2.1 Learning Outcomes: Recognize the overall knowledge management processes, con

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2.1 Learning Outcomes:
Recognize the overall knowledge management processes, con

2.1 Learning Outcomes:
Recognize the overall knowledge management processes, concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organization.

2.2 Action Required:
Watch the short video in the following link.

2.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Q: Differentiate between data, information, and knowledge.

2.4 Instructions
Answer the question in test your knowledge section.
Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week 2: Interactive learning Discussion)

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You can choose either format of your choice ( Apa, Mla, Havard, Chicago, or any other)

NB: We do not resell your papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you.

NB: All your data is kept safe from the public.

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