracy and their distinction(s) in analyzing measurements.
Remember to answer your post-lab questions in the attached document before submitting your lab activity!!

I need to develop my own experiment for my IB diploma Extended essay. I would ne

I need to develop my own experiment for my IB diploma Extended essay. I would need a list of materials needed for the developed experiment and the experimental approach including step outline. I would like to create an experiment related to pharmaceutical chemistry and the drug delivery system more specifically drug release kinetics that I want to later on study by doing the experiment. I was thinking that my experiment could include the diffusion of a dye (e.g. methylene blue, phenol red) through for example a hydrogel. I would need diffrent variables that I need to change throughout the experiment (e.g ph or concentration). I would like an experiment that could clearly simulate the real life application I want to investigate. I am also open for diffrent experimental ideas  

Be sure to attach 4-5 pictures of what you did to complete this particular lab a

Be sure to attach 4-5 pictures of what you did to complete this particular lab activity. Your pictures could include: the actual lab setup, various stages of the lab experiment, you physically working on the lab writeup, etc. These pictures will serve as validation and verification of what you did to complete this activity as it relates to your overall grade. Lastly, make sure that you have a firm understanding of precision and accuracy and their distinction(s) in analyzing measurements.
Remember to answer your post-lab questions in the attached document before submitting your lab activity!!

Purpose. Describe the purpose of the lab, i.e. what is being measured and how a

Purpose. Describe the purpose of the lab, i.e. what is being measured and how a

Purpose. Describe the purpose of the lab, i.e. what is being measured and how are you measuring it? State your unknown number in this section. (1 paragraph, 1 paragraph = 4 sentences) Background. Describe any necessary background for the lab. This section should sufficiently describe the experimental method and any calculation used to calculate the quantity measured. (3 paragraphs, 1 paragraph = 5 sentences) Experimental: Summarize the experimental method and explain how each experimental step accomplishes the purpose of the lab. Omit numerical details as the important experimental data is presented in data/observations. A copy or close paraphrase of the handout instructions is not acceptable, write in your own words. Write experimental section in past tense and use the document “Lab 5 Experimental Section” for this part. (3 paragraphs, 1 paragraph = 5 sentences)
Reference: no websites, has to be a peer-reviewed published article. One reference is acceptable

Annotate your NMR/IR spectra obtained from the instrument room and submit them

Annotate your NMR/IR spectra obtained from the instrument room and submit them

Your mini report should be 3 paragraphs and no more than 2 pages using this file/template. You also need to fully annotate your NMR/IR spectra obtained from the instrument room and submit them as a pdf on LabFlow. Save a new copy of this template and delete this and the text in each paragraph below, replacing it with your analysis!
NMR Analysis
Did you successfully synthesize the target compound? Did you successfully purify the product via simple distillation? Discuss your NMR data to prove formation of the product and to indicate success of the purification via distillation. Be sure to include chemical shifts, integration values, and splitting patterns. Does the experimental data match the NMR predictions? If so, how do the chemical shifts, splitting patterns, etc. deviate from your predictions? How does the NMR prove conversion of the starting material to the product? Is there any evidence in the NMR of leftover starting material that proves distillation success/failure? Discuss the % purity via NMR if there is starting material present. Also discuss any other impurities present (reagents, solvents, etc). Why are they there? Make sure to use the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning format to answer these prompts!
Think/write in the style of claim, evidence, reasoning to help with you discussion! Use your feedback on previous mini report for guidance!
IR Analysis
Did you successfully synthesize the target compound? Did you successfully purify the product via simple distillation? Discuss your IR data to prove formation of the product and to indicate success of the purification via distillation. Be sure to include specific frequencies from your data and what functional group they belong to. How does the IR prove conversion of the starting material to the product? Is there any evidence in the IR of leftover starting material? Does your IR data match what you observed in your NMR spectrum? Any impurities you observed on your NMR should also be labelled and discussed in the IR data (except acetone – that came from cleaning your NMR tube). Noting impurities in an IR spectrum can be tricky and there needs to be a clear peak in order to claim the presence of an impurity. Think in the style of claim, evidence, reasoning to help with you discussion!

Start this paragraph with “In conclusion, the synthesis of isobutyl isobutyrate via Fischer Esterification and subsequent purification by simple distillation was successful/unsuccessful…..” Success can be evaluated as synthesis of product, purity, and/or yield. Use general trends seen in your NMR/IR data to support this statement. Tie all pieces of data together (simple distillation/boiling point observations, smell, NMR/IR data, yield, etc.) in a few sentences. What was the take-home message of this experiment? Were there any major sources of error? What are some thoughtful and scientific improvements for this experiment? Remember, human error should NOT be proposed as a major error or area of improvement. Think about the reaction itself (hint – equilibrium) and how the chemistry, monitoring by GC, work-up, and purification could be improved.
I have attached my data to use and an example