A “notes & queries” is an assignment that allows you to connect anthropological ideas found across different chapters of our textbook.


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A “notes & queries” is an assignment that allows you to connect anthropological ideas found across different chapters of our textbook.

A “notes & queries” is an assignment that allows you to connect anthropological ideas found across different chapters of our textbook. Please consider and incorporate your instructor’s comments from the previous Notes and Queries assignment when completing this essay.
You will be choosing two (2) ideas from each and every chapter assigned for this assignment and relate each idea with another one found in a different chapter. For your “Notes & Queries #2,” please relate key concepts that you have found in Chapter 4, 5, and 6. This means you will be covering a total of six (6) ideas out of these three chapters.
The book is “Language, culture, and communication: the meaning of messages (8th edition) by Nancy Bonvillain
The assignment is like a mini essay (not a re-type of your class notes) and please cite specific chapter and page number(s) of our textbook when discussing each and every idea of your choice. Please also kindly format your citation into bold letters. For instance, a citation like (Chapter 4, Page 79) would help your instructor identify the source of your discussion. Each citation is one point of your grade. Missing information, such as chapter or page number, will be treated as the absence of a citation.
You must also connect the Harvey (2005), Ferguson (1976), and Olmen et al (2023) articles (please include at least author’s last name and specific journal page number in your citation) in your synthesis. You may relate these articles to one another or to a connection you made from textbook concepts.
Please also ask at least one question related to your discussion (hence the “queries” part of the assignment). Putting your question(s) in bold letter would greatly help your instructor identity this key element of your work; this question is one (1) point of your grade.
Format: Your “notes and queries” should follow the general format of double-space, font size 12, Times New Roman and 1-inch margins all around (Top, Bottom, Right, and Left). You do not need to include any personal or course information (as files are uploaded under your own name).
Your work should be one-page long and a reference cited page is NOT required.


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