Please print the attached lab activity and submit all parts (i.e. 2 graphs plott

Please print the attached lab activity and submit all parts (i.e. 2 graphs plotted by hand, trendline equations, and 2 graphical plots from Microsoft Excel) by the assigned due date.
Remember to make sure that ALL scanned or uploaded documents/files are aligned (either in portrait or landscape orientations) properly to be viewed when opened, read, and scored. 
Im having hard time uploading the files and dont know how to change the format but i can send it through that chat.

Please print the attached lab activity and submit all parts (i.e. 2 graphs plott

Please print the attached lab activity and submit all parts (i.e. 2 graphs plotted by hand, trendline equations, and 2 graphical plots from Microsoft Excel) by the assigned due date.
Remember to make sure that ALL scanned or uploaded documents/files are aligned (either in portrait or landscape orientations) properly to be viewed when opened, read, and scored.
Theres a data table and graph at the bottom of the pdf file which needs to included,im in a rush and the last writer did a horrible and i got a zero on this assighment and i dont know how to do it. 

Background Let’s explore the scientific method. You are given a bag of small whi

Let’s explore the scientific method. You are given a bag of small white beads that change color to a deep purple within seconds when exposed to UV radiation. When placed in the dark, they will go back to white in a few minutes. Use these beads to test a product or situation for UV light exposure.
Most of you have had personal experience with UV exposure. Did a product fail to protect you? Are you curious if you are in danger of harmful UV rays in a given situation? Design an experiment to test this. You have an unlimited supply of beads. Be creative, but keep it simple. Test only one variable and be sure to include a control. Remember, several trials and a graph of experimental data is more convincing than a single trial, so keep this in mind when you design the experiment. Many products are labeled “UV protected” and these are good candidates for your experiment. Feel free to think outside the box and be creative. Some possible questions include:
Does saltwater protect me better than freshwater when I am submerged on a sunny day?
Are my expensive sunglasses really UV protected?
Can I get a sunburn through my side window when driving?
Is my 2-year-old suntan lotion still active?
The experiment you design isn’t as important as how you use the principles of the scientific method to test the variable involved, so feel free to get creative.
Define the following terms as they relate to the scientific method.
Design a bead experiment to test a single variable. In an introductory paragraph, describe the background observations that led you to design the experiment. Why did you choose this variable? Clearly state the hypothesis to be tested, and indicate the materials that will be required.
Provide a detailed list of steps required to carry out the experiment. Make sure to include the types of measurements you will be making and the duration of the experiment.
Although you are not actually doing the experiment, you should write a short conclusion, explaining what the results might be and how those results might be used. Suggest what could be done next. For the sample question above, determining if the protection (or lack of protection) is dependent upon the depth of the water might be a good next step.
Respond to at least two other students. Apply what you know about the scientific method to analyze the set-up of their experiments and suggest any modifications to make the experiment a better test of the hypothesis.
Check back for comments made on your posting to keep the discussion going.
Note: This assignment is intended to test your knowledge of the scientific method through the use of a simple measuring device. It is not a research paper. However, be sure to use AMA style to cite any sources you use to describe the scientific method and write your introductory paragraph.
If you are interested in actually doing the experiment, these beads can be found in many novelty shops and online. Nail polish that changes color in the sun can be used to make a UV detecting card. If you actually do the experiment, share the results with your instructor! We would love to hear about it.

Please print the attached lab activity and submit all parts (i.e. 2 graphs plott

Please print the attached lab activity and submit all parts (i.e. 2 graphs plotted by hand, trendline equations, and 2 graphical plots from Microsoft Excel) by the assigned due date.
Remember to make sure that ALL scanned or uploaded documents/files are aligned (either in portrait or landscape orientations) properly to be viewed when opened, read, and scored.

Hi, I did a chemistry quiz online but some questions were not corrected: 4,7,910

Hi, I did a chemistry quiz online but some questions were not corrected: 4,7,910,12,13,14,15,17,18,20 in the screenshot file. Can you read the experiment, troubleshoot incorrect answers, and give me a correct answer?  Please read the instructions and take a look at the questions before you take the order since I do not know if it’s necessary to implement the experiment or not. I just need corrected answers (corrected format) for those questions, so I don’t care whatever number you get from. 

Please print the attached lab activity and submit it by the assigned due date. B

Please print the attached lab activity and submit it by the assigned due date.
Be sure to attach 4-5 pictures of what you did to complete this particular lab activity. Your pictures could include: the actual lab setup, various stages of the lab experiment, you physically working on the lab writeup, etc. These pictures will serve as validation and verification of what you did to complete this activity as it relates to your overall grade.
Remember to answer your post-lab questions in the attached document before submitting your lab activity!!

Contamination of the environment by radioactivity (radioactive pollution) has be

Contamination of the environment by radioactivity (radioactive pollution) has become an increasing concern. Using the library resources, including online databases, students are required to find a minimum of 4-5, peer-reviewed articles that discuss radioactive contamination of the environment and its possible consequences, and write a reflection paper. The reflection paper should be comprehensive; no less than 3 pages in length, using APA format with articles appropriately referenced.