Visit the Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University. See the galleries showing N

Visit the Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University. See the galleries showing

Visit the Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University. See the galleries showing
Native American art on the second floor. For directions and information see link – Write about the gallery and art displayed.
Write a 500-word reaction paper describing your experience visiting the museum or
mural FOR EACH OPTION chosen. Include of photo of you at the museum or mural.
***If you do not live in the San Francisco Bay Area, you may choose a museum, event
or site in your location related to class content. You may also suggest a different local
art exhibition or cultural event IF IT IS RELATED to our class: cultural diversity and
visual arts.
You can use any of the photos below.

Goals and Philosophy: What are your short- and long-term professional goals? Wha

Goals and Philosophy: What are your short- and long-term professional goals? Wha

Goals and Philosophy: What are your short- and long-term professional goals? What is your artistic philosophy? Describe what satisfies you about your creative process. How does your process reflect your artistic philosophy and professional goals? Describe a problem you’ve faced in your work, and explain how you solved it.
Marketplace: Who hires for the position you seek? Who is your competition? What is the average salary of the position? (For those who are fine artists or who intend to go into business for yourselves, what is the competitive price range for your work/service? What methods are used to calculate price?) How will you promote yourself to beat the competition?
Skills and Tools: What specific skills must you have to fulfill your professional goals? What skills do you have now? What skills must you attain? How have your skills been rated thus far? What are the tools of your trade? Which tools have you mastered? How is technology changing the way your industry operates? What is required of a professional portfolio/demo reel/resume in your industry?
Networking: What journals and affiliations are prominent in your field? What is required to join the most prominent organizations associated with your industry? What are the benefits of membership? Are there annual conferences or conventions intended for networking and professional development within your field? What role do social and professional networking sites play in making connections in your industry?
The Future: Where would you like to work? Research and describe a specific employer in your industry as well as the workplace environment. Why do you want to work there? If your goal is to be self-employed, what existing business or artist might you model and why? What will make your work marketable to your chosen audience?

Read and respond to this article about the work of Professor Bob Faust.What aspect of his career stands out to you the most?

Read and respond to this article about the work of Professor Bob Faust.What aspect of his career stands out to you the most?

Read and respond to this article about the work of Professor Bob Faust. What aspect of his career stands out to you the most?

Write a 3-page essay that offers an analysis of a specific painting in their favorite painting medium.

Write a 3-page essay that offers an analysis of a specific painting in their favorite painting medium.

Students will write a 3-page essay that offers an analysis of a specific painting in their favorite painting medium.
There are two parts to this assignment. First, after reading the chapter on painting, identify your favorite medium in painting.
In 1 to 2 paragraphs, briefly discuss how it differs from other mediums and the advantages and disadvantages of using that
Next, you will select a painting in your preferred medium from an online museum to research and then discuss that painting
as you would with others.
The lesson for this unit went into depth on three approaches you can take when discussing artwork: technical, historical,
and observational. You will begin your paper with an introduction that includes identifying the approach you will take and why
you chose that approach.
Then, discuss your selected painting and its visual elements using your chosen approach. Include two other artworks that
are similar in style, era, or subject matter as your painting and discuss the similarities. Finally, end your discussion with a
question for your audience.
The body of your essay must be at least three full pages of writing. It should be 12-point, Times New Roman font. Include an
image of the painting you are discussing at the end of your written paper as Appendix A. The title page (if used), Appendix,
and reference page do not count toward the minimum page requirement.
All sources used in this assignment must have citations and references in proper APA Style. Please access the following
Artwork citation resource for assistance in formatting your references

Current reasons for iconoclasm, and the different ways that contemporary artists are responding to the loss of their and the world’s heritage.

Current reasons for iconoclasm, and the different ways that contemporary artists are responding to the loss of their and the world’s heritage.

This article looks at current reasons for iconoclasm, and the different ways that contemporary artists are responding to the loss of their and the world’s heritage.
For this assignment, read the following article and write a short essay answering all of the questions below. Your entire assignment should be about 1-1.5 pages SINGLE SPACED, 12 pt. font, about 750 words. No additional research is required. Grammar and spelling count,

In Acts of Resistance, Artists and Scholars Digitally Reconstruct the Past

Write a summary: What are the main points of the article? Focus on why art is being destroyed and who is trying to recreated it, and why.
How are the lost works being recreated? What modern technologies are being used to recreate them? How are these recreations and act of protest and resistance?
Pick one example from the article and discuss it in more detail. Why did this example catch your attention?
Can you see ways in which this article connects to the material we have been covering in class so far? Give one or two examples!

If the awareness such acts of overzealous reconstruction bring is ultimately beneficial to a site or ancient culture, is it okay?

If the awareness such acts of overzealous reconstruction bring is ultimately beneficial to a site or ancient culture, is it okay?

In this week’s lecture, we talked a bit about conservation versus reconstruction or restoration. While the former usually focuses on preserving objects and architecture as they exist to be viewed and appreciated in context, the latter runs a risk of reinterpretation or at the very least reimagining the ancient and thus creating something that doesn’t truly reflect the people who originally made them.
Still, it often seems that such heavily “restored” objects and sights capture the imaginations and interests of modern viewers, thus bringing more attention, and intimately money, to the cause of preservation and education.
Which brings us to the question of the week: If the awareness such acts of overzealous reconstruction bring is ultimately beneficial to a site or ancient culture, is it okay? Or is no amount of money and press worth the destruction of history and/or accuracy?
Don’t forget to explain your stance; don’t just say which side of the debate you stand behind.

This is an art history essay. Footnotes are included in the word count. Try to w

This is an art history essay. Footnotes are included in the word count. Try to w

This is an art history essay. Footnotes are included in the word count. Try to write within 1500 words. Write the essay sharply, and try to formulate paragraphs that engage the quotes and analyse deeply. Do consider finding some points from the reading provided by me.
1. Use the readings FROM THE COURSE as a point of departure for further research. After finding and reading at least three sources of your own, define a specific issue, question or problem raised by the image, and formulate a way to explore this issue/question/problem
2.Focus on female body, and issues related to the study of the female body. E.g Male vs Female Gaze, Body Politics, use of mirror as a extension of the body. Do refer to the readings provided to create valid and thoughtful points.
3) Write up this material in the form of an argument; the goals of your essay (what you are setting out to examine and why) should be explained at the start in the form of an introduction
4) In devising your argument, don’t forget that the visual aspects of the image should be central or at least addressed with care; in other words, your essay should include visual analysis of the image in question as an important part part of your evidence
4) Provide proper references (these should appear at the bottom of the page or at the end of the essay; NOT WITHIN THE TEXT) which substantiate your points and give credit to your sources.
5) Provide a select bibliography that includes only those sources you have actually used.
The essay must be 1,500 words in length, typed double-spaced, with proper paragraphs and footnotes and illustrated with photocopies of the images discussed in the text.

Instructions: 1. Analyze the artwork discuss how the artist addresses concepts

1. Analyze the artwork discuss how the artist addresses concepts

1. Analyze the artwork discuss how the artist addresses concepts of globalization and/or functions as an agent of change. Consider the subject and content of the work as well as matters of style. The artwork may be from any time period or geographical location. [Any artwork that depicts influence of cultural interaction/transformation/border-crossing will serve as an appropriate example]. Write a double spaced two-page analysis. Please cite any sources using CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE!
2. Chicago Notes and Bibliography at the end
3. Artwork i have chosen is: Yinka Shonibare CBE : “Flower Power”
Flower Power unravels the complex history of the fabric, from its original conception based on Indonesian design, to its introduction to the African colonies in the 19th century, and its re-appropriation as a symbol of Black power and African independence in the 1960s.
Central to the exhibition is Woman Shooting Cherry Blossom (2019), a new work by Shonibare tracing the spread of the Edwardian dress in Dutch-wax fabric around the globe, reflecting the 19th century’s globalised economy as well as the predominance of colonialism in this era. The cherry blossom shooting out of the rifle represents the postcolonial hybridisation of female identities emerging from the historical confines of Meiji Japan.
3. Please google the photo -Yinka Shonibare CBE : “Flower Power,”
I am unable to load the photo here

Paper details: Compose a 2-3 page essay on the evolution of sustainable architec

Paper details: Compose a 2-3 page essay on the evolution of sustainable architec

Paper details: Compose a 2-3 page essay on the evolution of sustainable architecture at an undergraduate level. Begin with a brief introduction outlining the current significance of sustainable architecture and its historical evolution. Discuss key principles of sustainable architecture, emphasizing energy efficiency, renewable resources, and the integration of natural elements. Explore technological innovations in materials and construction techniques, and analyze two case studies of exemplary sustainable projects. Address challenges and criticisms, such as cost implications and implementation difficulties, and consider future trends in sustainable architecture. Conclude by summarizing key points and emphasizing the ongoing importance of sustainable practices. Ensure proper citation of scholarly references in a consistent format.
Details:1 source

– 8 pages; double-spaced; 12-pt font; 1” margins (images do not count in the num

– 8 pages; double-spaced; 12-pt font; 1” margins (images do not count in the num

– 8 pages; double-spaced; 12-pt font; 1” margins (images do not count in the number of pages)
A formal analysis is a detailed descriiption of the “formal” qualities of an artwork. This exercise requires a long and sustained observation and descriiption of the art piece’s individual formal elements, such as subject, composition, pose, proportions, lines, space, texture, light and shadow, size, color, mood. A formal analysis assumes that a work of art has a meaning intended by the artist, and that this meaning can be ascertained by studying the relationships between the elements of the work. To aid in writing a formal analysis, you should think as if you were describing the work of art to someone who has never seen it before, so as to have a complete mental picture of what the work looks like. Yet, the formal analysis is more than just a descriiption of the work. It should also include a thesis statement that reflects your conclusions about the work. The thesis statement may, in general, answer a question like these: What do I think is the meaning of this work? What is the message that this work or artist sends to the viewer? What is this work all about? The thesis statement is an important element. It sets the tone for the entire paper, and sets it apart from being a merely descriiptive paper.

It is important to remember that your interest here is strictly formal; NO RESEARCH IS TO BE USED IN THIS PAPER. In other words, you are strictly relying on your ability to visually ‘read’ a work of art and make interpretations about it based on your analysis of it. Please use descriiptive language and adjectives to describe your work. Begin with a general descriiption of the work, and then move on to the more specific elements.
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Art History