Find ways to educate others about the importance of conservation
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There are many different things that you can do to lessen your impact on the environment or to have a positive effect on the environment. Be creative and come up with your own way of making a difference. You could write letters to your senators, volunteer with the Sierra Club, spend time cleaning up the woods, set up a carpooling system or recycling system in your home or workplace, find ways to educate others about the importance of conservation, or change your lifestyle in a way not described in the categories above. Invent your own category and discuss it with me before the project starts.
Learning goals include the following:
Which everyday tasks require large inputs of energy?
Which everyday tasks do not require a lot of energy?
Simple ways to reduce energy use.
The details of what can and cannot be recycled in their community.
Simple ways to reduce garbage output.
Simple ways to reduce water consumption.
The connection between food production and energy use
Lifestyle Project Journals
You will keep track of your activities in the Lifestyle Project by recording everything in a journal
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