Critical incident about a patient with pneumonia turned cyanotic while RN attended a MET of another patient


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Critical incident about a patient with pneumonia turned cyanotic while RN attended a MET of another patient

Critical incident about a patient with pneumonia turned cyanotic while RN attended a MET of another patient, (placement in general medical ward).
Instructions: Choose a critical incident that you have experienced or observed while on professional practice. Reflect on this incident using the structured approach of Gibbs Reflection Cycle. In your analysis stage within this reflection suggest how nursing theory/theories helped or may have helped you to manage this incident. Your reflection will be written in the first person as it is your experience that you are explaining in each stage of the cycle.
Type of assessment: Individual
Length: word count 1000 words
Rationale: Reflective writing and reflective practice within nursing is an important skill to develop. Through reflection, we can make sense of the situation and understand if changes to our practice is required to improve outcomes.
Task descriiption: Choose a critical incident that you have experienced while on professional practice as a student. Reflect on this incident using the structured approach of Gibbs Reflection Cycle. Within this reflection suggest how nursing theory/theories assisted or may have assisted in managing this incident. Word count 1000 +/- 10%. Your paper must contain at least eight peer-reviewed references (maximum of four grey literature). References included in your reflection must be published after 2013. References to lecture notes are not acceptable.
Format: The following formatting are essential for assignment submissions:
Use 12-point Arial font.
Margins are to be 2.54cm from the top, bottom, and sides.
All text to be 1.5 spaced, including block quotes and citations.
No Page numbers please
No headers or footers please
Adhere to specified word count (1,000 +/- 10%)
Referencing and style APAv7
In-text referencing is included in the word count
End text referencing is not included in the word count
End reference list to be on a new page (use page break)
No coversheet please


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