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Background Informati

base on this paper that was done before

Background Information to Illustrate Why This is a Clinical Problem
Post-operative pulmonary complications are a common occurrence linked to increased rates of morbidity and mortality (Lusquinhos et al., 2023). The complications compromise both clinical and financial outcomes in healthcare settings. The incidence of pulmonary complications post-surgery ranges from 1% to 23%, depending on other influencing factors (Lusquinhos et al., 2023). Vaping is the use of e-cigarettes inhaled in the form of liquid particles and could have a negative implication on post-surgery recovery (Lusquinhos et al., 2023). The inhaled particles could interfere with the pulmonary system, causing preventable complications.
Definition of the Clinical Problem
Vaping adversely impacts lung pathophysiology and lung neoplasms because of the electronic nicotine delivery system (Famiglietti et al., 2021). Research findings indicated that a history of using an e-cigarette greatly affected COPD patients (Famiglietti et al., 2021). In asthma patients, vaping caused worsened inflammatory effects compared to non-asthmatics (Lusquinhos et al., 2021). Cigarette smoking causes delayed wound healing, inflammation, cytotoxicity, and infections, compromising the recovery process (Ashour et al., 2023). Therefore, vaping compromises the status of post-operative patients since their immunity is already compromised and causes increased admission and delayed recovery.
Population Affected and the Magnitude of the Problem
The use of vaping varies significantly among regions and age groups. Notably, it is highest among people aged 18 to 34, with all external influencing parameters like culture and geographical location regulated (Famiglietti et al., 2021). Previous research findings indicated that individuals with low education and income individuals, including those with altered family structures, had a higher exposure to vaping and its implications (Famiglietti et al., 2021). In the United States, there was a 10% escalation in the use of vaping devices among 12th-grade youth between years 2017 and 2018 (Famiglietti et al., 2021). Therefore, the adverse implications of vaping on post-operative patients are more likely to affect the young, vulnerable population.
Interventions/Strategies are Available to Address the Problem
The government authorities created legislative regulations to limit the vaping rates among people below 18 years old in the United States (Ashour et al., 2023). Population-centered awareness of the risk factors of vaping, especially those with compromised health and immunity like the post-operative patients, could lead to self-managed care and avoidance of the substance.
Reasons for Research Synthesis
The research synthesis is crucial since it gives measurable outcomes of how vaping interacts with post-operative patients within specific limits of age, gender, and culture. The synthesis findings are beneficial in creating sustainable, population-centered health promotion agendas since delayed recovery increases the disease’s financial, social, and psychological burden.
Problem in Answerable (PICOT) Question
In post-operative patients (P), how does vaping (I) compared to clear lungs (C) affect recovery time (O) within 12 months (T)?

Ashour, O., Al-Huneidy, L., & Noordeen, H. (2023). The implications of vaping on surgical wound healing: A systematic review. Surgery.
Famiglietti, A., Memoli, J. W., & Khaitan, P. G. (2021). Are electronic cigarettes and vaping effective tools for smoking cessation? Limited evidence on surgical outcomes: a narrative review. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 13(1), 384.
Lusquinhos, J., Tavares, M., Abelha, F., & Lusquinhos Sr, J. (2023). Post-operative Pulmonary Complications and Perioperative Strategies: A Systematic Review. Cureus, 15(5). doi: 10.7759/cureus.38786
now i need to do this
Describe the databases searched, search terms used, and limits used.
Describe both the inclusion and exclusion criteria for articles (they may mirror each other).
Summarize the findings of your searches (number of articles located for inclusion, types of evidence [e.g., RCTs, observational, systematic reviews, practice guidelines], sources [e.g., published, grey literature, etc.]).

The number of articles included will vary depending on the scope of the PICOT. Ideally, students should aim to include around 10 articles. If very few articles are found (<5 articles), students should consider broadening the scope of their PICOT question. Similarly, if a lot of articles are found (>20 articles), students should consider narrowing the scope of their PICOT.


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