Choose a website that is pertinent to your research-based technical report
Choose a website that is pertinent to your research-based technical report
The website may be a government agency, professional organization, or advocacy group
Evaluation criteria:
Purpose statement about the website evaluation
Background information on the website
Preview statement (lists the headings in your report, in order, and is the last sentence of the introduction)
Who wrote the website? Is the person or organization an authority on the topic? What are the credentials of the author or organization? Is the website biased or non-biased?
What is the goal of the website? Is the information accurate? Why was the website published?
Does the website clearly identify the audience? Who is the intended audience?
How is the website organized? How is information chunked and sequenced?
Are the hyperlinks appropriate and relevant?
Are the graphics clear, relevant, and professional looking? Do the graphics enhance the content?
Are the videos clear, relevant, and professionally produced? Do the videos enhance and add to the audience’s understanding?
Design- Discuss at least three of the following design elements to support your evaluation.
Grid patterns
White space
Font, style, and size
Color, shading, italics, bold, and underlining
Bulleted and/or numbered lists
Overall effectiveness of the website
Would you recommend this website?
Point of View
2 pages not including cover page
1st, 2nd, or 3rd person point of view as appropriate
All assignments should have an APA title page/slide and references page/slide with matching embedded citations in the artifact.
You should refer to source material from the instructional materials and use examples from pages within the website you’re evaluating or product’s website in your website evaluation or product review.
APA style requires that the majority of your research be paraphrased and summarized. It is best to paraphrase sources rather than directly quoting them because paraphrasing allows you to fit material to the context of your paper and writing style.
Use direct quotations only when:
when reproducing an exact definition
when an author has said something memorably or succinctly, or
when you want to respond to exact wording (e.g., something someone said).
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